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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Optimization оf Port of “Novi Sad” for the Acceptance of River-Sea Vessels
1 Military Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
ABSTRACT: Ports and wharves are essential parts of the infrastructure that enable the transport of goods on inland waterways. Integrating the network of inland waterways and land modes of transport, the ports are the main hubs of the transport network, they encourage economic activities and enable the development of the region. The port of "Novi Sad" is located on the left bank of the Danube River, river km 1254, and is open to international traffic. This is an exceptional location where water corridor (VII) and Pan-European Corridor X intersect and form a hub for international communication and transport. Novi Sad port’s location strength is not only of a geographical nature, it also has excellent transport links as it is only 0.3 km from the railway junction of Corridor X and 3 km from the land Corridor X. The development of the port of "Novi Sad" would be related to the growth of it’s industry in the background. Considering the favorable geographical position and the growing economic activity, especially in the trade exchange with the countries that are in the Black Sea basin, the port of "Novi Sad" could achieve the status of a river-sea port in addition to it’s international status. In accordance with the Water Transport Development Strategy of Republic of Serbia, the port of "Novi Sad" could be developed to the extent that it becomes competitive on the market and provides transboatment and storage services in accordance to the world standards.
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European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN), Inland Transportation Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe, 1996
Network Statement, "Infrastructure of the Railways of Serbia" a.d., 2017
Petronijević, B., Logistics & Transport, vol. 15, no. 87, 2020.
Popa, A. & Petrisor, A.: The role of ports in developing Danube cities: perspectives and future possibilities. Present Environment and Sustainable Development. 2. 113-126. doi:10.47743/pesd2022162009, 2022 - doi:10.47743/pesd2022162009
Rosić S.: Navigation on inland waterways, Odbrana Media Center, 2010
Water transport development strategy of the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025, "Official Gazette of RS", number 3 of 14, 2014.
Citation note:
Šoškić S., Kresojević M., Slavkovic N., Serif B.: Optimization оf Port of “Novi Sad” for the Acceptance of River-Sea Vessels. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 18, No. 2, doi:10.12716/1001.18.02.25, pp. 455-460, 2024
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