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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4
ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)
Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann
Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Repository of Data on Epidemic Situations on Sea Vessels
1 Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
2 Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Berlin, Germany
3 IDEC SA, Piraeus, Greece
4 Spinaker d. o.o., Portoroz, Slovenia
5 Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland
6 Technical University of Catalonia, Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
7 Centre for Factories of the Future Ltd, Coventry, United Kingdom
8 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Medical Academy in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2 Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Berlin, Germany
3 IDEC SA, Piraeus, Greece
4 Spinaker d. o.o., Portoroz, Slovenia
5 Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland
6 Technical University of Catalonia, Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
7 Centre for Factories of the Future Ltd, Coventry, United Kingdom
8 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Medical Academy in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: This article is an introduction to the DESSEV (DEcision Support System regarding the risk of Epidemic threats on a sea-going Vessel) project implemented as part of the Erasmus+ partnership under the leadership of the Maritime University of Szczecin. This project consists of three elements: a data repository, a rule base and a decision support system. Due to the schedule of works in the project, only the first of them was presented. The next ones will be described in subsequent publications at various international conferences. The idea of the project naturally resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, but other infectious outbreaks may also occur on sea vessels, posing a threat to the ship's crew and passengers (passenger transport). The existing legal regulations, available knowledge or training do not sufficiently address the problem of the epidemic on the state. Therefore, it was decided to introduce a novelty - a decision support system, which is designed to facilitate taking the right steps in the event of an infectious disease on a seagoing vessel.
KEYWORDS: Decision Support System (DSS), Seagoing Ship, Decision Support, Pandemic, COVID-19 Pandemic, COVID-19 Era, Pandemic Conditions, Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic
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Citation note:
Bodus-Olkowska I., Garczyńska I., Lisaj A., Mąka M., Dramski M., Chronopoulos A., Gregorič T., Koivisto H., de Melo Rodríguez G., Ziarati R., Filipiak K.: Repository of Data on Epidemic Situations on Sea Vessels. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 18, No. 1, doi:10.12716/1001.18.01.12, pp. 133-137, 2024
Authors in other databases:
Izabela Bodus-Olkowska:

Ilona Garczyńska:

Andrzej Lisaj:

Mariusz Dramski:

Aris Chronopoulos:

Tomaž Gregorič:

Heikki Koivisto:

Germán de Melo Rodríguez:

Reza Ziarati: