Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), today
the primary source for position, navigation and time
(PNT) information for collision avoidance, navigation
and communication systems on-board of a vessel, are
highly vulnerable to unintentional and intentional
interference, e.g. jamming and spoofing. A backup
system is needed to overcome this threat and to
enable new applications with an increased need for
resilient PNT information.
Today only regional terrestrial navigation systems
like eLORAN, LORAN-C or Chayka are available. An
extension of them on a global scale is unlikely because
important countries or regions like USA and Europe
stopped the service a few years ago. Therefore,
another system is needed.
One option is to use so called Signals of
Opportunity (SoOP) broadcasted from existing
maritime radio infrastructure. Under considerations
are the signals of maritime radio beacons and land
based stations of the Automatic Identification System
(AIS) (Oltmann & Hoppe 2008). Both have in common
their good distribution of stations along the coastline
near the main maritime traffic routes.
The ranging mode (R-Mode) system makes use of
these SoOP. By transmitting synchronized ranging
signals from modified maritime radio beacons
(Johnson & Swaszek 2014a, Johnson et al. 2017) or AIS
base stations (Johnson & Swaszek 2014b, Hu et al.
2015) it could be shown that range and position
estimation with this approach is feasible.
It is generally assumed that the implementation of
additional ranging signal components on the legacy
SoOP is a cost effective way to setup a terrestrial
navigation system. However, fundamental research,
development, validation and standardization
activities are necessary to establish R-Mode as a
Availability of Maritime Radio Beacon Signals for R-
Mode in the Southern Baltic Sea
S. Gewies, L. Grundhöfer & N. Hehenkamp
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Neustrelitz, Germany
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an overview of the development of a terrestrial positioning system called
Ranging Mode (R-Mode) in the Southern Baltic Sea region which utilizes already existing maritime radio
infrastructure. Here, an R-Mode testbed is planned to be set up until 2020 that meets maritime user needs for
resilient PNT. First measurements of radio beacon signals on-board a vessel sailing in the Southern Baltic Sea
show the good availability of beacon signals in this region. A comparison of received signals with a coverage
prediction based on the nominal range of radio beacons shows the shortcoming of this approach and
emphasizes the need for more elaborated coverage predictions which consider all effects of medium frequency
wave propagation at day and night. In the measurements results the skywave has a major impact on the beacon
signal stability in the night. The time stability of the signal amplitude seems to be a good indicator for disturbed
reception conditions.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 1
March 2020
recognized maritime backup system to GNSS (IALA
This paper presents the ongoing process of the
implementation of an R-Mode testbed in the Baltic Sea
and shows results of a signal strength measurement
campaign in the destination area.
2.1 An area with high demand on resilient PNT
The Southern Baltic Sea is the region between
Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Poland which
exhibits a very high density of maritime traffic and on
the other hand challenging conditions with respect to
the risk of collisions and groundings. Tankers,
container freighters and bulk carriers cross on their
way along the main traffic route from east to west the
way of ferries sailing from north to south.
Furthermore, vessels have to stay in their lane to
prevent collisions with oncoming vessels on the
neighboring lane in traffic separation schemes.
Additional static infrastructure such as wind farms
reduces the maneuvering space nowadays and
generates the need for new navigation applications.
The Baltic Sea is generally a shallow water.
Especially the navigation in coastal areas, port
approaches and ports requires high quality of
navigational support (IMO 2002). To prevent any
traffic disturbance and environmental harm for this
ecological sensitive region resilient PNT information
is necessary.
2.2 Precondition of the region
Maritime administrations around the Baltic Sea are
aware of the challenges and implemented a dense
network of maritime radio beacons to support
differential GNSS (DGNSS) for accurate positioning
(better than 10 m) with integrity and continuity for
operation from coastal region to the berth (IALA
2015). Furthermore, a dense network of AIS base
stations allows sea traffic monitoring along the
coastline with a range of up to a few 10 kilometers
and can support navigation by provision of safety
relevant information from ashore.
Figure 1. Southern Baltic Sea surrounded by Poland,
Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Radio beacons are
indicated by dots and AIS base stations by triangles.
