mooring line tension that is no mooring forces are
transferred through the hull of the buoyancy element.
In light of SAL mooring system handling
requirements during operation, fibre ropes were
chosen instead of wire ropes. Two fibre rope
segments, a lower fibre rope segment and an upper
fibre rope segment connect the mooring line
buoyancy element and the chafing chain, via the
additional buoyancy element. Both sections of rope
are manufactured from Polyester. The additional
buoyancy element is designed to avoid contact
between the fibre rope segments and the seabed, and
to reduce the stiffness of the mooring system in
disconnected condition. However, this SAL system is
designated only for DP shuttle tanker with BLS
The SAL installation is fixed by SAL anchor. The
ship is made fast to the SAL with the help of a single
chain with hawser which is secured on board to the
bow stopper. The vessel always takes the most
favourable position in relation to the combination of
wind, current and wave and is free to align itself with
the prevailing environmental forces at the time. As
the vessel in its stationary state is always positioned
head-on into the winds/currents direction, the total
force is less than would be experienced by a vessel on
a fixed mooring which is not always head-on into the
prevailing conditions. The vessel will approach the
SAL with its bow into the dominant environment,
thus maximising control while minimising the need
for tug assistance. This solution is good for DP
dynamic positioning vessel. For conventional tankers
a tug is usually required at all times during mooring
and offloading operation to maintain the nominal
amount of tension on the mooring hawsers and assist
with the weathervane movements of the vessel.
The SAL Anchor Assembly consists of the
following main components: anchor pile, anchor base
structure, turret assembly, including turret adapter,
turret table, bearings and bearing locking
arrangement, crude swivel, piping from crude swivel
to flexible riser, riser connector and support, piping
from sub-sea pipeline to crude swivel, acoustic
control system (optional), crude oil valve for branch
piping (to crude swivel) and crude oil valve for main
piping. The anchor base is fabricated on top of a
conical structure that fits to the pre-installed anchor
pile. During the final installation campaign, the
conical structure is grouted to the anchor pile to
achieve the required permanent structural capacity.
The Anchor Base structure transfers the forces from
the riser system, via the bearing arrangement in the
turret into the anchor pile. The center of the anchor
base consists of the removable turret assembly. The
connection to the removable module consists of a
robust vertical pipe with a flange connection and
guiding for the turret adapter module. The interface
between the anchor base structure and the anchor pile
is a grouted connection. The soil inside the top of the
anchor pile is dredged out after installation and a
mating insert below the SAL base structure penetrates
into the anchor pile. The void space between the
anchor pile and the mating insert on the anchor base
is filled with grouting to form a rigid structural
The turret assembly is the main component that
consists of the turret adapter, turret table bearings
and bearing locking arrangement, crude swivel, riser
connector and support and lower polyester segment
connection point. The turret assembly is connected to
the anchor base structure by a bolted flange. The
turret assembly is designed to perform without any
maintenance throughout the design life of the system
(30 years). However, if found required, the turret
assembly can be unbolted and retrieved to surface for
maintenance or repair, or it can be replaced with an
interchangeable new turret assembly. The
arrangement that transfers the global loads from the
riser system consists of a turret shaft, turret table and
a bearing arrangement. It is designed with basis in the
same turret components as the field proven STL/STP
systems. The system is normally designed to transfer
mooring loads from a passive vessel. The upper
bearing ring supporting the upper axial bearing is
locked to the central turret shaft by means of a
segment locking system fitted into a circular groove of
the centre shaft. The bearings are fixed to the turret
table. The turret table is equipped with a support
structure for the riser. The support structure ensures
that all global loads from the riser (tension, shear and
moment) are transferred into the turret table, which
provides the moment arm for turning the turret table
and the crude oil swivel.
The crude swivel is located on top of the anchor.
The top of the swivel is rigidly connected to a frame
on the top of the turret table to prevent loads from the
riser to be transferred into the crude swivel. The
rotation of the swivel will be driven by the rotating
motion of the turret table via the piping clamped to
the anchor base. The rotating motion originates
mainly from the tension loads in the riser. The inline
fluid swivel is a robust and compact unit with few
sensitive parts. It is capable of handling all relevant
external forces from the attaching piping with a good
margin. It is not sensitive to moisture and water
ingress, as it holds no roller bearing elements. The
fluid swivel comprises a set of double axials thrust
bearings and double radial bearings to take up
external loads while allowing rotation. All bearings
are self- lubricating, i.e. bronze with solid lubricant
depots. The process seals are arranged as rod seal
type (axial seals). There are double process seals, with
leak collection in-between. Additionally, to prevent
water and dust ingress into the bearing cavity there is
a scraper and a seal on the outside of the bearing
SAL systems are usually located in water depths
between 30 to 100 meters and are connected to a shore
storage facility (tank farm) or to offshore production
platforms by means of a submarine pipeline.
Nowadays most of the SAL systems are designated
for DP shuttle tankers with BLS system. SAL
configuration can accommodate the largest vessels,
including VLCCs.
Shuttle tankers can moor to SAL system with
significant sea waves up to 4.5 m (maximum wave
heights 8.5 m) and stay connected to SAL when
loading with significant sea waves up to 5.5 m
(maximum wave heights 9.5 m) and disconnection in
seas as high as 7.0 m [1], [2]. Conventional tankers
usually can moor with winds up to 30 knots and head
waves of 2,0 m to 2.5 m. Vessel has to leave berth
when winds exceed 60 knots and waves are higher
than 3.5 m to 5.0 m. The above values are normative