One of the most important aspects in assessing the
safety conditions of the operation of a port terminal is
the verification of mooring plans for ships. According
to [1], the function of the lines and mooring systems is
to keep the vessel moored, in order to allow a cargo
handling operation within tolerable safety limits. In
addition, mooring plans must work with as few lines
as possible, in order to ensure higher efficiency in the
ships entrance and exit operations.
In order to ensure a safe and efficient mooring
system, the tension in mooring lines must not exceed
its minimum breaking load and, at the same time, the
vessel movements shall be minimum as it is possible,
according to the cargo type handled. International
recommendations such as [2] and [3] set out the basic
guidelines to be considered when evaluating mooring
Especially in regions where the port is subjected to
severe environmental actions, such as waves, currents
or winds of moderate to strong intensity, or in
confined areas where the passage of other vessels
occurs near berths, the moored vessel is subject to
forces that may result in excessive movement. These
movements, in turn, can result in excessive tension on
the mooring lines, which, in extreme cases, can cause
serious accidents in case of line break.
Thus, in places where there are adverse conditions
for the maintenance of ships safely docked in the
Definition of Mooring Plans for Vessels at Port
Terminals Using Physical Models
.C. de Melo Bernardino
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
L.M. Pion, R. Esferra & R. de Oliveira Bezerra
Hydraulic Technological Center Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil
ABSTRACT: Physical scale models have a large range of application in studies of hydraulic works. In port
engineering, they can be used to optimize the general layout of terminals, evaluation of protection structures,
simulation of vessel maneuvers and investigation of mooring plans for vessels, among several subjects. Once
physical modeling allows a high accuracy in the waves and currents representation as well as their interaction
with the bottom and the vessels, the studies of mooring systems in coastal and estuarine ports based on
physical modeling tests provide greater reliability in comparison with those grounded on distinct types of
models. To highlight the importance of this kind of application, this article presents the case study of the Ponta
da Madeira Port (PMP), located in the State of Maranhao, Brazil, developed with the support of the 1:170 scale
reduced physical model conceived and calibrated for this area. This study analyzed several alternatives to
improve the availability of the northern berth of the Pier III of PMP, including new mooring strategies and the
construction of a new improvement structure. The results, which concerned on preliminary tests of the mooring
lines tensions, evidenced structural intervention could substantially reduce the risk of mooring lines break,
indicating that further investigations concerning different layouts for the improvement structure are promising
in order to provide an increase of this berth availability.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.10
berth, the development of studies about mooring
system is essential, considering each critical scenario
for each mooring berth and type of vessel. In these
cases, physical modeling stands out as one of the most
reliable options to perform the analysis of mooring
Physical models are generally small-scale
representations of any physical system and its
applications in Engineering are widely discussed in
the international literature, in references such as [4],
[5], [6] and [7]. In the case of port studies, hydraulic
physical models, also shortly called scale models, can
be used to represent the entire interest area, including
topography, bathymetry, docking structures, vessels
and also the environmental conditions, such as water
level variations, waves, winds, and so on.
The scale models can be used in several types of
port studies, among which [8] highlights:
Shelter of waves and / or currents, intervening in
the geometry of piers, breakwaters, jetties, access
channels, maneuvering basins, etc.
Characteristics of berths, intervening in their
orientation, type of structure, etc.
Mooring characteristics, intervening in the
arrangement of bollards, or quick release hooks,
arrangement and type of fenders,
recommendations on the Number and type of
lines, as well as pre-tension levels.
This article describes studies based on physical
modeling developed to improve the mooring
condition at a Brazilian Port, the Ponta da Madeira
Port (PMP) located in the northeast of Brazil, in the
Sao Marcos Bay. Considering iron ore exportations,
PMP is the most important Brazilian Port.
The Sao Marcos Bay area is sheltered from wave
action and is enough deep and wide to receive Very
Large Ore Carriers (VLOC). However, this area is
subjected to high water level variation, which can
reach heights of up to 7 m in equinoctial spring tide.
Consequently, the currents inside the bay are very
strong, causing problems for navigation and safe
mooring of vessels.
