1.1 Aim and scope
The aim of this paper is to compare tabletop exercises
to other types of exercises in improving the
preparedness for shipborne oil spills. The paper
discusses the benefits and limitations of tabletop
exercises in the light of four executed exercises
performed in the Lake Saimaa region during the past
years. The analysis is supported with observations
made during five field training exercises within the
same time period.
1.2 Background
Responsibility in shipborne oil pollution response in
Finland is divided between environmental and
emergency services authorities. Since the beginning of
the year 2019, the governmental agency the Finnish
Border Guard is the competent pollution response
Improving Preparedness for Shipborne Oil Pollution
Highlights of Tabletop Exercises at Saimaa Inland
. Halonen & E. Altarriba
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk, Kotka, Finland
ABSTRACT: Lake Saimaa is the largest lake in Finland and the Saimaa inland waterway network is one of the
main transport corridors for merchant shipping. The Saimaa inland watercourse is a challenging operating
environment due to shallow waters, narrowness of the fairways, fast currents as well as the sensitiveness of the
environment. It is recognised that the heavy vessel traffic poses a risk of oil pollution. An oil spill incident in
inland waters has a high potential for contaminating shorelines and affecting populated areas. Responding to
such an incident involves several governmental and regional authorities, agencies and voluntary organisations.
Inter-agency coordination is considered a key element in incident management. Several exercise types can be
used to train multi-agency collaboration in joint response operations. This paper analyses the benefits of
tabletop exercises in the strengthening of joint preparedness and contingency planning. Paper compares the
outcomes of discussion-based exercises with operations-based drills and full-scale exercises. The analysis is
based on four oil spill response tabletop exercises and five oil response drills conducted in Saimaa region in
2017–2018. Different types of exercises make it possible to focus on different aspects of the response operation.
Operations-based exercises are useful in improving technical skills and testing procedures and the functioning
of the equipment. Due to time restrictions, the equipment deployment drills usually focus on a specific function
or a single task. Tabletop exercises can be used to assess contingency plans on a strategic level. Tabletop
exercises offer an opportunity to clarify roles and responsibilities, discuss priorities and establish inter-agency
agreements. The advantages of tabletop exercises include their flexibility in scenario-building, low-cost
implementation and the possibility to study a longer time span in order to gain a more holistic view of the
response operation.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.23
authority. In the event of a major shipborne oil spill,
the Border Guard conducts the oil spill response
measures on the open sea. The Regional Fire and
Rescue Services (RFRS) are in charge of oil response
operations both in coastal and inland waters. The
Centres for Economic Development, Transport and
the Environment (ELY Centres) approve the rescue
authorities’ contingency planning. The environmental
officials of the ELY Centres also assist the RFRSs in
executing the spill response operation by providing
data for protection prioritisation. Along with the
authorities, several non-governmental institutions as
well as voluntary organisations are involved. For
example, the Voluntary Oil Spill Recovery Troops of
the WWF Finland are prepared to assist in responding
to an oil spill contaminating shorelines.
As Lake Saimaa is an inland waterbody, the
emergency response chain differs from the coastal
arrangements. Saimaa Vessel Traffic Service (Saimaa
VTS) is the responsible authority in coordinating
distress communication in accordance with the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System. Distress call
may also be made directly to the Emergency Response
Centre by using GSM. From here on, the RFRS
conducts the rescue operation while the contractual
fire brigades and the Finnish Lifeboat Institution
serve as reserves for personnel and equipment. The
Police performs criminal investigation, if needed, and
the emergency medical service takes charge of the
injured people. The role of other authorities, such as
municipal officers, depends on the situation. The
emergency response chain on Lake Saimaa region is
illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Emergency response chain on Lake Saimaa
(Altarriba et al. 2018).
This paper focuses on the field of responsibility of
the RFRSs and, particularly, on the recent capacity
building actions carried out in four RFRS regions
surrounding the Lake Saimaa. These actions include
several exercise and training events, part of which the
authors of this paper were able to participate in.
1.3 Study structure
This paper provides an overview of the oil spill
response exercises used to improve preparedness for
shipborne spills. First, the necessity of high oil spill
response preparedness is described by presenting the
main conclusions of an accidental risk assessment in
relation to the sensitivity of the Lake Saimaa
environment. Second, the types of exercises generally
used to improve the response capability are
introduced. Third, the benefits and limitations of each
exercise type are discussed based on observations
done during four tabletop exercises and five field
training exercises. In the conclusions, the outcomes
are summarized and some recommendations for
future training are presented.
