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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Comparison of the Calculated Wind Loads to the Power Generated by the Main Propulsion and Thrusters of the Ship with the Results of Simulation Tests
1 Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: One of the main factors affecting the safe port maneuvers by ships is wind, which directly affects the ship's movement. The article presents a comparison of calculated wind loads to the power generated by thrusters and the main propulsion of the ship with the results of simulation tests in order to determine the safe wind force limits allowing safe port maneuvers with a particular ship model.
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TRANSAS Marine, NaviSailor 5000 Professional.
Weintrit, A., Neumann, T.: Safety of Marine Transport, Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 9-10, 2015
Port Gdynia,
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Citation note:
Formela K.: Comparison of the Calculated Wind Loads to the Power Generated by the Main Propulsion and Thrusters of the Ship with the Results of Simulation Tests. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 12, No. 2, doi:10.12716/1001.12.02.12, pp. 315-319, 2018
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