Thus, a small-scale hydraulic physical model was
built and calibrated within the Hydraulic
Technological Center (CTH), which is the Hydraulic
Laboratory of the University of São Paulo, in order to
develop studies concerning the PMP operations. The
present article discusses one of the case studies
carried out for this port, with support of physical
modeling, which aimed the reduction of the
downtime of the north berth of the Pier III. During
this study case different alternatives, such as new
shelter or berthing structures and different mooring
plans, were analyzed to allow safe mooring in this
berth, even for the most severe tidal current
2.1 Study area description
The Sao Marcos Bay, the largest Brazilian bay, is
located in the Northeast of Brazil, in the State of
Maranhao, , bounded to the west by the continent, to
the east by the city of Sao Luis and to the south by the
mouth of the Mearim River.
This bay has great potential for port installation,
because of high depths and wave protection within it.
For this reason, several important Brazilian ports are
grouped in this place, among which stands the Ponta
da Madeira Port (PMP): a private port specialized in
iron ore exportation. Figure 1 illustrates the study site.
This port comprises three main piers, named in the
order of its construction, as Piers I, III and IV (Pier II
is located a little further south and it was not
considered in this study). Figure 2 shows the location
and arrangement of piers PI, PIII and PIV.
Figure 1. Location of the Sao Marcos Bay and the Ponta da
Madeira Port (PMP).
Figure 2. Location of the PMP and Piers I, III and IV, with
emphasis on Pier III, which will be the subject of this article.
Although it is a region with great potential for the
installation of ports, San Marcos Bay presents a
natural condition that imposes great difficulty for the
navigation and mooring ships. Average tidal
amplitude is about 4.5 m, reaching approximately 7.0
m in equinoctial spring tides. This huge variation of
the water levels within the bay results in very high
current speed, which hinder safe maneuvers and
docking during loading or unloading operations.
2.2 Scale Model Description
Concerning the Sao Marcos Bay environmental
dynamics, and considering the PMP is the most
important iron ore export port in Brazil, the CTH was
hired to develop physical modeling studies to support
its port operations. The limits of the three-dimension
physical model built are represented on Nautical
Chart 413 of the Brazilian Navy illustrated in Figure 3.
The main purpose of these studies is to assure the
safety of port operations, considering the goals of
improving operating conditions to receive larger
vessels and increase efficiency.
Figure 3. Nautical chart nº 413 and the limits of the physical
model of the Sao Marcos Bay.
The physical model was built on the non-distorted
linear geometric scale of 1: 170, considering the
similarity criteria of Froude, and was reproduced
with fixed bottom. Figure 4 shows an overview of the
model, which has an area of approximately 1,700 m².
Figure 4. General view of the three-dimensional physical
model of the Sao Marcos Bay in CTH-University of Sao
The use of the scale models to represent real
environmental conditions is based on the Similarity
The complete similarity between two flows is
obtained when there is equality between all the
relevant dimensionless obtained using Buckingham's
Theorem [4]. In the case of free surface flow, usually
the dimensionless that govern the phenomenon are
the Reynolds Number, the Froude Number and the
Weber Number, detailed as follows:
: Reynolds Number (1)
: Froude Number
: Weber Number (3)
in which:
U : mean velocity of the flow (m/s)
D : linear dimension (m)
: kinematic viscosity of water (m²/s)
g : gravity acceleration (m/s²)
: depth of the flow (m)
: specific mass of water (kg/m³)
: coefficient of surface tension of the water (N/m)
The Reynolds Number is given by the ratio
between the inertial forces, represented by the
velocity and the viscous forces (kinematic viscosity
coefficient). The Froude Number is the ratio between
velocity and gravitational force. The Weber Number
relates the forces of inertia to the forces of surface
Mathematically, it is possible to verify that, for two
distinct flows, the equality between all the
dimensionless occurs only if the geometric scale
between both is equal to 1. Of course, for practical
applications in studies of port structures, it is not
possible to build models in real scale (1:1). In other
words, for the practical use of scale models, it is
necessary to apply the principle of incomplete
similarity, in which the equality of the more important
dimensionless for accurate representation of the
phenomenon is prioritized. In the case of free flow,
the equality between the model and prototype (real
environment) Froude Numbers guarantees an
adequate reproduction of the flow conditions, and
allows the determination of important physical
quantities through the tests performed in scale
models. It is important to mention that the incomplete
similarity in modeling implies some scale effects and
limitations during the tests, which need to be
considered according to the objective of the study.
