Navigation of Arctic waters has always been
challenging. Large-scale maritime disasters, such as
the Titanic and Exxon Valdez incidents have shown
with all clarity the enormous consequences in terms
of loss of human life and environmental damage if
things go wrong in the harsh conditions in the Arctic.
During the last decades climate change has
improved conditions for maritime navigation and
exploitation of natural resources in the Arctic and has
consequently led to increased sea-based activity in the
area, such as transportation, fishing and tourism to
name a few. Increased maritime activities in
Greenlandic waters and in the region as such have
an impact on safety at sea and the risk of accidents,
for example with tourist vessels. Even through
climate change might lead to improved conditions for
navigation, the Arctic still is a difficult and dangerous
maritime environment to navigate in. And not all
maritime actors seem to be fully aware of the risks at
hand and prepared accordingly. Furthermore, a
situation as the Costa Concordia incident would most
likely have far more serious consequences in
Greenland than it had in Italy. The activity of cruise
ships in Greenlandic waters and in the Arctic in
general has considerably increased in recent years,
which leads to considerations on how to prevent
potential disasters and how to react if things go
One way to approach the situation is to create
specific legislation to limit the risks and to ensure safe
navigation. Since the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989
there has been intense work in the International
Maritime Organizations Safety Committee on creating
specific guidelines for safe navigation in the Arctic. In
2002 the Maritime Safety Committee under IMO
approved the Guidelines for Ship Operation in Arctic
Polar Waters. However, the guidelines were not
mandatory, but only recommendations (Engtrø et all.
Safe Navigation of Cruise Ships in Greenlandic Waters -
Legal Frame and Practical Challenges
H.B. Rasmussen
University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark
B. Feldtmann
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
ABSTRACT: Climate change provides for improved conditions for maritime navigation and results in increased
activity in the Arctic. Those increased activities influence the safety at sea and risk of accidents. A disaster as
the Costa Concordia incident would have far more serious consequences in Greenlandic waters than it had in
Italy, therefore the question of prevention and disaster-preparedness is crucial. One approach to avoid risks is
to create specific legislation. The legal system guiding safe navigation of cruise ships in/around Greenlandic
waters is complex: the legal regime for navigation is set in different general and specific international, regional
and national legal acts, partly non-binding, therefore issues of effectiveness arise. Safety is also influenced by
practical issues, e.g. the lack of sufficient nautical charts for Greenlandic waters and “preparedness” at land to
handle potential disasters, such as the SAR-system and preparedness of different actors, for example hospitals.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportat
Volume 14
Number 1
March 2020
2018, Jensen 2016). Drafting recommendations instead
of binding legal rules lead to the inherit question of
effectiveness of the regulation at hand. I 2007 cruise
ship “MV Explorer” came in distress and sank in
Antarctic waters with 100 passengers and 54 members
of crew onboard. All were rescued, but this incident
resulted in an intensified focus on safe navigation in
polar waters and put pressure on IMO to act. I 2009
the IMO has approved new guidelines on the issue,
which were not mandatory. I 2010 the IMO started to
work on the Polar Code, which became effective on
01.01.2017 (Engtrø et all. 2018, Jensen 2016). The aim
of the Polar Code is limiting risks by setting a legal
frame for safe ship operation and environmental
protection in the Arctic and Antarctic by primarily
binding regulation (Østergaard/Frier 2016). The
question at the core of this article is to what extent the
legal frame work for safe navigation in the Arctic
waters can improve and secure the safety of cruise
ships. One side of improving safe navigation in
Greenlandic waters is an efficient legal frame work,
however, another side of the medal are practical
issues, such as sufficient nautical charts and the
preparedness on land (and at sea) if things go wrong.
This article is dealing with safety and disaster
prevention issues connected to the increased
navigation of cruise ships in Greenlandic waters. In
this context, both the legal frame work will be briefly
presented as well as practical challenges for safe
navigation of cruise ships in Greenlandic waters.