Lake Saimaa is the largest lake in Finland and the
fourth largest lake system in Europe with surface area
of approximately 4.400 square kilometers (Finland’s
Environmental Administration 2015). Lake Saimaa is
connected to the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea via
Saimaa Canal and the Saimaa Deep Water Route for
merchant shipping. The traffic density in the area is
relatively high. In 2018, the number of vessel passages
through Saimaa Canal exceeded 1.500, and the
maritime transport of goods comprised 1,186 million
tons of cargo (OSF 2019). Majority of the transported
goods (91,4%) consisted of forest industry products
for international trade (Finnish Transport Agency
2018) and in this role, the Saimaa waterways have
developed into one of the main transport corridors in
the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
Lake Saimaa is a labyrinthine watercourse with
narrow fairways and over 14.000 islands (Finland’s
Environmental Administration 2015). The confined
and shallow waters, straits, narrow channels and tight
turns combined with fast currents cause navigational
challenges and limited mistake margins (Halonen &
Kauppinen 2017). The total length of the Saimaa deep
water route is about 760 kilometers, 255 kilometers of
which (33,5%) is considered difficult to navigate
(Halonen & Kauppinen 2017).
The Saimaa Canal restricts the maximum size of
the vessels up to 82,5 meters in length (Finnish
Transport Infrastructure Agency 2019). In addition to
these Saimax-class cargo vessels, the traffic consists of
passenger vessels, yachts and barges for timber
floating, while the tanker traffic is prohibited due to
the environmental sensitivity of the area. The risk of
oil spill results from bunker fuel oils and lubricants.
The potential outflow is estimated to vary from 20 to
30 cubic meters, as the vessels sailing in the area carry
typically 40–50 cubic meters but up to 170 cubic
meters bunker fuels (Heikkilä 2016; Halonen,
Häkkinen & Kauppinen 2016; Halonen & Kauppinen
2017). Based on a risk assessment (See Halonen,
Häkkinen & Kauppinen 2016), the probability of ship
accidents in the Saimaa watercourse is relatively high.
Incidents occur every year, the average annual
accident frequency being five incidents. However, it is
worth noting that yet so far no large scale shipborne
oil spills have occurred, only small volume spills.
(Halonen, Häkkinen & Kauppinen 2016.)
Lake Saimaa is a very sensitive environment
preserved in its natural state in spite of significant
forest industry and its water is used as both drinking
water and process and condenser water for industrial
plants. Several environmental protection areas and
two national parks are situated in the region. Most
importantly, the area is the habitat for many
endangered species, the most significant being the
critically endangered Saimaa ringed seal, Pusa hispida
saimensis, and the Grayling, Thymallus thymallus,
classified as near threatened species. (Toivola 2015;
Rassi et al. 2010; Halonen & Kauppinen 2017).
The characteristics of the Saimaa inland waters, the
narrow channels and canals, numerous islands and
islets, as well as ice-coverage during wintertime affect
the vessel traffic, but also complicate the spill
response operations. Due to the close proximity of the
shorelines, time for boom deployment to prevent oil
washing ashore is very limited. Effective shoreline
protection is further limited by fast currents. In case of
an oil spill, the risk for shoreline contamination is
very high. (Halonen & Kauppinen 2017.) As typical to
inland waters, a potential oil spill is likely to affect
populated areas and contaminate surface and
groundwater water supplies (Owens et al. 1993;
Halonen & Kauppinen 2017). An oil discharge, even
small in volume, is therefore considered detrimental.
Effective oil spill response requires competent
personnel and functioning equipment. The optimal
use of these resources is often described as procedures
and guidelines in Oil Spill Response Contingency
Plans. The most practical way to assess and test the
feasibility of the planned procedures is to expose
them to exercising. Different types of exercises make
it possible to validate the different aspects of the
response plan. An exercise programme should
encompass all elements of the contingency plan and,
by using various exercises as building blocks (See
Figure 2), progressively prepare the personnel to
master the whole scope of the operation. (IMO &
IPIECA 2005; Halonen 2018.) Exercise programmes
are incorporated into the statutory contingency plans
and updated annually.