The operational DGNSS and AIS stations today are
shown in Figure 1. Due to the different signal main
propagation paths for the two systems, groundwave
for DGNSS and line of sight for AIS, the range of the
two station types differs and the AIS network is
denser to compensate for its smaller station service
A precondition for the use of the SoOP for ranging
and positioning is the visibility of the signals. For this
reason the signal coverage was calculated based on
the given nominal range of radio beacons which could
be found on the IALA website, and for the AIS base
stations the calculation considers the height of a base
station antenna and a height of a ship antenna of 10 m
above sea level. The predictions are shown in Figure 2
and Figure 3.
Obviously the density of available SoOP depends
on the location in the Baltic Sea. The main east west
traffic route, which is in the middle between the
Swedish and German / Polish coast, is well covered
with overlapping radio beacon service areas of these
three countries and one Danish beacon. Instead the
coastline especially at the border of Germany and
Poland has highest density of AIS signals.
Figure 2. Number of available radio beacon signals
calculated with nominal range of beacons.
Figure 3. Number of available AIS base station signals
calculated with base station antenna height.
Depending on the R-Mode positioning approach
three or four SoOP have to be visible at the same time.
This number could not be reached by just one SoOP in
the entire Southern Baltic Sea. Both SoOP have to be
analyzed in more detail. Therefore, the project R-
Mode Baltic was initiated that will implement a
testbed with both SoOP in the Baltic Sea.
2.3 Project R-Mode Baltic
Considering the results of former R-Mode activities
which were summarized by Hoppe (Hoppe 2018), in
2017 a European research and development project of
industry, national maritime administrations and
research institutions was started. It has the goal to
demonstrate that R-Mode is able to meet the maritime
user PNT requirement for a backup system in the
Southern Baltic Sea. An R-Mode testbed will be
implemented until 2020 (Gewies et al. 2018).
The R-Mode technology is in an early
development phase. First feasibility studies with
different demonstrators are performed but it is still
open which is the best way of implementing the
ranging signal into the legacy signal of radio beacons
and AIS base stations. The project team of R-Mode
Baltic will investigate in
R-Mode signal development for radio beacons
which operate in the medium frequency (MF)
band and reduction of main error sources,
R-Mode signal development for AIS base stations
which operate in the very high frequency (VHF)
the analysis of the impact of different error
components on the position,
time synchronization methods for the R-Mode
transmitter sites,
the maritime user requirement.
Furthermore, the project team will develop R-
Mode MF and VHF receivers and a VHF R-Mode
transmitter. To show the benefit of having R-Mode
signals available, an existing PNT data processing
unit will be extended by additional R-Mode
processing channels. This allows for automatically
switching to R-Mode based positioning in case of
unavailability of GNSS. A portable pilot unit will be
adapted so that it continuously provides a position
and warn the pilot about the reduced accuracy in case
of showing an R-Mode based position.
The findings and developments of the project will
be implemented in the R-Mode testbed. Up to six
radio beacons and four AIS base stations will be
upgraded so that they transmit synchronized R-Mode
signals. An R-Mode receiver and a PNT data
processing unit will be used for static and dynamic
validation of R-Mode.
In the following the focus is on a specific part of R-
The MF R-Mode system uses maritime radio beacons
as a source for SoOP. The radio beacons operate in
Europe in the maritime band between 283.5 kHz and
315 kHz. Here, each radio beacon uses a channel of
500 Hz bandwidth and transmits data via MSK
modulated RCTM messages with a data rate of 100 or
200 bits per second.
To enable ranging using the MF signal, two
continuous wave (CW) signals are added to the
transmission, one 225 Hz below and one 225 Hz
above the carrier frequency. Thus, the original
capability of legacy receivers to use the beacon is not
impeded since the MSK DGNSS messages can still be
Through phase estimation of each CW signal, the
time of arrival (TOA) can be determined. Due to the
relatively small wavelength of approximately 1 km in
comparison with the intended transmission range of
300 km, ambiguities in the phase estimate have to be
resolved. This can be achieved by using the beat
frequency of both CW signals. On top of that, the
MSK data transmissions can be used to assist
ambiguity resolution and error correction.