Safety plays an important role in maritime industry
and there has consequently been focus on safety
issues for many years. The same goes for the research.
The roots of safety research derive from the 19
century. In the beginning the focus was on technical
improvement of equipment, for example with view to
preventing explosions and structures from collapsing.
(Hale & Hovden 1998). In the 1960’ies and 1970’ies the
focus in research has been on the development of
probabilistic risk analysis and on the human factor
and human error, as well as on the development of
accidents models like the so-called Swiss cheese
model (Reason, 1997). Major disasters as Chernobyl in
1986, Challenger in 1986, Piper Alpha in 1988 and
Exxon Valdez in 1989 has, however, changed focus on
management systems, procedures and organizational
factors. The focus increased on safety management
systems (SMS), safety culture and safety climate.
There are different definitions of SMS. One definition
comes from the Civil Aviation Authority, which
defines SMS as following:
“SMS is an organised approach to managing safety,
including the necessary organisational structures,
accountabilities, policies and procedures. It is more than a
manual and a set of procedures and requires safety
management to be integrated into the day to day activities
of the organisation. It requires the development of an
organisational culture that reflects the safety policy and
objectives” (Civil Aviation Authority).
The shipping industry has adopted the idea of
SMS with the introduction of The International
Management Code for Safe Operation of Ships and
for Pollution Prevention called also IMS Code in 1998.
The IMS Code obligates the shipping companies to
formulate SMS, taking into account existing risks in
shipping operations and guideline the seafarers to
conduct their work safely though the procedures in
SMS. Regulation and procedures have been seen as an
effective way to prevent accidents, however in recent
times there has been focus on negative sides of
procedures as possibility to undermine good
seamanship and to increase bureaucracy (Knudsen
2009, DMAIB 2016, Oltedal 2011). The focus on safety
culture and SMS is still intense, but the complexity of
the systems makes the prevention of accidents more
complex where SMS and safety concepts are not able
to explain all mechanisms in the organisation. In the
further development of the theoretical framework the
focus is on coping with complexity of systems in
accident prevention. The newest tend, which deals
with this area is resilience. Resilience is defined as
follows: “the ability of a system or an organisation to
react to and recover from disturbances at an early
stage, with minimal effect on the dynamic stability.
The challenges to system safety come from instability,
and resilience engineering is an expression of the
methods and principles that prevent this taking
place” (Hollnagel, Woods & Levson, 2006). The
resilience theoretical framework also developed
accident models, which include dynamic models,
such as Rasmussen’s model (1997), and the safe
envelope concept (Hale & Borys 2013). One of the
useful concept in the newer theoretical approach are
the concepts of Work-as-imagine (WAI) and Work-as-
done (WAD), which origin from the Francophone
tradition and “acknowledged the difference between
tâche and activité. Roughly translated, this is the
difference between a (prescribed) task, or what is to
be done, and the (actual) activity, or what is
done“(Dekker, 2017). The concept emphasis how
rules and regulations produced by people, who are
not involved in actually performing the job,
sometimes are drawn up in a way, which makes it
difficult for the people at the “sharp end” to meet the
demands and live up to the intention. WAI “refers to
the various assumptions, explicit or implicit, that
people have about how work should be done. WAD
refers to (descriptions of) how something is actually
done, either in a specific case or routinely”. (Hollnagel
2017). WAI and WAD are useful concepts in exploring
the legal frame work for safe navigation in arctic
waters and challenges in real life.
The study uses the qualitative methods and combines
the traditional dogmatic legal method with sociology.
Thus, the data consists of legislation and regulation
on different levels, legal literature, documents and
interviews. The legal frame work consists of the
international (for example UNCLOS), regional (for
example Polar Code) and national level (specific
Greenlandic regulations). The interviews have been
collected during the period from February 2017 until
August 2017. The interviews were mostly conducted
as face-to-face expect one which was conducted by
telephone. The interviews lasted between 60-90
minutes interviews. Some of interviews were
conducted as individual and some as two personas’
interviews. The respondents of interviews were
maritime stakeholders and shipping companies both
in Denmark and Greenland. All interviews were
recoded and analyzed with help of Nvivo 11.
