threshold. It can be said that the threshold would be
the wave height where the two histograms were
reversed. Therefore, the thresholds are 4.5 m in head
wave and 5.0 m in following wave in the Pacific, as
shown in Figure 9. Similarly, 5.5 m in head wave and
6.0 m in following wave in the Atlantic as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 9 and Figure 10 show probability densities
indicated even when the wave height is beyond the
threshold. It means that a few ships still navigate on
the area beyond the threshold wave height. It is
considered that navigation time in stormy weather
affects the Captain’s judgment. Hence, the calculation
results of navigation time in a stormy area beyond the
threshold are shown in Table 3. This result has been
measured in the time between entering and exiting
the area. In this study, the ship’s position is aligned
with the weather data which means every 3 hours. So,
the calculation time is also 3 hours unit. The
navigation time during a stormy area in the Pacific is
approximately twice as much as the Atlantic one.
From the results, the threshold in the Atlantic is
higher than the Pacific, however, it can be said that
once entered in the heavy weather area, the voyages
in the Pacific need to stay for a long time.
Table 3. Navigation time in area beyond the threshold
Mean Median
Pacific Ocean 34.6 hours 30 hours
Atlantic Ocean 18.4 hours 15 hours
This study compared the master’s route selection
pattern, especially encountered wave direction and
wave height for vehicle carriers derived by Satellite
AIS and ocean wave data. The summary of this study
is as follows:
− Comparing the voyage routes in the Pacific and
the Atlantic derived by the Satellite AIS position
data of vehicle carriers, the trans-Pacific east-
bound routes were in the middle of the North
Pacific Ocean and west-bound routes were divided
to two major routes to avoid the middle. However,
in the Atlantic cases, east-bound and west-bound
routes are not different from the Pacific cases.
− The average wave height of the area in the Pacific
is higher than the Atlantic; 3.42 m in the Pacific
and 3.29 m in the Atlantic. However, the ship’s
encountered wave height in the Pacific is lower
than the Atlantic. Therefore, it can be said that the
trans-Pacific voyage can be selected avoiding route
to the heavy weather area while a ship under
trans-Atlantic voyage could not choose a way to a
non-stormy area in comparison to the Pacific
− Based on the result of the comparison of the
probability densities of wave heights that occurred
in the navigable area and encountered waves, it is
expected that Captains avoid rough sea area. The
wave height in the area was 4.5 m in the head
wave and 5.0 m in the following wave, in the
Pacific; and 5.5 m in in head wave and 6.0 m in
following wave, in the Atlantic.
− The calculation result of navigation time, which is
the duration (hours) between entering and exiting
a stormy area beyond the threshold, shows that the
trans-Pacific voyages need to stay for a long time
than the trans-Atlantic, if a ship enters a heavy
weather area once. The navigation time is
approximately twice the Atlantic one. The median
time of the Pacific is 30 hours.
In the past research, the analysis is focused on the
container ships or analysis with a few data. These
results can supplement the previous research.
Additionally, the figures derived from satellite AIS
data and ocean wave data will help when the master’s
route selection pattern is put into the voyage
This work was supported by the research activity of the
Goal-Based Stability Criterion Project of Japan Ship
Technology Research Association in the fiscal year of 2018,
funded by the Nippon Foundation. This work was also
supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant number 17H03493.
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