The scale model of Sao Marcos Bay was designed
based on the Froude similarity criteria for free surface
flows. This condition, by itself, establishes the
relations of extrapolation for the prototype of the
several quantities measured in the model.
Establishing equality between the Froude
Numbers of the model (subscript “m”) and the
prototype (subscript “p”) by Equation (2):
gy gy
Knowing that the geometric scale (
) can be
written as a relation between prototype and model of
any linear quantities (
L ):
Shallow water conditions
Other fundamental quantities can be written in
relation to this scale factor, such as:
: velocity scale (6)
: Volume flow rate scale (7)
: time scale (8)
: force scale (9)
2.3 Scale Effects and Calibration of the physical model of
Sao Marcos Bay
The effects due to not represent the viscosity of the
water (represented by the Reynolds Number) in
small-scale models, for example, can be ignored if the
flow in the model is rough turbulent. This can be
achieved by observing a minimum reduction scale for
the physical model (1: λ)
min, which can be obtained by
the Zeghzda criterion [4]. Using the logarithmic
expression for the characterization of turbulent flow
velocity distribution, the minimum scale of the
physical model can be calculated from the expression:
1 126
Re D
D : hydraulic diameter
: bottom roughness, which can be estimated by
n : Manning Number.
Thus, in the berthing area of the PMP, in which the
flow velocities are close to 6 knots (approximately 3
m/s), the mean flow depth is about 25 m (the
hydraulic diameter can be approximated by 4 times
this value) and the Manning Number is close to 0.035
(value obtained from calibration in a computational
model presented later in this paper), the minimum
scale calculated by Equation (10) results in: (1 / λ)
1/179. Therefore, the scale adopted for the scale model
of Sao Marcos Bay (1/170) has scale effects due to
viscosity that can be ignored in the berthing area.
In addition to the topographic and bathymetric
characteristics of the region, the vessels are also
reproduced in small scale. For this, based on the
arrangement of lines and the general arrangement of
the real vessel, the hull model and the mooring
elements are conceived according to the geometric
similarity. Furthermore, the vessel’s model is
calibrated for real vessel building data, mainly using
of its gravity center and rotation radius.
The flow calibration process was based on water
level, current speed and direction data, extracted from
a numerical hydrodynamic model conceived for the
same interest area, which is further described in this
paper, at twenty-four homologous points. This model
was calibrated for seven different points within the
interest area, where current speed, direction and
water level data were acquired during a one-year
field survey.
During physical model tests, flow speed and
direction are acquired with a MicroADV (Acoustic
Doppler Velocimeter), and water level is measured
with depth probes, applying the methodology
presented in [9].
2.4 Forces and Displacement Measurement Systems
The parameters controlled and measured during
mooring tests are basically the ship movements and
the forces induced in the mooring lines systems by
these displacements. The tests are performed
considering the elastic stress limits applied in the
mooring lines. For this representation and tension
measurement in the lines, a helicoidal spring is
connected to a displacement sensor. Each line is
positioned on the projection corresponding to a real
mooring element. This system is installed in each set
of lines that support and obey the real geometry,
maintaining the same angle in relation to the vertical
obtained in prototype. The efforts on the mooring
system are acquired by the electromechanical
calibration of this set, which reproduces the lines
characteristics in scale. The Figure 5 illustrates the
forces measurement system.
Figure 5. Forces measurement system in the scale model of
Sao Marcos Bay – CTH – University of Sao Paulo.
The ship displacements on the horizontal plane of
are acquired through a software developed at the
CTH, based on two cameras equidistant from the
instantaneous center of rotation of the boat and two
fixed targets in the same deck, according to Figure 6.
The cameras are able to measure the vessel
movements during the test from its initial position in
three degrees of freedom: Yaw, Surge and Sway.
Figure 6. Measurement of vessel movement System by
The fenders are reproduced by steel blades, which
are calibrated from the stiffness curve in addition to
the absorption energy. These elements are fixed to the
homologous places on the berths walls observed in
the prototype, for reproduction of the real mooring
The North Berth of Pier III of the PMP receives vessels
of the Capesize class of 180,000 DWT. For the higher
tidal amplitudes that occur in the Sao Marcos Bay,
this berth has operational restrictions, which
represents a reduction in its availability throughout
the year. In order to reduce this downtime,
engineering solutions were analyzed in numerical
and physical model tests, looking for increasing this
berth’s availability, considering safety limits and
without causing significant impacts on the sediment
dynamics at the interest area and its adjacencies.