The ranging through phase estimation requires a
high time and oscillator stability as well as
synchronization of all R-Mode transmitters to
determine the TOA precisely. Thus, the transmitter
hardware has to be updated by using a precise source
of UTC.
The intended ranging accuracy of the R-Mode
system lies below 10 m. To achieve that, various
errors have to be mitigated.
Aside from the error introduced by clock
instabilities, the largest source of error is caused by
skywave propagation of the MF signal. The MF signal
propagates both as groundwave and skywave which
is reflected in a height of about 100 km at the E layer
of the ionosphere. Since the skywave takes a different
path on its way to the receiver it interferes with the
groundwave with a different phase at the receiver
antenna. This causes incorrect phase and thus
distance estimation. The effect is especially present at
night due to a weaker attenuation of the skywave by
lower layers of the ionosphere. The mitigation of
skywave interference is one of the main challenges on
the way to the implementation of MF R-Mode.
A measurement campaign was performed to analyze
the availability of SoOP in the Southern Baltic Sea.
While sailing in the area between Poland, Germany,
Denmark and Sweden, measurements of the field
strength of all radio beacon signals in the maritime
band reserved for the DGNSS service were conducted
using the setup shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Used setup for field strength measurement.
For the measurements an R&S HE010E monitor
antenna, which was fed with 24 V using a bias tee,
and an R&S FS1000 spectrum analyzer were used. In
order to enable a direct field strength measurement,
corrections for the bias and a conversion factor
(antenna factor) were stored in the FS1000. Each
minute the GNSS position and a spectrum, which was
calculated as the average over five spectra, were
recorded. In post-processing, signal peaks were
detected in the spectrum and assigned to known MF
radio beacons. The number of received beacons is
assigned to each measurement.
Figure 5 shows the track derived from the
measured position data of the polish research vessel
Nawigator XXI for four days in September. Here, the
track itself is drawn in grayscale with the intensity
indicating the number of received beacons from 0
(black) to 19 (light gray) at that location.
Figure 5. Track of Nawigator XXI drawn in grayscale, which
indicate the number of available radio beacons signals at
that position.
Figure 5 indicates that most of the time more than
four transmitters are visible, which is the minimum
value of required signals when using the TOA
positioning approach. Furthermore, the comparison
with Figure 2 reveals that the number of identified
beacons in the received spectrum deviates from the
number in the coverage prediction. Especially in the
western part of the track when the vessel was sailing
along the German coastline at daytime, the number of
received beacon signals is lower than the predicted
number. This can be explained with the stronger
attenuation of the signal caused by the lower ground
conductivity of the surrounding mainland and islands
which is not sufficiently reflected in the given
nominal range of the radio beacons.
Furthermore, Figure 5 shows a section with a
significantly increased number of received signals
several times in the track. This coincides with times
between sunset and sunrise. This can be explained
with the impact of the skywave. During the day only
those radio beacons were visible which were received
as groundwave within the range of the beacon.
During nighttime signals from radio beacons were
additionally received which are outside the
groundwave range but within the range of a reflection
at the ionosphere (skywave). This effect is not
considered in the coverage prediction of Figure 2.
Another way to look at the data is to plot the
distance and measured field strength over time for the
signal of one radio beacon. Figure 6 shows this in (a)
and (b) for the German transmitter Groß Mohrdorf.
The dotted lines indicate sunset and sunrise for these
The effect of stronger attenuation of the signal is
clearly visible for larger distances. Furthermore, there
is an increase of the variance in the field strength
during nighttime. This is caused by the second
effective propagation path during the night, the
skywave. Because the ionosphere is stable for only a
few minutes, the phase and amplitude of the skywave
change frequently which cause a rapidly changing
superimposed signal at the receiver site.
Figure 6. Distance over time (a) and field strength over time
(b) for the German transmitter station Groß Mohrdorf. The
dotted lines indicate times of sunrise or sunset.
