Annual utilization period
Fig. 2. Example results of safety model simulation for ship –
probability of damages or ship systems failure occurrence for
the number of utilization periods from 0.1 to 10
Annual utilization period
Fig. 3. Example results of safety model simulation for ship –
time of repair of damages or ship systems failures for the
number of utilization periods from 0.1 to 10
Similar distribution has the characteristic of
probability density for damage occurrence in relation
to characteristic of failure occurrence. Intensity of
both events is a random process and depends on
numerous factors (quality of service, physical and
chemical phenomena), which one can not, in any
way, consider in this type of model.
Fig. 4. Probability of system damage occurrence after the time t
for the number of utilization periods from 1 to 10
Fig. 5. Probability of system failure occurrence after time t for
the number of utilization periods from 1 to 10
Using the properties of exponential distribution,
statistical event-tree method and Monte Carlo
method, as well as considering abovementioned real
statistical data, I have created the analytical model
simulating the probability of damage or failure on
the ship in the assumed time. It determines the
chance of event occurrence after chosen amount of
1-year utilization periods. Using the properties of
exponential distribution and the mentioned Monte
Carlo method, it was possible to simulate the times,
which are required to bring the state of system
efficiency back, for the systems which were the
subject of failure in the mentioned model of
probabilities intensity.
Calculations and simulation analysis which were
carried out, create the picture of event probability
rate on the specific units. Such simulations allow to
state, how does the damage and failure distribution
develop, for the given type of ship (in the model,
data concerning bulk carriers of tonnage from 10 to
100 thousand DWT was used) and on this basis
conclude which systems on the ship requires close
attention in the aspect of increasing the safety and
reliability of service. Moreover they can be also used
by different types of institutions responsible for
navigation safety, procedure planning, planning of
recommendations and orders applied to utilization
and design of solutions for the marine industry.
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