Figure 2. Progressive proceeding of exercise programme
where discussion-based exercises precede operations-based
activities. The higher stage in the pyramid, the more prior
knowledge is required from the participants and the more
pre-planning the exercise takes. (IPIECA & IOGP 2014;
Halonen 2018)
Exercise types are generally divided into
discussion-based exercises and operations-based
exercises, where workshops and tabletops represent
the former and drills and equipment deployment
exercises the latter (Leonard & Roberson 1999; IPIECA
& IOGP 2014). Exercising should proceed stepwise
from simpler to more complex and from discussion-
based to operations-based exercises as illustrated in
Figure 2.
Operations-based exercises are useful in testing
procedures and the functioning of the equipment.
Discussion-based exercises can be used to assess
contingency plans on a more strategic level as they
offer possibilities to challenge response options and to
gain mutual agreement on, for instance, response
priorities. (Gleason 2003; IPIECA & IOGP 2014;
Halonen 2018.) By using a wide range of exercises in
terms of types, scales and difficulty levels, the
contingency plan can be tested systematically. Thus, a
comprehensive exercise programme helps to identify
possible gaps in response resources or capabilities
(Gleason 2003; IPIECA & IOGP 2014) – and keeps the
training motivational.
3.1 Drills and equipment deployment exercises
Drills are exercises, in which personnel and response
equipment are deployed and operated in a field
environment (Leonard & Roberson 1999). Drills
usually focus on a specific function or a single task
(Halonen 2018) and are used to provide training on
new equipment, validate procedures, and maintain or
improve technical skills (Gleason 2003; IPIECA &
IOGP 2014). Drills offer an opportunity to assess the
functionality of the equipment and to find the most
feasible response methods or techniques for specific
operating environments. The greatest advantage of
equipment deployment exercises is that they
demonstrate the capabilities of the responders to
employ the equipment as well as reveal the time the
deployment takes (Leonard & Roberson 1999).
Figure 3. Northern Savonia Equipment Deployment Drill
testing the most suitable boom model for under-ice boom-
deployment (Halonen 2018).
3.2 Tabletop exercises
Tabletop exercises are defined as spill response
management exercises without actual mobilization of
personnel or equipment (Leonard & Roberson 1999;
IMO & IPIECA 2005). An objective of a tabletop
exercise is usually to develop a response plan to a
specific incident based on a simulated scenario. The
exercise scenario may remain constant, or when more
complexity is added, the scenario advances as the
exercise facilitators provide injects, such as event
updates or situation reports in accordance with the
pre-planned exercise script (IPIECA & IOGP 2014;
Ha-lonen 2018). The exercise scenario is often build to
mimic an actual incident (Patrick & Barber 2001) and
offers the participants an opportunity to clarify roles
and responsibilities, discuss priorities and establish
inter-agency agreements in a realistic, but non-
stressful situation (Gleason 2003; IPIECA & IOGP
2014; Halonen 2018). This fosters cooperation and
communication, and improves tactical response skills.
Therefore tabletop exercises are considered useful in
training multi-agency collaboration in joint response
operations. Typical training objectives include
incident command management, planning of
response tactics and use of communication and
situation awareness systems.
Figure 4. Tabletop exercise conducted in the Incident
Management Center of Southern Savonia Rescue Service,
and observers monitoring the progress of the situation
(Halonen 2018).
Figure 5. Exercise target vessel assisting in Arvinsalmi full-
scale oil spill response exercise in North Karelia (Pitkäaho
3.3 Full-scale exercises
Full-scale exercises are exercises, in which resources,
personnel and equipment, are mobilised and
deployed to the full extent. The exercise scenario is
simulated on the incident site and the operations are
conducted as in actual emergency situations; in real
time and, if applicable, with realistic delay times. This
exercise type is very complex and resource-intensive
as it involves many participants from different
agencies and stakeholders. On the other hand, for that
very reason, the full-scale exercise offers an
opportunity to assess the availability and capabilities
of maximum joint resources. Therefore it would be
beneficial if all of the cooperation authorities and
third parties who would normally be a part of such a
response operation could be involved (IMO & IPIECA
2005), although this is often limited due to high
Regional authorities responsible for oil spill response
actions in Lake Saimaa area accomplished a joint
project developing an Inland Oil Spill Response
Management Model last year. This project, called
SÖKÖSaimaa (2016–2018), was coordinated by the
Seafaring research and development team of the
Logistics and Seafaring RDI department of the South-
Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
(Xamk). As part of the SÖKÖSaimaa project, the
project consortium arranged four tabletop exercises
and three field exercises. In addition, the rescue
services conducted two full-scale exercises according
to their confirmed exercise programme. The executed
exercises together with their objectives are presented
in Table 1. The exercises, nine in total
, were held
between May 2017 and October 2018.