4.1 UNCLOS and other regulation
The legal regime for navigation of the oceans is set
out in a number of international regulations (it its
sum often called the law of the sea) with the UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the
central set of rules as the backbone. UNCLOS is often
described as a constitution of the oceans, however, it
is questionable, what that actually means in more
practical terms (Feldtmann/Siig, 2018). The aim of
UNCLOS is to provide comprehensive regulation of
the governing of the oceans in general and more in
particular to regulate central issues connected to the
ocean such as the issue of free navigation, the
distribution and use of resources, the rights and
duties of coastal, flag and other states. Not all states
are party to UNCLOS, however, it can be argued that
the main principles of UNCLOS are widely accepted
and regarded as customary international law.
Concerning the issue of cruise ships and save
navigation in arctic waters, UNCLOS has little specific
to offer. UNCLOS is more relevant on a general level,
distributing powers and obligations in connection
with the use and governance of the oceans. One major
principle at the core of UNCLOS is the freedom of
navigation. This means, beyond other things, that
limitations of and setting rules for navigation must be
justified by other important reasons such as the safety
at sea or the protection of the environment. Thus, a
number of specific regulations set out rules for safe
navigation, for example with view to the construction
of vessels and equipment etc. as regulated in
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
Another crucial issue regulated by the
international law of the sea is the Search and Rescue
System (SAR). This topic is only party addressed by
UNCLOS and more specific regulated by other
international law, in particular the International
Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR
Convention). The SAR Convention is supplementing
the general obligation of ships to render assistance to
vessels in distress, which is a deeply rooted maritime
tradition but also codified in a number of
international treaties. Before the SAR Convention,
however, there was no specific international legal
system covering search and rescue operations and the
underlying SAR-system on land. The central elements
of the SAR Convention are the establishment of SAR-
zones and rescue co-ordination centers and
subcenters, as well as specific duties and rights of
coastal states (responsible state for a given SAR zone)
in connection preparedness and distress situations.
The polar states USA, Canada, Denmark, Iceland,
Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia (also called the
“Arctic 8”) have in 2011 agreed on the Arctic Search
and Rescue Agreement (Agreement on Cooperation
on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue
in the Arctic) which establishes the SAR zones of
each state party. The Greenlandic SAR-zone, which as
the other SAR-zones in the Arctic covers a huge area
is, managed by the JRCC Greenland in Nuuk.
4.2 Polar Code
Polar Code has been, as mentioned above, developed
to supplement already existing IMO instruments, in
particular SOLAS and MARPOL, with aim to increase
safe ship operation and the protection of polar
environment. The Code consists of an introduction,
part I and part II The Introduction contains
mandatory provisions applicable to both parts I and
II. Part I is subdivided into part I-A, which contains 12
chapters on safety measures, and part I-B containing
12 chapters about recommendations on safety. Part II
consists of two parts A and B. Part II-A includes
mandatory provisions on pollution prevention
presented in 5 chapters, and part II-B containing
recommendations on pollution prevention also in 5
chapters. In the context of this article especially the
first part of the Polar Code is of particular interest.
Part I of the Polar Code introduces a number of
mandatory safety measures. Every ship the Polar
Code applies for should have a valid Polar Ship
Certificate (PSC) on board, which should follow the
model of form of certificate for ships operation in
Polar water presented in the appendix 1 of the Code.
The PSC includes among others information about
ship, category of ice class, equipment. Length of
validity of certificate ect. Besides the PSC, the Polar
Water Operational Manual should be also on board.
