Digitization and automation will have a great effect
on shipping in the future. Hereby, not only navigation
or single ship operation is affected, but in most cases,
large-scale effects on sea traffic and marine processes
are expected. Depending on the concrete digitization
and automation project, those are potentially also
addressing safety related issues.
As soon as digitization and automation affects
safety, the legal framework and thus the requirement
for a Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is often touched
as well. A FSA is “a tool to help in the evaluation of new
regulations for maritime safety and protection of the marine
environment or in making a comparison between existing
and possibly improved regulations, with a view to
achieving a balance between the various technical and
operational issues, including the human element, and
between maritime safety or protection of the marine
environment and costs(IMO, 2007).
A critical step in safety assessments and in the FSA
in general is the transition from the hazard
identification to the quantitative risk analyses. While
international studies agree, that the human factor is
the key component behind most marine accidents
(Sanquist, 1992), (Rothblum, n.d.) recommended risk
assessment methods are mostly classical fault tree
analyses or expert reviews (IMO, 2007), which are
potentially too restricted to fully cover safety effects
of those future technology, as the human element is
hard to assess. Especially regarding the human
element, ship-handling simulation is the only known
method to fully incorporate this into a scientific set-up
and thus “the results, conclusions and recommendations
can be based on a thorough review of technical aspects, as
well as the important human factors, such as response
times and communication” (PIANC, 2014).
So far, SHS was limited to a small number of
simulated vessels in a joint exercise, thus
organizational affects or large scale changes to
waterborne processes, procedures and technology
Assessing Safety Effects of Digitization with the
European Maritime Simulator Network EMSN: The Sea
Traffic Management
-C. Burmeister, T. Scheidweiler, M. Reimann & C. Jahn
Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML, Hamburg, Ger
ABSTRACT: This paper will give an intro into the technical backbone of the EMSN and derive necessary
specifications to allow for objective testing in large scale. Further, it will demonstrate the potential of EMSN as
a maritime safety test-bed on the STM case. Therefore, the simulations executed within the EMSN are evaluated
regarding their safety level in order to demonstrate the effects of various measures to improve safety. Based on
a fuzzy logic approach, numerical Data from the EMSN Data-Tracker is used as an input to assess a present
traffic situation from the perspective of a specific ship and outputs a comprehensive safety index developed by
expert opinions. The safety index is used to further analyze navigators’ behavior and decisions in different
maritime traffic scenarios that are executed within the EMSN.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 1
March 2020
could barely be assessed. Thus, the European
Maritime Simulator Network (EMSN) has been
developed to provide a large-scale test environment
for maritime safety (Rizvanolli, et al., 2015).
Chapter 2 will give an overview about the
backbone and technical features of the EMSN as
implemented today, before Chapter 3 outlines the Sea
Traffic Management (STM) case and how this concept
was assessed with the help of EMSN. Chapter 4
draws conclusion regarding the usage of EMSN as
well as about its further potentials for maritime
training and research.
The EMSN is a network that connects numerous ship
handling simulators (SHS) from different simulation
sites across Europe. Enabling joint exercises between
this remote locations with different simulation
manufacturers requires a joint understanding of the
logical and technical connectivity between the SHS
(John, et al., 2014), which is ensured within the EMSN
by the IEEE Standard 1278.1-1995 as well as some
EMSN-specific joint agreements (IEEE, 1995),
(Poschmann & Burmeister, 2017).
This set-up enables users to operate individual
ship bridges in configurable scenarios and to interact
in real time with each other in a simulated
At the end of 2018, 13 simulation centers in 7
European countries with a total of more than 30
bridges were connected to the EMSN.
In principle, EMSN ensures alignment between
SHS within the following areas:
Exchange of simulation data (ground truth)
Exchange of communication data
Centralized data tracking
Synchronization of simulation management
2.1 Topology
The mentioned exchange services are deployed in IP
networks and implemented as Virtual Private
Networks (VPN). For this purpose, VPN tunnels are
set up between EMSN simulation sites to provide
confidential and authenticated connections with
integrity over the public Internet. For realization, a
hub-and-spoke topology was selected. Its general
structure is shown in Figure 1 (John, et al., 2014).
Thereby, the DIS interface guarantees the so-called
common ground truth exchange, whose functionality
is described in the section 2.2. As seen in Figure 2, this
interface connects each SHS to the EMSN
infrastructure. NMEA-interfaces at each SHS do
further allow integration of innovative marine
equipment based on standard interfaces, as also used
within the STM project.