Tabletop exercises were conducted in each rescue
service region. The number of participants varied
from 13 to 30 persons per exercise, total being 90
persons, majority of which were rescue service
operative personnel. The role of the project team was
to build the exercise scenario, design the script and
facilitate the exercise as well as take care of the
practical arrangements of the event. Planning process
of each exercise took 16 to 32 working hours and one
exercise session 4 to 6 hours on average.
The objectives of each tabletop exercise were set
together with the responsible authority. The starting
point of the exercise planning was to familiarize the
operative personnel with the outcomes of the new
Inland Oil Spill Response Management Model. In
addition to this, the tabletops were meant to focus on
themes the previous exercises had not covered. On
this basis, the objectives were directed towards
managing the middle and final phases of an oil spill
response operation, as the initial response phase is
frequently trained within the regular exercise
programme. The exercise scenario of each tabletop
exercise was built upon a shipborne oil spill, but the
type of the accident, time, location, volume spilt and
the environmental conditions at the spill site varied.
The tabletop exercises were conducted in the
rescue service incident command centres and in two
of them also an auditorium was used (due to
numerous participants). All participants were
provided with the means of communication and
accesses to the situational awareness system (Baltic
Oil spill Response Information System, BORIS 2.0)
containing relevant information for the response
planning, operational and sensitivity maps, logistical
information and map-based tools for boom
deployment planning and resource allocation. The
exercise facilitators consisted of three project team
members and one role player outside the exercise
room supported by the officers on-duty from Saimaa
Vessel Traffic Service, Finnpilot Pilotage and Finnish
Transport Safety Agency. In two tabletop exercises,
maritime authorities were also invited to join the
Incident Command Management Team.
The exercises started with a briefing of the
objectives and the background information of the
Exercises within the project framework, the list is not inclusive.
initial situation, scheduled time and available tools.
The tabletop participants were encouraged to ask
questions and to indicate when ever issues arise that
require more discussion. The nature of the event as a
learning situation rather than an assessment of the
performance of the individuals was highlighted. In
order to validate the accuracy of the contingency plan,
the participants were instructed to follow the
procedures as truthfully as appropriate, for example
actually making the necessary phone calls instead of
just simulating them.
The actual exercise phase commenced with an
emergency call from the vessel in distress. Following
that, the participating authorities formed an Incident
Command Management Team that controlled the
response operation from the initial response phase to
the closure of the operation.
Within each exercise, the scope of the actions
covered all sections of the contingency plan with the
emphasis on different temporal phases. The Southern
Savonia tabletop exercise focused on the emergency
phase and ensuring effective communication between
rescue service, vessel traffic service and the vessel in
distress. The North Karelia tabletop exercise was
aimed to plan the reconnaissance surveys to assess
the shoreline oiling conditions using SCAT
procedures (Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment
Technique) and initiate cleanup operations with
relevant logistical support, while the Northern
Savonia exercise concentrated on maintaining
maintenance and provisions as the operation was
expected to last several weeks. The aim of the South
Karelia exercise was to familiarize some new
personnel with the Incident Command (IC) Structure
and IC procedures as well as new job aids developed
in the SÖKÖSaimaa project. The tabletop exercise
preceded the full-scale exercise where the IC
procedures were implemented.
Rescue services in the Lake Saimaa region arrange
at least one full-scale exercise in a year. The exercises
are targeted at both management and operational
level personnel, and the participants represent also
other agencies and volunteers. Joint spill response
performance was evaluated by means of Arvinsalmi
Full-scale Exercise in September 2017. The exercise
provided good results, and also demonstrated the
minimum number of personnel needed in an IC team.
This identification of resource needs offered valuable
information to be specified in contingency plans and
later used in tabletops.
