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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Advanced Maritime Technologies to Support Manoeuvring in Case of Emergencies - a Contribution to E-navigation Development
1 World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
2 Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design, Wismar, Germany
3 SSPA Sweden AB, Göteborg, Sweden
ABSTRACT: Safe ship handling in every situation and under all prevailing circumstances of ship status and the environment is a core element contributing to the safety of the maritime transportation system. Especially in case of emergencies, there is a need for quick and reliable information to safely manoeuvre a ship e.g. to quickly return to the position of a Person-overboard (PoB) accident. Within this paper investigations into onboard manoeuvring support for Person-overboard accidents will be presented. Based on the analysis of selected accident case studies and existing solutions representing the technical state-of-the-art, shortcomings will be identified and discussed and a potential approach for advanced manoeuvring support in the context of e-Navigation based requirements will be introduced and discussed.
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Benedict, K., Baldauf, M., Fischer, S., Gluch, M., Kirchhoff, M. (2009) Manoeuvring Prediction Display for Effective Ship Operation On-Board Ships and for Training in Ship Handling Simulators. IAMU 10th Assembly & Conference 2009 St. Petersburg / Russia at AMSMA, 19-21 September, 2009
Benedict, K.; Hilgert, H. 1986a. Returning a ship in the case of person overboard accidents. Part 1 (in German) HANSA, Hamburg, 1986.
Benedict, K.; Hilgert, H. 1986b. Optimising man-overboard manoeuvres. 15th Conference of Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamic Centre, Varna, Proceedings Vol. 1, 1986
IMO 2007. Revised performance standards for integrated navigation systems (INS). MSC.252(83). London: International Maritime Organization.
IMO 2009. Development of Model Procedure for Executing shipboard Emergency Measures. STW 41/12/3. London: International Maritime Organization.
Lloyd, M. 2007a. Man overboard. 1:Peparation. Seaways (2007) April, pp. 22-24
Lloyd, M. 2007b. Man overboard. 2:Executing the plan. Seaways (2007) May, pp. 27-28
Jutrovic, I. 2010. Man overboard. Seaways (2010) February, pp.3-4
Weintrit, A. 2003. Voyage recording in ECDIS. Shipborne simplified version of Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs) for existing cargo ships based on potential of ECDIS, 11th IAIN World Congress ‘Smart Navigation – Systems and Services’, Berlin, 21-24 October.
Citation note:
Baldauf M., Klaes S., Schröder-Hinrichs J.-U., Benedict K., Fischer S., Wilske E.: Advanced Maritime Technologies to Support Manoeuvring in Case of Emergencies - a Contribution to E-navigation Development. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 141-148, 2011
Authors in other databases:
Sebastian Klaes:
Jens Uwe Schröder-Hinrichs:
Knud Benedict:
Sandro Fischer:
Erland Wilske:

Other publications of authors:

M. Baldauf, R. Baumler, A. Ölçer, T. Nakazawa, K. Benedict, S. Fischer, M. Schaub
K. Benedict, M. Kirchhoff, M. Gluch, S. Fischer, M. Schaub, M. Baldauf, S. Klaes
A. Kataria, E.H. Holder, G.P. Praetorius, M. Baldauf, J.-U. Schröder-Hinrichs
K. Benedict, M. Kirchhoff, M. Gluch, S. Fischer, M. Schaub, M. Baldauf
M. Baldauf, S. Fischer, M. Kitada, R.A. Mehdi, M.A. Al-Quhali, M. Fiorini

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