forms of transport, such as rail or car
lower emissions - according to German and EU
data, the external costs of inland water transport is
many times less than for other forms of transport.
The external cost of transport using inland
waterways for 1000 tonne-km is 19 euro less
compared to the same transport by road
[Wojewódzka-Król‘14] and
a higher level of transport safety.
This third aspect is of particular importance in the
research carried out by the authors, because it is
safety that is considered as one of the key parameters
describing the quality of transport [Rolbiecki'15].
Since inland waterway transport is perceived as one
of the safest transport systems, it is assumed that the
increase in its use in transport of cargoes may play a
special role in the process of improving the security of
transport in whole supply chains. This is due to the
fact that the number of registered accidents and
breakdowns in this mode of transport is much smaller
than the others, which positively affects the
assessment of the safety of transport operations.
Transport safety is concerned with the protection of
life and goods through regulation, supervision and
technology development of all forms of transportation
[Marquez’14]. In the safety analysis relating to
waterway transport, it has been concluded that the
boat is a major factor, also finding that passenger
boats like barges, tugs and tankers, are the vessels
that produce the greatest consequences when an
accident occurs; likewise, the risk in navigation
increases significantly caused by external factors such
as bad weather and waterway conditions [Zhang et
Due to the fact that inland waterway transport takes
place in limited area, in order to ensure its proper
functioning, it is important to define safe navigation
conditions within the entire inland waterway
transport system. For this reason, safety is described
by the following function [Łozowicka'15]:
,, , ,
ii iii
fDPHSI (1)
B – safety indicator for inland navigation,
i – waterway parameters,
i – inland port parameters,
i – inland vehicles parameters,
i – hydro-meteorological conditions parameters,
i – traffic intensity parameters.
As it can be seen, the safety of transport in inland
navigation depends on a number of independent
variables, which are factors affecting the relations
between inland vessels and waterways, on which they
navigate. Research conducted by Kaup and
Łozowicka [Kaup'16] indicate that the most frequent
events on inland vessels include: technical failures,
fires and collisions with other vessels or infrastructure
facilities. Due to the parameters of waterways and
navigation in restricted waters, inland vessels are
exposed to grounding and close contact with other
vessels. For this reason, one of the basic factors that
have a major impact on the safety of navigation on
limited waters are the prevailing hydrometeorological
conditions and the intensity and intensity of traffic in
a given place and time [Łozowicka'15].
Another factor that can cause accidents on inland
waterways are the parameters of waterways (e.g.
length, width, depth) and the occurrence of numerous
hydrotechnical objects on them, including canals,
weirs, locks, slipways or water stages. They constitute
a potential source of danger in the event of their
malfunction or improper operation. Infrastructure
objects located above the waterway (e.g. high voltage
lines, pipelines), should also be maintained in a good
technical condition, because in the case of even
unfavourable weather conditions they may pose a
potential threat to the units passing under them
[Kaup'15]. Still other factors causing accidents are the
technical condition and parameters of inland vessels,
which are largely determined by the date and place of
their production [Łozowicka'15].
At the same time, studies on water transport
systems indicate that the cause of accidents are most
often [Neumann'18]:
accidents reason by unmeant human failure,
accidents reason intentionally by man,
accidents due to technical failures,
accidents due to poor weather.
In order to increase the level of safety in the
existing transport systems, telematics solutions are
being implemented more and more often. The
inclusion of inland waterway transport into
integrated transport chains, as recommended by the
European Commission, also requires the use of
telematics solutions to optimize and improve the
processes of cargo and passenger transport [Kaup'14].
These systems, through the combination of IT and
technical tools, are designed to effectively use the
existing in a given place and time linear and point
infrastructure of inland waterway transport. Also in
Poland, the RIS (River Information System) system
was introduced. The basic task of this system is to
create an interoperable, intelligent traffic and
transport management system, in order to optimize
existing transport capacity, increase the level of
inland waterway transport safety and improve
interaction with other modes of transport [Report'13].
The functioning of this solution is to ensure the
improvement of navigational safety on inland
waterways [Kaup'14].
Including inland waterway transport into
functioning supply chains, however, means
generating increased traffic on inland waterways.
This will significantly affect the parameters of water
traffic intensity, which are one of the elements
affecting the presented safety indicator. The intensity
of traffic is associated with an increase in the
requirements for the crew, in the aspect of
maintaining adequate caution in inland waterway
traffic and limiting dangerous behaviour. The state
should, therefore, ensure appropriate conditions for
carrying out the transport, guaranteeing proper
behaviour of crew members serving river vessels. One
of the tools that can be used are appropriately
formulated legal provisions that explicitly determine