(PWOM). PWOM should include information on ship
specific capabilities and limitation in connection to an
assessment of the ship and its equipment. Assessment
should be conducted in relation to operating and
environmental conditions such as operation in low air
temperature, in ice or in high latitude. POMW should
address all aspects of operations described in chapter
II part I-A. In the case that the shipping company has
already procedures in place; there has to be reference
from PWOM to existing procedures. Besides
procedures describing ship operation in polar water,
the manual has to include risk-based procedures
about voyage planning to avoid ice, arrangements for
receiving forecast, implementation of special
measures, contacting emergency response providers.
PWOM should also include risk-based procedures for
monitoring and maintaining safety during operation
in ice. The Polar Code gives guidelines for ship
structure and stability depending on ship category.
Some of the standards are obligatory for ships
constructed after 1 January 2017. Information about
icing allowance in the stability calculations should
also be written in PWOM. The Polar Code describes
specific demands to machinery installations,
fire/safety protection, life-saving appliances, safety of
navigation, communication, voyage planning and
manning and training. According to Polar Code
adequate thermal protection to all persons on board
should be provided, which takes into account the
specific weather conditions of the area. The ship must
ensure safe evacuation of the persons and provide the
maximum expected time of rescue, which shall never
be less than 5 days. The crew should be Certified in
accordance with regulation II/2 of STCW Convention
and section A-II/2 of the STCW Code (Polar Code
12.3.2) and when operating in polar waters the ship
should have sufficient number of crew with
appropriate training requirements for polar waters.
In its sum, is seems obvious that the Polar Code
improving the safety of navigation in Arctic waters.
However, the combination of mandatory regulation
and non-binding regulation might lead to gaps in the
safety system. Furthermore, some regulations can be
perceived as weak, for example does the Polar Code
not explicitly demands that passenger vessels provide
for thermal survival suits for all passengers and crew.
4.3 Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems
One element in the preparedness-system is the
monitoring of traffic in Greenlandic waters through a
specific mandatory ship reporting system established
in 2003. The system is regulated in IMO circular on
SN/Circ. 221 of 29 May 2002; Bekendtgørelse om
skibsrapporterings-systemer i farvandene ved
Grønland; BEK 170/2003).
There are basically two mandatory ship reporting
systems establish for Greenlandic waters, in our
context the GREENPOS-system is of particular
interest. The GREENPOS-system applies to all ships
on a voyage to and from Greenlandic waters and
inside the Greenlandic continental shelf or EEZ. The
ships are obliged to report their position, course,
speed, and actual weather information every 6 hours.
When joining the system, the ship must provide a
sailing plan including the following information:
Ship name/call sign
Date and time
Present position
Destination and estimated time of arrival
Weather and ice information and
Persons onbord.
Through this reporting system the JRCC in Nuuk
is able to have a rather clear picture of the vessels
navigating Greenlandic waters and to get alert if
things are not proceeding according to plan or a
vessels is not continues to report.
4.4 The Order for Greenland on the Safe Navigation of
ships; order no 1697 (Bekendtgørelse for Grønland om
skibes sikre sejlads m.v.; Bek. 1697/2015)
The aim of the order is to enhance the safety of
navigation in Greenland waters. The order applies for
cargo ships with a gross tonnage of at least 150 and to
ships carrying more than 12 passengers (order no
1697). For passenger ships carrying more than 250
certain particular strict rules apply. Warships etc. and
other state vessels which are not used for commercial
service are not covered by the provisions in chapter 3
of the order concerning safety requirements.
