capable of undergoing hydrolytic transformations, are
mostly conditioned by appearance of short-chain fatty
acids [Palich, 2000]. Acids released as a result of
hydrolysis are impermanent chemicals compounds.
Therefore, they could also generate an emergence of
many secondary products, which could cause a
significant deterioration of flavor and odor of
product. According to that, it is very important to
preserve oil properly from humidity during storage
and transport (especially maritime transport).
If it is not enough, another process which is typical
for fats, is polymerization. This reaction occurs as an
effect of long lasting or repeating heating. As a result
of that, oligomers, dimers or cyclic compounds
emerge. Presence of this chemicals, contributes to
reduction of the nutritional value, digestibility and
bioavailability of fat [Czechowska-Liszka, 2012].
Products of that reaction may also cause change of
flavor and color of fat. They could also increase its
viscosity [Leśmian-Kordas and Pilawski, 1992].
On the other hand, low temperature could lead to
stratification of fat and to precipitation of some
components of oils, for example stearin [Wiktor,
1994]. Therefore, it is essential to avoid achieving
temperature close to pour point of oil, during its
storage. First of all, supercooling could result in
transformation of high melting compounds to solid
state, which is manifest as turbidity. These kinds of
reactions usually occur in the short time and narrow
range of temperature. Due to that fact, it is relevant to
adjust storage and transport conditions to
physicochemical characteristics of the oil.
Edible fats qualify as perishable products. They
could undergo rancidity as an effect of different
external factors such as admission of light and oxygen
or high temperature. Therefore, they require to be
kept in suitable conditions to avoid their premature
deterioration. Spaces which are devoted to storage
and transport of edible oils, should be clean, dry, and
dark, or illuminated with diffused light [Palich, 2000;
Wroniak and Ratusz, 2014]. In these areas, relative
humidity of the ambient air should vary from 75% to
85%. It is worth noticing that decreasing the
temperature allows to reduce the speed of chemical
reactions, the development of microorganisms and
the occurrence of biological changes [Nierzwicki,
2013]. Due to that fact, temperature in the discussed
areas, should range from +4 to +6°C. Such way of
storage enables to preserve the oil durability for 6
months, while maintaining the temperature not
exceeding 15°C shortens this period to 3 months.
The most suitable containers for storing edible oils
are narrow, tall, vertical tanks with a circular cross
section. They should have a conical or sloped bottom
to allow self-flow [Berger, 1985].
According to the fact that main factor which
influence the oxidation of fats is presence of oxygen,
oils could be preserved by using modified
atmosphere packing (MAP), and taking advantage of
nitrogen [Wroniak and Ratusz, 2014]. It enables to
maintain their nutritional and organoleptic quality,
and also allows to extend durability, preserve taste
and consistency of product, and protect it from
mechanical damage. Even when liquid oils are
purged with inert gas only once, the oxygen could be
flushed out and its content in the product may be
reduced by as much as 80-90%. It is possible to
conduct inertisation while storing the oil in the tanks,
as well as during bottling it [Airliquide, 2017].
When oil is being delivered, means of transport act
as temporary warehouses. They must protect the
product against the adverse effects of external factors.
It is also important to properly arrange and fasten
cargo that could be exposed to moisture and lateral
pressures during sea transport during the sea
transport [Czarniecka-Skubina, 2010].
The main factor decreasing the final quality of oil is
the oxygen content, which was dissolved in fat
[Wroniak et al., 2015]. In order to minimize the effect
of this factor, inert gases such as carbon dioxide (CO
and nitrogen (N
2) can be used while storing.
When temperature is decreasing, the solubility of
2 in fats and water increases.
2 has bacteriostatic properties, and may also be
an inhibitor for some enzymes. It is able to lower the
pH of food by forming carbonic acid in an aqueous
environment, and its gas fraction can inhibit the
growth of microorganisms.
2 doesn’t have bacteriostatic properties and is
poorly soluble in fats and water. However, its usage
in oil storage, gives the opportunity to create an
anaerobic environment in the packaging, which limits
oxidation processes. The removal of air above the oil
also reduces the amount of water contained in it,
which may have a beneficial effect on the inhibition of
the hydrolysis process and on the changes in the
sensory characteristics of fat which are associated
with it.
Accordingly, the usage of inert gases could be an
effective, as well as safe, from a health point of view,
method to reduce unfavorable changes occurring in
oils. Although better results were achieved with
carbon dioxide, nitrogen is more often used, for
economic reasons [Jędrzejkiewicz and Krygier, 2008].
During storage and transport of fats, deterioration
of their quality may occur due to long-term contact
with oxygen from the air. The time necessary for oil
transport depends on the type of oil (its origin) and
the conveyance route. This could take from several
weeks to several months for cargo to reach its
destination [Takashina et al. 1994]. Therefore, ships
and oil storage tanks which are high quality, or which
are devoted to long term storage, should have
facilities for bubbling and covering the load with an
inert gas. Moreover, filling the stream of pumped oil
with pressurized nitrogen, may be an effective way to
protect refined fats [Berger, 1985; FAO/WHO, 2015].
For this purpose, nitrogen with a concentration not
less than 99.5% is used [Takashina et al. 1994] because
too low purity of nitrogen, could lead to problems
with the stability of vegetable oils.
Changes which may occur in fats during storage or
transport could be characterized by different quality
indicators. First of these are the peroxide value and
the TBA index. Their changes, associated with the