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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Safety of Navigation on the Approaches to the Ports of the Republic of Poland on the Basis of the Radar System on the Aerostat Platform
1 Institute of Aviation, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: The report depicts technical and organizational possibilities with an aim to increase situational awareness and sea travel safety on the entry to Polish seaports on the base of the dedicated radar system on the aerostat platform. The radar system based on the aerostat can work at the altitude of 3,000 meters, which allows detecting sea vessels and low level flying aircrafts in the range of 150 nm and more. The aerostat based in Siemirowice gives opportunities to monitor movements of sea vessels all over the South Baltic Sea, starting with the Lithuanian seaside with Klaipeda seaport in the east where the sea enters Zatoka Gda?ska and Tr?jmiasto seaports, movements along the whole Polish seaside up to Sund Straid near Copenhagen and sea routes all along south Swedish coast. On those bases, it is possible to observe movements of sea transports of special interest including Maersk?s big container vessels and gas delivering vessels to Lithuania and to ?winouj?cie. The proposed radar system is using solutions of towed aerostats tested in working conditions which are exploited by the United States of America to monitor its border with Mexico and to observe movements of sea vessels and low flying aircrafts around Florida Peninsula and Puerto Rico islands on the Caribbean. The radar systems used by the USA are depicted with organizational rules of their exploitation. Advantages and these advantages of such a radar system were depicted and some information about dangers related to aerostat?s exploitation is also provided. Additional possibilities of using the radar system based on the aerostat are depicted in the role of a new and important part of the country?s defense system.
Khoury G.A., Gillett J.D. Airship Technology. Cambridge 2000, - 545 p. ISBN 0-521-43074-7
SZAFRAN K. - Platforma balonowa jako uniwersalny nosiciel systemów obserwacyjnych. Instytut Lotnictwa, BP-3/45/99. 1999, 113 str.
SZAFRAN K. – Bezpilotowe stanowisko obserwacji przestrzennej. Instytut Lotnictwa,BP-3/32/98. 1998,77 str.
SZAFRAN K.& zespół – Projekt techniczny, Platforma balonowa jako uniwersalny nosiciel systemów obser- wacyjnych. Instytut Lotnictwa, BP-3/39/00. 2000, 50 str.
Zdrojewski W., Szafran K. – Platforma balonowa I-26. Nosiciel systemów obserwacyjnych. Instytut Lotnictwa, I-26/26/BP/2002, 49 str.
US Customs and Border Protection’s Unmanned Aircraft System Program Does Not Achieve Intended Results or Recognize All Costs of Operation, US Homeland Security Office of Inspector General, OIG-15-17, 2014.
Citation note:
Szafran K., Kramarski I.: Safety of Navigation on the Approaches to the Ports of the Republic of Poland on the Basis of the Radar System on the Aerostat Platform. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 9, No. 1, doi:10.12716/1001.09.01.16, pp. 129-134, 2015

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