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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
GNSS for an Aviation Analysis Based on EUPOS and GNSS/EGNOS Collocated Stations in PWSZ CHELM
1 The State School of Higher Education, Chelm, Poland
2 Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: Under the umbrella of PWSZ Chelm, taking account of future implementation of navigation using EUPOS and GNSS based on EGNOS several planned actions were carried out in the 2005-2006. The actions in particular contribute to: 1. ICAO and EGNOS requirements and coverage area (Chelm Town located near Polish-Ukrainian border is also at the east border of planned EGNOS coverage for ECAC states). 2. Preparatory activities to establishing the EUPOS station in PWSZ Chelm. Cooperation of PWSZ Chelm and ULC (Polish Aviation Regulator) in the frame of conventional NAV aids use and GNSS implementation in aviation. 3. Analysis of ICAO requirements and methods of testing SIS (Signal In Space) needed to certify GNSS in Poland for use for an aviation. 4. Preparatory activities to establishing the EGNOS SIS monitoring station based on EUROCONTROL Pegasus software and GNSS/EGNOS receiver Septentrio PolaRx2e. 5. Analysis of methods for exchange of information between EUPOS and EGNOS SIS station to initiate the application of satellite positioning systems to air navigation in Poland. The project EUPOS is a European initiative aiming at establishment of a uniform DGNSS (Differential Global Navigation Satellite System) basis infrastructures in Central and Eastern European countries including Chelm Town where PWSZ is localized playing vital role in GIS/GNSS implementation in the region and Polish aviation.
Raport z 16-stej plenarnej sesji ICAO AWOP, AWOP/16-WP/756, 04.1997.
ICAO Załącznik 10 Tom 1 Pomoce Radionawigacyjne.
„Required Navigation Performance (RNP) for Precision Approach and Landing with GNSS Application” R.J. Kelly i J.M. Davis, NAVIGATION - Vol.41, No.1, 1944.
ICAO Załącznik 10 Tom 1 Pomoce Radionawigacyjne – Rozdział 3 Warunki Techniczne dla pomocy Radionawigacyjnych.
ICAO Załącznik 10 Tom 1 Pomoce Radionawigacyjne – Rozdział 3 Warunki Techniczne dla Pomocy Radionawigacyjnych Tabela
Dokumentacja Septentrio: PolaRx2/2e User Manual.
Citation note:
Fellner A., Ćwiklak J., Jafernik H., Tróminski P., Zając J., Banaszek K.: GNSS for an Aviation Analysis Based on EUPOS and GNSS/EGNOS Collocated Stations in PWSZ CHELM. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 351-356, 2008
Authors in other databases:
Andrzej Fellner: Scopus icon53867812700
Janusz Ćwiklak:
Henryk Jafernik:
Paweł Tróminski:
Józef Zając:
Krzysztof Banaszek:

Other publications of authors:

M. Grzegorzewski, J. Ćwiklak, H. Jafernik, A. Fellner

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