From all data described above, it was assumed that
knowledge of number of days of delay is particularly
useful in planning time of vessel departure.
Therefore, in addition to discrete results (Table 2),
continuous relationship graph was developed for
probability of not exceeding number of days of delay
ensuring avoidance of the need vessel to move back
due to retreat of the forehead of ice-free transit
corridor or the need vessel to return from general
direction of releasing seas from ice (Figure 4). This
graph also shows curve of "raw" delay values
obtained on basis of ice maps (NATICE 2018)
analysis. From "raw" data chart, there is lack of data
below 17 days and fairly even increase in delay. For
this reason, median number of days of delay ensuring
no need to move vessel back was 48 days and was
comparable to an average of 44.7 days (Figure 4). It
should be noted that such relationships have shown
all studied factors (Table 2). It was assumed that for
purposes of vessel voyage planning function of
cumulative distribution of number of days of delay
(not exceeding number of days of delay) should be
Economic efficiency of vessel's planned voyage
through the NSR is influenced by correct
determination of date of departure. To do this,
statistical relationships should be used. One such
relationship is probability of an ice-free zone along
whole or along western or eastern parts of the
Northern Sea Route to designated day of the year in
summer navigation season. Second relationship is
probability of surrounding vessel by retreating
forehead of ice-free transit corridor. In order to avoid
vessel beset in ice moving in opposite direction to
general direction of opening of the NSR, vessel must
move in directions opposite to general direction of
expected opening of transit corridor (proceed same
direction and speed as forehead). This results in a loss
of time, increasing length of voyage, increasing fuel
consumption and thus deteriorating economic results
of planned voyage.
Diagrams received as a result of the study can be
used to support decision making. They are not
intended to replace the human factor in making
decisions. The decision maker (shipmaster or planner
in the office) makes long-term decisions on date of
beginning of voyage of vessel based on his own
knowledge, experience and ice navigation conditions
expected to be in current summer navigation season.
Proposed decision making method is multi-
criteria. Decision criteria are date of beginning of
voyage (the earlier date, the higher probability of
completing voyage before beginning of ice cover
growth and closing transit route on the NSR),
probability of existence of ice-free transit corridor for
the entire NSR (and at the same time the risk of
incurring additional costs of icebreaker services, the
cost of waiting time for ice conditions improvement,
the cost of damage to the hull, propulsion system or
steering system), date of opening and date of closing
of the transit corridor for ice-free (open water)
navigation, delay in distance and time of vessel's
position relative to the forehead of transit corridor
through ice at the beginning of summer navigation
Tabular results taking into account discrete
changes in statistical data, such as average value and
standard deviation, do not fully represent changes in
occurring phenomena. Median, first and third quartile
values are better representing boundaries of data
series. Thus, they will be conducive to effective
planning of date of beginning of vessel's voyage
through the Northern Sea Route. More precise and
flexible than discrete relationships will be use of
cumulative distribution function or lines
approximating "raw" statistical data. With their help,
it could be smoothly determined number of days and
distance of movement of vessel behind the forehead
of ice-free transit corridor released from ice at
beginning of summer navigation season, together
with probability of having to stop or turn back from
the general direction of designated route.
Dependencies presented in this way can be used to
plan date of commence and completion of vessel
voyage, taking into account probability of an ice-free
zone leading through the whole NSR or selected part
of the NSR with probability of having to stop or turn
back from the general direction of designated route.
Probabilistic approach to determining time of
beginning of vessel’s voyage should minimize risk of
increasing length of intended route, risk of increasing
voyage time and risk of damage to vessel’s hull,
propeller or steering gear. Therefore, economic
efficiency of maritime transport in high latitudes
should be increased.
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