Another collaboration exercise was arranged in the
southern part of the region in October 2018. This
South Karelian exercise focused on response activities
in restricted visibility. The exercise scenario simulated
a grounding of a light passenger vessel resulting in a
spillage of light fuel oil, and later, the scenario
advanced to a search and rescue (SAR) operation with
casualties both onboard and overboard. Responding
to this multimodal accident involved an air patrol
squadron from the Finnish Border Guard, the Finnish
Defence Forces, contractual fire brigades as well as
the Voluntary Rescue Service Vapepa and the Finnish
Lifeboat Institution with their voluntary search and
rescue units. The actual training session took about
three hours, while the preparations and demolitions
took a whole day. The exercise planning was started
in early 2018.
Table 1. Exercises conducted in Lake Saimaa area within the
SÖKÖSaimaa project framework in years 2017-2018.
Date Name, type of exercise & objective
8.5.2017 Hammaslahti Reconnaissance Survey Drill in
North Karelia
Testing applicability of different reconnaissance
and surveillance techniques, including RPAS
surveillance (Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Systems), in determining the areal extent and the
degree of contamination of oiled shorelines.
19.10.2017 Vuoksi Equipment Deployment Exercise in Fast
Currents in South Karelia
Testng different types of booms and boom
configurations suitable for oil containment in
fast currents of Vuoksi River.
20.9.2017 Arvinsalmi Full-scale Exercise in North Karelia
Scenario: a collision between a cargo ship and a
ferry resulting in an oil spill, no other injuries.
Focus on an incident management and response
actions including oil containment and recovery.
6.3.2018 Mikkeli Tabletop exercise in Southern Savonia
Tabletop exercise for multi-agency response.
Participants: rescue service, environmental and
maritime authorities including operative rescue
service personnel.
Scenario: nighttime grounding of a cargo vessel
resulting in an oil spill. Focus on communication
and the initial actions in assessing the drift of oil
in situation in which visual observations are not
10.4.2018 Joensuu Tabletop exercise in North Karelia
Tabletop exercise for multi-agency response.
Participants: rescue service, environmental and
maritime authorities including operative rescue
service personnel.
Scenario: onshore oil spill response operation as
a continuation of the Arvinsalmi full-scale
exercise (20.9). Focus on management actions in
conducting SCAT and oil recovery operation
management including clean-up procedures,
logistics and waste disposal.
11.4.2018 Kuopio Tabletop exercise in Northern Savonia
Tabletop exercise for regional authorities
including the operative personnel. Scenario: a
grounding of a cargo vessel resulting in a
leakage in her engine room. Focus on multi-
agency communication between rescue service
and maritime authorities in managing salvage
and spill response operation.
12.4.2018 Kuopio Equipment Deployment Exercise in Ice
Conditions in Northern Savonia
Drill to test oil spill response tactics in ice
conditions. Training ice-slotting, the use of
booms and skimmers.
3.5.2018 Joutseno Tabletop exercise in South Karelia
Tabletop exercise for rescue service, maritime
and environmental authorities.
Scenario: a vessel collision in an industrial
harbour resulting in an oil spill, no other
injuries. Focus on oil spill response tactics, oil
containment and recovery, as well as logistical
10.10.2018 Lappeenranta Full-scale exercise in South
Karelia Joint exercise based on a scenario of a
grounding of a passenger ship resulting in
several casualties on board and overboard, as
well as an oil spillage. Focus on managing
simultaneous search and rescue operation and
oil spill response operation.
Frequently oil spill response training focuses on the
initial phase of the response operation, such as alert
and notification procedures, oil containment booming
and other straightforward response countermeasures,
whereas maintaining the long-term process of the
operation is paid scant attention to (Gleason 2003;
Leonard et al. 2014; Narin van Court & Robinson
2014). This is mainly driven by economical reasons.
Training is resource-intensive and costly as it need to
be arranged during extra working hours of the
personnel in order to maintain adequate readiness to
actual emergencies. Restricted amount of time forces
setting the goal to the first critical response tasks.
Gleason (2003) suggests that the narrow scope of
training objectives is partly linked to increased
operational demands of authorities as well as the
personnel turnover requiring repetition. Based on the
authors experience, the tabletop exercise format
proved its usefulness in meeting these challenges.
