These collected results (maximum and minimum
values) can only be considered marginal scenarios in
the prediction of future changes in container traffic.
Taking this into account, however, the volume of
foreign trade containers should reach the level of
2.699 million TEU to 2.879 million TEU by 2023.
3.2 Transit container traffic
One of the indexes of containerisation also
implemented into this research focuses on current and
future demands in transit traffic, both land and
maritime. As regards Polish seaports, the following
countries could be regarded as potential centres of
demand growth:
− maritime transit: Russia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia,
− land transit: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary,
Belarus, Ukraine.
Because of limited access to comprehensive and
coherent data about trade and economic
developments in non-EU countries, estimations were
based on population factors. Assuming that the non-
EU neighbouring countries achieve a level of
containerisation already specified for Poland (0,045),
and EU member states are characterised by the
average European level of the index (0,186), the
demand for particular types of transit traffic can be
theoretically estimated.
As regards the demand for maritime transit, the
total demand can be calculated as 10,461 thou. TEU
(data for year 2017), with a strong contribution of that
from Russia (6,451 thou. TEU).
The total demand from land transit potentially
served by Polish container ports can be estimated to
be about 7,120 thou. TEU (with a share of 67.3% from
EU countries).
These values are fully theoretical, because in the
case of individual countries the current levels of
implementation of container technology is so
different. Such a phenomenon can be observed in
non-EU countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. It can,
however, be expected that technological structures
will change, and higher volumes of containers will
flow through the seaports in the future. On the other
hand, parts of the analysed countries have no access
to the sea, so foreign trade in those places is served
only by foreign ports. In these cases, theoretical
volumes of demand were estimated.
Calculations of the contribution of regional transit
traffic to Polish maritime ports was the next step in
the forecasting process. Currently, the share could be
calculated to be 6,54% and 0,02% for maritime and
land transit respectively. The share of Polish ports has
been growing by 13.02% and 19.54% annually
respectively (CAGR) in the period 2011-2017,
therefore further improvements in the market
position of Polish ports can be assumed. This means
looking at the year 2023, the shares of 13.64% and
0.04% could be implemented into our calculations. As
a result, the transit traffic served in Polish ports could
reach 1.993 thou. TEU by 2023.
3.3 Total demand
Summing up, the total forecasted traffic of containers
in the ports of Poland would reach levels from 4.692
thou. TEU up to 4.872 thou. TEU by 2023. Obviously,
numerous factors, both internal (sector) and external
(economy & trade) will have a direct influence on the
final results. However, these estimated values could
be treated as a starting point to more detailed analysis
of future growth.
The above presented methodology towards the
development of container demand forecasting should
be regarded as relatively simple but useful. Dividing
container flows into three key parts, helps facilitate
the application of different methods into the
prediction exercise. Future changes of predictor
variables (trade, GDP) as well as the development of
indexes of containerisation, constitute elementary
drivers in the further growth of container traffic. This
method, in addition to quantitative analysis, also
requires an expert opinion, because the choice of
extrapolation techniques or implementation of
specific factors, require logical verification and
sectorial knowledge. The best confirmation of the
usefulness of this method have been the preliminary
results for 2018 (2.834 m TEU), which are coherent
with the results obtained in our calculation (2.653 -
2.770 m TEU).
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