According to the order Greenland is divided in two
navigations zones: the northern and southern
navigation zone. All ships navigating Greenlandic
waters have to observe ice in every area with ice
presence. The speed should be adjusted and ice
searchlight should be used in darkness. Ships shall
keep a safe distance from icebergs. During the
planning of the ship’s voyage the master has to take
into account the following:
The safety procedures of the ship's safety
management system related to navigation in Arctic
any restrictions in the information in nautical
charts and aids to navigation;
information about the extension and type of ice
and icebergs in the vicinity of the planned voyage
on an ongoing basis;
statistical information about ice and temperatures
from previous years;
any possible places of refuge where the ship may
be protected or receive assistance;
any sea areas designated especially protected areas
in the vicinity of the route; and
voyages in areas with limited search and rescue
facilities. (order no 1697)
Navigation is prohibited in areas delimited in the
nautical charts by a dotted line with information
about “numerous rock”. Navigation in areas given in
the chart “foul” or “unsurveyed” is only allowed if
the ships follows previously used tracks that the
master has assessed would have a sufficient safety
margin to relation to the ship’s greatest draught and
width and the trip takes place in daylight and with
“good visibility”. Ships should have at least one
person on board with the necessary local knowledge
of the water to be navigated. The person should have
the qualification that would entitle him/her to
navigate the ship concerned or to be trained to have
several years’ experience navigating ships of similar
For passenger vessels carrying more than 250
passengers in the inner and outer territorial waters of
Greenland it is mandatory to employ pilot services; in
this context it may be noted that the territorial waters
of Greenland are 3 nm. The pilot must be certificated
to perform pilotage assignments in the area
concerned. The vessel can get permission to navigate
without a pilot, if the applicant documents the
necessary qualifications and experience navigating in
the Polar waters.
According to the order, ships should have an ice
class, corresponding to the ice, which it is navigating.
The ships have to follow the recommended routes
around Nuuk. With connection to voyage planning, it
is necessary for the master and shipping company to
document the possibility to be assisted by other ships
or SAR facilities within reasonable period of time and
with sufficient rescue capacity (order chapter 4 § 15).
Furthermore, the crew must have a proper training.
5.1 Emergency preparedness
The biggest challenge in the Greenlandic waters is
emergency preparedness. The infrastructure in
Greenland is very limited. The only hospital is in
Nuuk and the hospital does not have the capacity to
accommodate patients from a cruise ship with 2000
passengers and crew. The nearest hospitals in the
region are in Iceland and the nearest hospitals in the
Danish are in Denmark, many hours away by plane.
The emergency preparedness is limited to a small
number of naval vessels of different sizes ships and
helicopters and planes. The Greenlandic airline Air
Greenland is in case of an emergency obliged to
support possible rescue and evacuation operations
with its aircrafts. The biggest challenge is here, that
the airline has only one larger aircraft with a capacity
of about 200 people, which can be used in an
emergency. Furthermore, there is only one larger
airport, in Kangerlussuaq in West Greenland, where
this kind of aircraft can land and take off. Other
Greenlandic airports have only capacity and runways
for smaller aircrafts (for about 30-40 passengers).
5.2 Survival chances
The climate in Greenland is cold, changeable and
complex due to ever-changing presents of ice. The
weather can change rapidly from sunshine and good
conditions for navigations to frog and challenging
conditions. The waters around Greenland are cold the
all year around and survival in the water is basically
impossible. According to Polar Code a passenger
should be able to survive not less than 5 days,
however the exercises conducted in Svalbard, which
to some degree is comparable to Greenland, has
shown that the life-boats have certain limitations and
passengers will most likely not survive for five days.
Participants in the exercise SARex1 had to leave the
lifeboats after 24 hours due too cold temperature and
insufficient insulation on the bottom of the boat. The
more resent exercise SARex2 has shown improved
technology and better insulation at the bottom of the
lifeboats, but another challenge was fresh air. It seems
impossible to remain the proper level of oxygen in a
covered lifeboat without opening “the roof” which
has an impact on the ability to secure proper
temperature for passengers (Solberg 2016 and 2017).
The results of those exercises have shown with quite
some clarity the challenges of surviving in Arctic
waters for 5 days with the existing technology.
Another challenge in connection with the survival
of cruise ship passengers if things go wrong is the
physical condition and age of at least some of the
passengers, who should be evacuated. The average
age of passengers on cruise ships is rather high and
not all passengers are very mobile, which makes it
much more difficult to evacuate.
