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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4

Adam Weintrit, Full Professor, DSc, PhD, FRIN, FNI, Master Mariner, Rector of the Gdynia Maritime University, Poland (since 2020), Dean of the Faculty of Navigation (2008-2016), Head of Navigational Department (2003-2017, 2019-2020). Many years he was also a Head of Electronic Navigational Charts and ECDIS Simulator (1996-2010).
He has got M.Sc degree from Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation (1985), DSc and PhD degree (1992) and habilitation degree (2004) from Warsaw Technical University, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography. He has over 35 years’ experience in teaching and research works in the field of maritime navigation, sea transport, telematics, geomatics, hydrography, cartography, geodesy and safety at sea. He has been involved in national projects founded by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research, National Science Centre, the National Centre for Research and Development, a several local projects founded by GMU and has also co-operated in few international projects, including European Union projects and 4 grants of IAMU founded by Nippon Foundation (including two as a project leader).
He has published more than 300 reports and papers in journals and conference proceedings. He is the author of 18 books on navigation, including 5 handbooks on ECDIS and electronic charts and co-editor of 18 monographs. He has many times been a member of the scientific, program and organising committees of international and national conferences and symposiums.
He has spent several years at sea serving as deck officer on merchant vessel (Polish Tall Ships “Dar Pomorza” and „Dar Mlodziezy”, Polish Ocean Lines, Gdynia; Torvald Klaveness, Oslo; Ship Management Transport, Limassol; Stephenson Clarke Shipping Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Norddeutche Reederei, Hamburg; Griffin Shipping (Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong; Unicorn Lines (Pty) Ltd, Durban). He has got Master Mariner licence (1999).
He is a member of many professional associations, societies, institutes and boards; he is the Fellow of The Royal Institute of Navigation (London), the Fellow of Nautical Institute (London) - since 2005 Chairman of Polish Branch; member of Polish Navigation Forum (Gdynia), member of Polish Safety and Reliability Association, member of Polish Cartographer Society, member of MENSA-Poland and member of Executive Committee of Polish Navigation Forum, member of the Polish Nautological Society, Gdynia. He is a member of Transport Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2000 he represents Poland at STW, NAV, NCSR and HTW Sub-Committees of International Maritime Organization (IMO). He is a member of Polish section NCSR (formerly NAV) and HTS (formerly STW) Sub-Committees of IMO. He has co-operated with Gdynia Maritime Office in implementation of STCW Convention. He is international expert in electronic navigational charts. He was a member of many IMO working groups of experts: on radars, navigation-related information, ECDIS, INS/IBS, e-Navigation and IMO/IHO HGDM. He represents Gdynia Maritime University in the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), Member of International Executive Board IEB (since 2020), Chairman of Academic Affairs Committee AAC (since 2020). Co-founder and Chairman of the International Conference TransNav on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation organized jointly by the Faculty of Navigation, GMU and the Nautical Institute (http://transnav.am.gdynia.pl). Since 2007 Founder and Editor-in-Chief of TransNav, The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation (http://www.transnav.eu). Associate Editor and Member of Editorial Advisory Board of The Journal of Navigation, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Maritime Safety and Environment Affairs (JIMSEA), The Seoul International Maritime Forum (SIMF) Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) of the Republic of Korea; Member of the Editorial Board of the WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, World Maritime University, Malmoe, Sweden; Member of International Scientific Advisory Board, Pomorstvo, Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of Maritime Research, University of Rijeka, Croatia; Honorary Distinguished Adviser and Member of the International Maritime Scientific Board of Reviewers of the IAMURE-MAAP International Maritime Research Journal, Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP), Kamaya Point, the Philippines.
Concentration in: Marine Navigation, Safety at Sea, Marine Cartography, Marine Geodesy, Hydrography, Sea Transportation, Telecommunication, Accuracy Standards, Route Planning, Route Monitoring, Navigational Charts, Data Updating, Aids to Navigation, PNT, Radar/ARPA, AIS, VDR, GPS/GNSS, GIS, Geomatics, ECS/ECDIS, Electronic Navigational Charts, Marine Cartography, Marine Geodesy, Hydrography, INS/IBS, Navigational Simulators, Full Mission Bridge, e-Navigation, International Performance Standards, STCW, VTS, Inland Navigation, Sea-River Navigation, River Information Services, Transport Telematics, Sea Transport Infrastructure, Offshore Engineering, Maritime Boundary Delimitation, UNCLOS, Ocean Science.