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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Training for Environmental Risks in the Black Sea Basin
1 Constanta Maritime University, Constanța, Romania
ABSTRACT: The Potential Emergency Situations Simulator (PESS) for Constantza Maritime University (CMU) should provide training and practicing of the students or course attendants in choosing the best strategies in a given emergency situation, which is an informational high entropy, multi-tasking, fast changing environment. The simulator is used for the realistic modeling of a crisis situation and it is useful for both marine officers and emergency situation officials. The simulator will be used as an educational instrument enabling the interactive study of the different emergency situations. It has the aim of training students to efficiently react to emergency situations such as a leak from a ship/chemical plant, fire, poisonous gas emissions, or any other situations that could show a potential danger. The trainee must be provided with realistic information and the response of the model on the actions of the trainee must be in accordance with the real conditions and scientific based. It must be possible to accelerate the simulation speed without loss of information or functionalities. The input of the external weather conditions is a must, as well as the trainee-oriented graphic interface. It must be possible to change the chemical and physical properties and characteristics of the different polluting agents. The simulator is also used to evaluate the best strategies to be followed in an ongoing crisis. In order to fulfill this aim, the simulation must have the capability to receive data from various sensors, transducers and servers. The courses are designed to accommodate up to six course participants. Each course includes course material such as course manuals and other documents. The courses include hands-on experience with simulator operations and maintenance. To help the start up of the simulated emergency situations training at Constantza Maritime University, we have made a manual which includes some well-designed exercises with scenarios, initial conditions and relevant documentation. The exercise documentation includes the exercise objectives, exercise guidance, instructor guidance, expected results and all other information to make the exercise successful for an inexperienced instructor.
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Citation note:
Panaitescu F.V., Panaitescu M., Voicu I., Panaitescu I.I.: Training for Environmental Risks in the Black Sea Basin. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 8, No. 2, doi:10.12716/1001.08.02.05, pp. 205-209, 2014
Authors in other databases:
I. Voicu:
I.I. Panaitescu:

Other publications of authors:

F.V. Panaitescu, M. Panaitescu, V.A. Panaitescu, L. Martes
M. Panaitescu, F.V. Panaitescu, M.V. Dumitrescu, V.N. Panaitescu

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