Careful design of the exercise script makes it possible
to study a longer time span in order to gain a holistic
view of the response operation. By manipulating time,
different elements of the response operation - alerting
and notification, resource identification, protection
prioritisation, oil containment booming, oil recovery,
shoreline protection and clean-up, oil waste logistics,
waste disposal, wildlife issues, human resources,
communication, claims management, maintenance,
decontamination etc. can be covered in a relatively
short period of time and thus with minimal
disruption to daily operations. The feedback
confirmed that setting the focus beyond the crisis
phase of the incident to the later phases of the
operation was beneficial, gave wider perspective on
spill response issues and clarified many questions the
participants have had.
It was also noted that, though the systematical
establishment of the objectives would allow all
elements of the contingency plan to be dealt with, it
requires a progressive approach. In addition, the
focus must be limited to the oil spill response
excluding competitive goals. When planning the
exercises, a following guideline was kept in mind:
“two or three primary objectives are better than a long
list of secondary objectives” as defined by both IMO
& IPIECA (2005) and IPIECA & IOGP (2014). Also
Patrick & Barber (2001) underline that a tabletop
exercise should focus on one key objective and one or
two sub-objectives at a time. However, distraction
due to “competitive” objectives was detectable during
the Northern Savonia tabletop exercise, where the
salvage of the vessel itself rose to a central role and
controlling the oil spillage would have been
overlooked without the facilitators’ intervention. The
authors assume that this was contributed by the fact
that the participants were more acquainted with
salvage routines than spill response operation. Thus,
the attention tended to focus on more familiar tasks.
Distraction was even more evident in the South
Karelia Full-scale Exercise, during which the
management of SAR operations ran over other tasks
while the spill response countermeasures were almost
neglected by the IC. This proved that, since saving
human lives is the first priority, it is advisable not to
incorporate rescue tasks to exercises with
environmental protection goals if the time allocated
does not allow staggering of the objectives. With
several simultaneous objectives, the common
operating picture seemed to be lacking and, as far the
authors observed, it managed to not form within the
given exercise time.
One of the greatest advantages of the tabletop
exercises, which was also confirmed by participant
feedback, was the opportunity to strengthen
collaboration. Tabletops provided non-stressful
situations to clarify inter-agency roles and
responsibilities in contingency planning and in joint
operations. The participants stated that especially the
involvement of the maritime authorities, pilots, safety
inspectors and VTS operators, alongside the
environmental specialists of ELY Centres, contributed
to a better understanding of the incident management
as the authorities have usually had separate exercises
of their own. Discussions helped to share experiences
and to gain regional agreements on i.e. response
On the other hand, the discussions-based nature of
the tabletops is also recognised to be its potential
weakness. Failures in setting appropriate objectives
can easily lead to ineffective exercise facilitation i.e.
too broad nature of the tabletop discussions (Leonard
& Roberson 1999; IPIECA & IOGP 2014). Vague
discussions do not provide tangible results or
measurable improvements, nor provide any learning
value (Leonard & Roberson 1999). Unlimited
possibilities in conducting tabletop exercises can
therefore be two-faced; the scenario-building needs
balancing between pre-planning and improvisation.
Exercise manuscripts should include a master list of
events or injects and their expected timeline, but leave
room for the chain of events the participants
themselves will set off. Pre-scripted injects help to
ensure that the exercise advances but remains within
the designed parameters. The main task of the
facilitators is to ensure that the discussions are
focused and the objectives of the exercise will be
fulfilled. Autonomous-driven scenarios will lead to
dead-end or on the sidelines from the exercise goals.
It was recognised that the effortlessness of the
response actions within tabletop exercise may create
assumptions that may not be grounded on reality. For
example, the true deployment times of the equipment
are easily obscured as the exercise format allows vast
resources to be deployed in seconds. Therefore
realistic delay and response times based on field
exercise results, should always be brought out. It is
also essential to not just base the estimates on
resource availability on written lists in contingency
plans, but to verify them by actually contacting the
resource providers. In three tabletop exercises out of
four, the participants found outdated information in
their contingency plans and they were mostly related
to the available resources and contact lists. Updated
information saves time in actual emergencies and
contributes also to other activities, not just oil spill
response issues.
