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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Smart System to Coordination of the Available Response Resources in an Oil Spill Leakage
1 Constanta Maritime University, Constanța, Romania
Times cited (SCOPUS): 2
ABSTRACT: A smart solution for assessing the consequences of pollution on the coast, on flora and fauna but also by accounting for the total costs of the equipment used in the response to pollution is a system for assessing, coordinating and simulating the risk situation with the help of a mathematical model implemented on a simulator. The mathematical model for the simulation of the event of pollution is the latest generation and take into account all the meteorological factors of the sea and air, as well as all the physico-chemical parameters of the substances involved (dispersion, surface tension). The simulator is used for the realistic modeling of a crisis situation and it is useful for both marine officers and emergency situation officials. The simulator will be used as an educational instrument enabling the interactive study of the different emergency situations. In this paper we present the simulation of incident and the creation of response resources. The scenario incident is for KAPTAN M cruise ship that left the tourist port of TOMIS Constanta, Romania, having on board 20 passengers and a number of 15 crew members, and which collided with the oil ship EVIA Oil FIVE, having on board the quantity of 4200 MT crude oil. As a result of the collision, the passenger ship suffered a breach (water hole), on the starboard board, breach by which the ship began to ambarce sea water and in the car compartment a fire was produced. Containment and recovery of an oil spill during the exercise will be simulated through activation and control of response resources. The resources involved in the operations are divided into: platforms, equipment and personnel. The results of simulation is the list of response resources specified in the scenario together with their parameters, which can be exported into a text file. With this simulation tools you can efficiently appreciate the cost of resources in due time, avoiding material and human damage.
Panaitescu, F.V., Panaitescu, M., Traning pentru evaluarea, controlul si simularea unor situatii de criza pe simulatorul PISCES II, 2009, Vol. ACVADEPOL, 2009, ISSN 2066 – 5962, Mamaia, Romania.
Panaitescu, F.V., Panaitescu, M., Training on simulator for emergency situations in the Black Sea. [in:] A. Weintrit (ed.), Advances in Marine Navigation. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, CRC Press, Balkema, pp. 127-130, 2013. - doi:10.1201/b14961-24
Dumitrescu G.L, Voicu I., Panaitescu F.V., Panaitescu M. The evolution of an accidental release of oil, near BURGAS, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment Year 2015, Vol.2, ISSN 1844-6116
*** What’s new in PISCES II-2.90?, TRANSAS LIMITED, IRELAND, 2007
***, Judgment No. 893/2006 for amendment of government Decision No. 1.593/2002 on the approval of the National Plan for preparedness, response and cooperation in the case of marine pollution with hydrocarbons ( Hotărârea nr. 893/2006 pentru modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1.593/2002 privind aprobarea Planului național de pregătire, răspuns și cooperare în caz de poluare marină cu hidrocarburi)
Citation note:
Panaitescu M., Panaitescu F.V.: Smart System to Coordination of the Available Response Resources in an Oil Spill Leakage. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 13, No. 1, doi:10.12716/1001.13.01.21, pp. 205-212, 2019
Authors in other databases:

Other publications of authors:

F.V. Panaitescu, M. Panaitescu, I. Voicu, I.I. Panaitescu
F.V. Panaitescu, M. Panaitescu, V.A. Panaitescu, L. Martes
M. Panaitescu, F.V. Panaitescu, M.V. Dumitrescu, V.N. Panaitescu

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