For times when the vessel was near the radio
beacon, the skywave has lesser impact as can be seen
in Figure 6 (a) and (b) for the first night. This could be
explained with the higher amplitude of the
groundwave and the unfavorable characteristic of the
signal propagation through the sky with respect to the
transmitter and receiver antenna pattern.
Figure 7. Field strength over distance for the German
transmitter station Groß Mohrdorf.
Figure 7 shows the field strength over the distance
for Groß Mohrdorf. As expected it has a linear
behavior for the field strength on a logarithmic scale.
For smaller distances, the variance is higher since
more measurements have been conducted at shorter
distances but at different locations. Here, different
propagation paths cause different attenuation of the
groundwave as described comprehensively by ITU-R
(ITU-R 2007).
Figure 8 shows the results for the Swedish radio
beacon Holmsjö. Again the subplot (a) shows the
distance from the beacon to the vessel and (b) shows
the field strength over time. Times at which no signal
was received appear as a gap in Figure 8 (a) and (b).
Figure 9 presents the relation between field strength
and distance.
Figure 8. Distance over time (a) and field strength over time
(b) for the Swedish transmitter station Holmsjö. The dotted
lines indicate times of sunrise or sunset.
The main difference between the German and
Swedish radio beacon is, that the Swedish is mostly at
a larger distance to the vessel. It is clearly visible in
Figure 8 that the signal can be received during day
only at distances below 250 km. But at nighttime the
visibility increases up to beyond 400 km which is
caused by the skywave (first and second night).
In the morning after the first night a drop in field
strength can be observed when the sky wave
vanishes. As Figure 7 already indicated, the skywave
effect becomes more relevant at larger distances. This
is also shown in Figure 9 where a large variation in
field strength appears when the field strength is
plotted over the distance. For lower distances up to
250 km there is continuous reception. For larger
distances the field strength does not follow the linear
behavior shown in Figure 7. This confirms the static
measurements presented by Hoppe (Hoppe 2018).
What does this mean for the R-Mode system? Due
to the fact that a CW superimposes with a delayed
copy of itself to a CW with the same frequency but
different phase the occurrence of the skywave is
difficult to determine. But these measurements can
help to develop an indicator for skywave disturbance.
As shown in Figure 6 and Figure 8 the scatter of field
strength in undisturbed conditions at the day is
significantly smaller than 10 dB whereas between
sunset and sunrise it is typically in the order of 10 dB.
The measurements were conducted with the legacy
MSK signal. They have to be repeated when complete
R-Mode signals with two CW are available in the
Southern Baltic Sea.
Figure 9. Field strength over distance for the Swedish
transmitter station Holmsjö.
This paper introduces R-Mode as a terrestrial backup
system for GNSS which can support mariners with
resilient PNT information for applications which
require continuous PNT data provision. The Southern
Baltic Sea is a predestinated area to implement R-
Mode on existing maritime radio infrastructure of
radio beacons and AIS base stations. Until 2020 a
testbed will be available that enables the
demonstration of the R-Mode system.
A measurement campaign was performed to
analyze the availability of radio beacon signals in the
testbed area. The comparison of measurement results
with the coverage prediction based on the nominal
range reveals deviation between the number of visible
radio beacons and the predicted number at day time.
This is a clear indicator that this approach for the
coverage prediction is insufficient. All different
ground types have to be considered for adequate
calculation of attenuation of the groundwave on the
way to the mariner and thus the signal availability.
During the night the skywave as additional
propagation path of the transmission disturbs the
measurement of the groundwave. Clearly visible is
the much higher number of available radio beacon
signals compared to the coverage prediction and an
increased scatter of the measured field strength.
Monitoring the scatter can help to identify time
periods of disturbed receiving conditions. One can
assume that at those times MF R-Mode has a reduced
We thank the Maritime University of Szczecin for letting us
use the Nawigator XXI for the signal strength
measurements in the Baltic Sea.
The R-Mode Baltic project is co-financed by the European
Union through European Regional Development Fund
within the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.
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