Figure 1. Overview of the VPN technology of EMSN.
At each site, the SHS has different interfaces to
allow for an easy integration of EMSN as well as
potential digitization and automation prototypes to be
Figure 2. Overview of SHS interfaces within EMSN.
(according to (Poschmann & Burmeister, 2017))
2.2 Ground truth and communication
The ground truth exchange basically ensures that all
manually controlled own-ships of one center are
represented by a remote-controlled traffic ship at all
other centers (Rizvanolli, et al., 2015). This is based on
a so called Entity State PDU of the IEEE standard
(IEEE, 1995). Hereby, not only the position and type
of vessels are exchanged, but also the used light and
shape signals, which are currently the only
mandatory way to indicate the own ship navigational
status. Among others, EMSN thus enables an
interactive exchange navigational status, as e.g.
(Poschmann & Burmeister, 2017):
Not under command
Restricted ability to maneuver
Constrained by her draught
Fishing and
Out of the standard marine communication
channels, voice communication by VHF as well as the
Automated Identification System AIS is fully
integrated into the EMSN to allow for realistic
scenarios. VHF is implemented based using a
separate TeamSpeak-Server within the EMSN, while
AIS is fully integrated into the DIS concept as Signal
PDU. Thereby not just the most frequently used
position report (AIS message type 1,2,3) and the Static
and Voyage related data report (AIS message type 5)
is implemented, but also addressed and broadcasted
binary message exchanges (AIS message type 6, 8, 12,
and 14) (Poschmann & Burmeister, 2017), (ITU, 2014).
Besides those standard channels, application specific
channels and communication systems for the
digitization and automation system to be tested can
be integrated into the network.
2.3 Central data tracking and simulation management
By using the DIS-standards Data PDU a wide variety
of data can be centrally recorded in customized
simulation environments and scenarios. This can
serve as the basis for the evaluation of scientific
problems, as in the risk assessment of STM
An overview of the data types recorded during the
simulation runs in STM Validation is shown below.
Ship Data
General information describing specifications of
the vessels used in the simulation scenarios, for
example length overall, breadth overall, IMO
number, MMSI, etc.
Motion Data
Variety of information describing the movement of
a vessel under consideration, e.g. heading, speed
over ground, engine order telegraph, etc.
Environmental data
Environmental information that influences the
vessel’s movement or voyage, such as wind
direction and speed, current direction and speed
as well as visibility.
General data
General simulation information and identifiers for
the assignment of centers and ships, for example
simulation id, site id, timestamp, etc.
Besides, central simulation management tools like
the Start/Resume PDU as well as the Stop/Freeze PDU
enable synchronization of local simulations (IEEE,
The STM concept contains several functions whose
effects on the navigation behavior of seafarers
involved have been investigated within the EMSN.
These include the following services.
Chat function
Real-time communication via a stand-alone chat
program on the ECDIS client. It allows the
exchange of simple text messages between vessels
and shore center.
Receiving navigational warning
Notifying seafarers about the occurrence of new
navigational warnings. Direct presentation of the
area to be avoided on the ECDIS.
Receiving route suggestion from Shore Center
Submission of a recommended route from a Shore
Center to a ship concerned, to be checked by the
bridge team. At the discretion of the captain, the
route recommendation can either be accepted or
Rendezvous function
Display of the intersection between the routes of
considered vessels using the AIS-based Closest
Point of Approach (CPA) and Time to Closest
Point of Approach (TCPA) on the ECDIS.
Display of the next 7 waypoints of a monitored
vessel on the ECDIS.
3.1 EMSN Methodology
The main objective of the EMSN tests is to provide a
further validated input to the FSA risk assessment,
especially concerning the evolvement of situational
awareness and traffic patterns by applying STM.
Hereby, the test methodology itself consists of four
individual stages:
Selection of appropriate scenarios
Simulation of scenarios with and without STM
Safety assessment of encounters of each scenario
Comparison of safety assessments.
This study is not attempting to make a
comparative analysis of the possible effects of each
individual STM service on traffic safety separately.
Rather, this study is an attempt to capture the possible
effects of several STM services being available at the
time of the simulation runs based on numerical data
collected during the simulation trials in the EMSN.