Arrangements for tabletops and simulating the
exercise scenario can be carried out with a few
facilitators. The actual exercise can be executed with a
relatively small group of key personnel, however the
number of the participants can be easily increased in
order to achieve the benefits of a mutual planning
process. Moreover, not every participant needs to be
situated in the same place, as many of the roles can be
played via phone. Furthermore, not all agencies need
a prior notice. This gives a lot of flexibility for the
exercise design and arrangements. The low-cost
implementation of tabletop exercises allows them to
be organised frequently, even for smaller groups at a
time. In that case, it is essential to share results wider
to increase the number of beneficiaries of the exercise.
Table 2. Elements of the oil spill response preparedness and
the observed areas of improvement the different types of
exercises contributed the most.
Objective Tabletop Drill Full-scale
Exercise Exercise
Notifications X X* X
Resource identification X X X
Resource availability X* X* X
Verifying competencies/gaps X X
Responsibilities & roles X X
Validating contingency plans X X
Inter-agency collaboration X X
Communication X X* X
Surveillance & forecasting X* X* X*
Protection prioritisation X X
Response tactics & strategies X X
Response measures & techniques X X
Mobilization times & procedures X X
Deployment times & procedures X X
Equipment functionality X X
Shoreline treatment X X
Logistical support X* X* X
Local conditions X X
Equipment maintenance X* X X
Managing waste disposal X* X* X*
Long-term operations X*
Financial management & claims X*
* If targeted at that specific objective
The objective of this paper was to discuss the benefits
and limitations of tabletop exercises in improving
preparedness for shipborne oil pollution compared to
other exercise formats. The comparison originated
from the experiences in facilitating four tabletop
exercises and two drills as well as participating in
three field exercises in the Lake Saimaa region during
the past years.
Discussion-based tabletop exercises proved their
usefulness in assessing the contingency plans on a
strategic level. The tabletop exercises contributed to
the clarification of the roles and responsibilities and
gave possibilities to discuss priorities and establish
inter-agency agreements. The advantages of tabletop
exercises included their flexibility in scenario-
building, low-cost implementation and the possibility
to study a longer time span in order to gain a more
holistic view of the response operation. However,
tabletops cannot replace the operations-based training
– both formats have a role in ensuring proper oil spill
response preparedness (See Table 2). Field exercises
are needed in order to validate realistic response
times, the functioning of the equipment as well as to
improve the skills of the responders. Tabletops should
be based on these tested parameters, otherwise there
is a risk of unrealistic assumptions in contingency
planning rebounding upon actual emergencies. With
goal-oriented facilitation, tabletop exercises offer an
effective way to test and validate spill response
strategies. In particular, tabletops are useful in
training long-term, multi-agency operations. Based on
the authors experiences, as the oil spill response
operations are not as familiar as other rescue
operations, it is recommended to conduct oil spill
response exercises separately and not to add other
objectives until the participants are trained enough or
the number of persons in the IC team is adequate to
handle multisectoral operation.
In order to enhance the learning outcomes of
future exercises, the contents of tabletop exercises are
recommended to be extended to cover also cost
accounting and claims management. In addition, the
facilitators should find more ways to document the
participants’ activities, to collect and analyse data in
order to conclude the exercise, and to share findings
and recommendations even more effectively.
The tabletop exercises were mainly conducted under the
project SÖKÖSaimaa (2016-2018) funded by the Finnish Oil
Spill Compensation Fund of the Finnish Ministry of the
Environment, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied
Sciences Xamk and the Rescue Services of South Karelia,
North Karelia, Southern Savonia and Northern Savonia, the
Finnish Maritime Foundation, Nestori Foundation and Reijo
Rautauoma Foundation. The SÖKÖSaimaa project group
comprised of the designated spill response specialists
representing the above mentioned rescue services together
with the Finnish Transport Agency, the Finnish
Environment Institute and the Centres for Economic
Development, Transport and the Environment of South
Savo, North Savo, North Karelia and Southeast Finland
(ELY Centres). Acknowledgments are made to the
contribution of the rescue services and the ELY Centres and
to our co-workers at Xamk; Mrs Emmi Rantavuo, Mr Mikko
Pitkäaho, Mr Joel Kauppinen and Mrs Vappu Kunnaala-
Hyrkki. Special thanks to Mr Pasi Vahtola from the Finnish
Lifeboat Institution for role-playing a captain constantly
shipwrecking his vessel and letting us to test our
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