An accident report from Danish Maritime
Accident Investigation Board (DMAIB) from 2016
illustrates another challenge with the growing
industry of cruise ships: we have not only seen an
increase of large cruise ships navigating Greenlandic
waters, but also a growing industry of smaller tourist
boats offering activities to cruise ship’s passengers.
One of those smaller vessels got in distress in
Greenlandic waters and subsequently sunk and the
biggest challenge in the rescue operation was to
evacuate passengers. There was no space on the
vessels deck where 23 passengers could be able to
dress into the survival suit. The report raises therefore
the general question whether it is possible to evacuate
the passengers from this kind of vessels (DMAIB
5.3 Navigational challenges and limitations
Greenlandic waters cover an area of about ca. 2
million km
. In this large geographical area radio
communication can be influence by atmospheric and
magnetic disturbances. Furthermore, magnet
compasses could be useless in (parts of) the region
and gyrocompasses could be unreliable. To add to the
complication, some parts of the Greenlandic waters
have not been fully measured and nautical charts can
be rather unreliable. There are currently no sufficient
digital nautical charts, which adds to the difficulties
of navigating the region.
Furthermore, complicated ice conditions are a
challenge all year around and for example some
forms of ice or underwater iceberg are not visible on
radar. The weather is in general very unstable and
unpredictable, which further adds to navigational
However, our research seems to indicate that not
all parts of the cruise ship industry are fully aware of
the particular risks and challenges of navigating in
arctic waters. And it seems that they are willing to
take some risks to provide their customers an unique
The legal system guiding safe navigation of cruise
ships (and other vessels) in and around Greenlandic
waters can be described as fragmented for at least
three reasons: First, the legal regime for navigation is
set in different legal acts under the law of the sea,
some of those are of a general nature, some of those
are specific to navigation in polar/arctic waters.
Second, the legal regime for safe navigation is not
only guided by international law, but also by regional
and national rules. Third, some of the “law” guiding
safe navigation in the Arctic is not binding and
therefore issues of effectiveness must be addressed.
This means in sum, that the legal framework for
cruise ships in the Arctic is complex.
This complex legal system is one side of the medal,
the other side are the practical conditions and
circumstances influencing safe navigation at sea and
the preparedness-system in place. The analysis of the
practical challenges has shown that the existing
legislation cannot stand alone and furthermore leaves
some gaps. There is for example a gap between “work
as imagine” as described in the Polar Code and
“work as done” as seen in the realities of navigating
Greenlandic waters. Furthermore, there are some very
specific conditions and challenges influencing
navigation in Arctic waters. The legal frame work
tries to address some of those, but this need to be
mirrored by training, sufficient equipment and
effective structures on land. And at the end of the day
there will always be a certain risk navigating Arctic
Our study has shown that there is a body of general
and specific regulation on different levels governing
safe navigation in Arctic waters and that this
regulation to some degree has indeed improved the
safety of navigation. This fragmented legal frame
work addresses some of the existing risks which must
be taken into account and sets a frame for the SAR-
system and the preparedness on land. However, we
have also identified certain short-comings, challenges
and gaps connected to the existing legal frame work.
Furthermore, it is important to note, that the legal
frame work cannot stand alone. In fact, in the
Greenlandic context an number of practical challenges
can be identified, which legislation is not able to
address fully to name the central challenges: first, a
systematic education program for safe navigation in
Greenlandic waters for foreign shipping companies is
lacking. Second, digital nautical charts for
Greenlandic waters are not completely developed yet
and there are currently a lot of gaps in the existing
nautical charts. Third, possibly the biggest challenge
for navigating Greenlandic waters is still the complex
weather and ice conditions, which means that
knowledge and experience is a crucial part in safe
In addition, the infrastructure at land in Greenland
is insufficient and not fully developed. It seems
therefore quite unlikely, that a major incident with a
large cruise ship of 2000-4000 passengers could be
effectively and sufficiently handled.
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