Other factors which may have an influence when
analyzing possible effects of introducing STM services
such as usability of ECDIS in general, the
familiarization and training in the use of the services,
the experience of the test participants, etc. have not
been considered in this study. In addition, it should
be emphasized that within the numerical data
analysis only two runs have been analyzed (one with
STM services and one without). This fact is conformal,
since the depicted runs are considered as
representatives of all executed simulation runs.
3.2 Scenario Selection
The English Channel and the Southern Baltic were
selected as they are good examples of heavily
trafficked areas. The Baltic scenario was created
within the Fehmarn Belt representing one of the
worlds’ busiest traffic corridors with numerous
recommended routes, junction areas and crossing
ferry routes, but no Traffic Separation Scheme in
place. For the STM runs, a simulated Shore Centre
“Baltic Shore Centre” was established. The English
Channel scenario was created for the south coast of
England with the port of Southampton playing the
major port of interest and a fictitious “Shore Centre
Southampton” on the Isle of Wight was established
for the STM runs.
Eight scenarios were specified based on the
combination of three variables: location, time of day,
and visibility. Each scenario was executed several
times with and without the availability of STM
services. The simulations were conducted in the
EMSN consisting of up to 30 manned bridges during
four sessions.
For the later evaluation, the simulation data was
used, which was recorded using the data tracker
described in section 2.3. For each run, around 210,000
movement data were available at a distance of one
second from the 30 ships.
3.3 Maritime Safety Index
In order to assess the safety of different encounter
situations and thus the validity of the available STM
services, a Safety Index (SI) was developed. The SI is
used to further analyze navigators’ behavior and
decisions in different maritime traffic scenarios that
are conducted within the EMSN. For the assessment
of navigators’ behavior in encounter situations
between ships, it is required to develop an approach
that accounts for the full complexity of the task. While
most assessment methods conventionally used
depend to a large degree on expert opinions, this
study aims for a more objective and quantitative
The most widely used approach for the assessment
of ship handling simulation is rating by expert
opinion. An obvious disadvantage of this
methodology is the high influence of subjective
judgement. This means that the same simulation
results can receive totally divergent ratings when
being assessed by different experts. To compensate
this drawback, an alternative approach will be used
for analyzing and evaluating the impact of the
available services at the time of the simulations in the
STM concept on ship traffic.
Within the STM Validation project, the level of
safety of different traffic situations will be measured
based on a fuzzy logic approach, cf. (Bai & Wang,
2006), (Kozlowska, 2012), (Mamdani & Assilion,
1975), (Perera, et al., 2011) and (Zadeh, 1965). The SI
may be used within the Formal Safety Assessment
(FSA) to assess the potential risk reduction by the
implementation of the STM and its various
operational services.
Overall, the safety index consists of a collision
index, a grounding index and an environmental
index, which parameters are presented in Figure 3.
Figure 1. Structure of the safety index for the
evaluation of the EMSN runs.
Following the definition of the input variables, the
membership functions for the fuzzy models
estimating a collision index are created based on the
results of pre-conducted instructor surveys and/or a
comprehensive literature research. In the following a
maritime traffic situation is given by one own ship
(OS) and one or multiple target ships (TS)
encountering in different situations: head-on, crossing
or overtaking.
The maneuverability of a ship is determined by the
block coefficient of length and breadth and the type of
ship transmitted via AIS. If the block coefficient is
small, then there is no good ability to maneuver, the
larger it becomes, the better the ability to maneuver
the ship (American Bureau of Shipping, 2006). A poor
maneuverability causes a deterioration of the Safety
Index. The maneuverability of a vessel strongly
depends on its maneuvering devices. This includes
the rudder, fixed lateral areas, transverse thrusters,
propeller (with fixed pitch or controllable pitch, Voith
Schneider propeller or azimuth thruster). In addition,
the engine has an influence on the maneuverability of
the vessel (two or four stroke engine or electrically
driven). Since AIS does not include this type of
information the maneuverability of a ship has to be
estimated. Thus, the maneuverability is according to
the AIS data a function of the following variables.
The main idea is to give every ship type a
classification of the maneuverability. For passenger
ships, cargo ships, tanker and tugs an additional
factor will be considered. The ratio length to breadth
will change maneuverability index of the actual ship.
The larger the ratio, the slender the ship. This is good
for speed and course keeping, but rather bad for
maneuvering. For this ship types good L/B ratios will
be estimated. If a ship has a greater L/B ratio then the
estimated one, the estimated maneuverability will be
improved one level and vice versa.
The grounding index is determined by specifying
the squat of each vessel, which represents the
decrease of a ship’s under keel clearance due to
vessel’s movement in shallow waters. A small squat
has a small grounding probability. Given the block
coefficient c
B and the actual speed through water v of
a ship, the squat is given by (Serban & Panaitescu,
squat =
To determine the environmental conditions, two
fuzzy systems will be used: within a first one, the drift
of a ship given the current, wind and sea state will be
developed. The drift will be used to estimate the
maneuverability later on. The output of the linguistic
variable visibility will be directly used to define the
EI. The drift of a vessel is determined by the
environmental parameters current, wind and sea
For more details on the mathematical backgrounds
of the indices, it is referred to (Olindersson, et al.,
3.4 EMSN Safety Assessment
To evaluate the effects of STM services, the safety
indices of runs without STM equipment ("base runs")
and runs with equipment ("STM runs") are
determined. For this purpose, each combination of
owned and foreign ships was considered and the
corresponding safety index was determined for each
point in time.
The histograms in Figure 4 and Figure 5 depict the
safety indices for baseline and STM runs. The results
indicate that no significant effect of these combined
STM services on maritime traffic safety could be
observed. If all SI of the runs are compared, it is
verified that both the runs without STM and those
with STM equipment are in a similar range.
Figure 4. Histogram of the safety indices of baseline runs.
(Scheidweiler & Weber, 2018)
Figure 5. Histogram of the safety indices of STM runs.
(Scheidweiler & Weber, 2018)
However, no separate analysis of the effect of
individual services on maritime traffic safety has been
made nor any analysis on usability and/or human
factors assessment. Therefore, the effect of the STM
services reported here should be compared with the
results of other evaluation methods to confirm it.
Due to the ongoing development of the EMSN,
scenario simulations had some sort of irregularity.
Most of the regularities have been ships freezing,
disappearing, and re-appearing, which reduced
throughout the EMSN maturity increased. As those
irregularity were also seldom and mostly of a short
duration of less than ten seconds, the authors
considered that these irregularities were unlikely to
have a large effect on the results of the numerical
analysis regarding the SI.
The results show that these combined STM
services do not significantly improve maritime safety
for a selection of simulation runs. However, neither a
separate analysis of the impact of individual services
on maritime safety nor an analysis of usability and/or
human factor assessment was carried out. Therefore,
the effect of the STM services listed here should be
compared with the results of other assessment
methods (Scheidweiler & Weber, 2018).
Additionally, it must be stressed that even if the
data itself does not significantly indicate an
improvement, the perceived safety benefits by the test
participants was rather positive. With an exemption
of the chat function, all tested services received more
positive than negative comments by the investigated
227 marines (Aylward, et al., 2018). Thus, a resilient
human factor assessment, which is now based on first
experiences and not solely on expert opinions, can be
derived from the EMSN setup providing input to an
objective FSA.
This paper briefly showed the capabilities of the
EMSN and how it can be used to assess objectively
and human factor oriented the effects of marine
digitization and automation on safety based on the
STM example. In general, the use of the simulator
network EMSN to validate nautical research
hypotheses offers many advantages over large-scale
field tests, which are briefly outlined below.
Saving money & time
Focus on relevant research field
Reduction of noise
Risk-free investigation
No impact on environment.
For the future, assessing additional STM services,
which have not yet been incorporated into the EMSN
is recommended and aspired before rolling them out
to shipping. Beyond STM, there are further marine
digitization and automation projects on the horizon,
where proper, simulation-based safety assessments
are required, that fully incorporate the human factor,
like e.g. the development or Maritime Autonomous
Surface Ships. According to the EU Directorate-
General for Research and Innovation, large-scale
virtual test facilities like the European Maritime
Simulator Network are required here to bridge “major
gaps with regards to development of safe waterborne
connected and automated transport (European
Commission, 2017).
Besides applying the EMSN in research projects, it
is intended to broaden the use of the EMSN for joint
training of nautical cadets and officers during their
studies by incorporation real international training
between cross-border institutes. Therefore, the EMSN
now became project independent by the EMSN
Connect initiative, which ensures further usage and
maintenance of the EMSN beyond STM (Jahn, 2018).
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