For preliminary tests, a hydrodynamic and
morphologic computational model of the region was
applied. This model was conceived and calibrated on
the MIKE3® platform, developed by DHI (Danish
Hydraulic Institute). The results of these tests allowed
the definition of the most promising alternatives to be
investigated in the physical model at a later stage of
the studies.
The computational grid covers the entire Sao
Marcos Bay, with a grid of more than 30 thousand
cells, which density increases in the vicinity of the
PMP piers. The Figure 7 shows the elements of the
numerical grid. The main problem, which restricts the
operation of the northern berth of Pier III, is the action
of the currents, during the flood tide. In this
condition, the velocities can be very intense near the
north end of this berth, pushing the vessel hull out of
the berth, and forcing mainly the forward breast lines.
The Figure 8 presents an output of the computational
model illustrating the current field in the northern
berth of PIII.
Figure 7. Numerical grid of the three-dimensional
hydrodynamic computational model of Sao Marcos Bay on
the Mike 3® platform.
Figure 8. Currents of the flood tide near Northern Berth of
Figure 9. Alternatives of shelter wall (highlighted in red color) to decrease the currents action on the vessel in Northern
Berth of PIII.
The study of alternatives to find a solution that
decreases the downtime of the Northern Berth of Pier
III, analyzed the implantation of two types of
structures: a shelter wall at the north end of the Berth;
and a mooring dolphin to the north of the berth.
For the shelter wall, six different layouts (1, 1A, 2,
2A, 3 and 3A) were analyzed in the computational
model, as shown in Figure 9. The alternatives studied
were defined to cause the least possible impact on the
mooring plans of the other berths and on the
sediment dynamics of the area.
The study of alternatives performed preliminary in
the computational model analyzed the variation of
velocities along all the berths and possible changes in
orders of the magnitude of the sediment deposition.
The computational simulations indicated the
layouts 1A and 2A had the best performance
considering the mentioned criteria. Both alternatives
caused a significant decrease of the velocities near the
berthing area in the Northern Berth of Pier III, and in
periods of flood tide, as well as they reduced the
velocities in the other berths of Piers I and III.
However, during periods of ebb tide, especially the
Alternative 2A causes an increase in the current
velocity near Pier I berthing line and the southern
Berth of Pier III. For these conditions, Alternative 1A
presented more similar and favorable results.
In addition, the results of the computational
simulations showed both Alternatives 1A and 2A do
not significantly cause changes in the sediment
distribution of the PMP area.
Based on these results, only the alternatives 1A
and 2A were tested in the scale model of Sao Marcos
Bay for mooring lines tension analysis. These tests
were performed considering vessels docked in in all
berths of the PMP, which represents a critical
condition for this port operation. The Table 1shows
the vessels used in the each PMP berth and Figure 10
illustrates this typical test condition.
Table 1. Class of vessels used in the scale models tests for
evaluation of forces on the mooring lines.
Pier Berth Vessel DWT
PI --- VLOC 350,000
PIII North Capesize 180,000
PIII South Capesize 180,000
PIV North VLOC 400,000
PIV South VLOC 400,000
Figure 10. Picture of the Physical Model of Sao Marcos Bay
with all the berths occupied by a vessel (according to the
Table 1). Highlighted the Northern Berth of PIII (PIIIN).
Figure 11. Alternative with an implantation of a mooring dolphin and the mooring plan “P3N9”.
The physical model tests indicated that both
implantations of the shelter walls 1A and 2A lowered
the mooring line tensions at the vessel’s bow, when it
is moored at the northern berth of Pier III. However,
an increase in mooring line tensions was detected at
this ship’s stern. An increase in mooring line tensions
was also detected at forward breast of the ship
moored in the southern Berth of the same pier for the
two alternatives.
Regarding these results, another structural
alternative was investigated in the scale model. It was
an additional mooring dolphin, near the northern end
of Pier III. Two positioning alternatives were studied
for this dolphin, as well as five different mooring
plans, four of them with a more distant dolphin and
one with a dolphin closer. The best results were
obtained for the mooring plane called "P3N9", with
the dolphin closest to Pier III. This alternative is
illustrated in Figure 11.
The physical model tests showed that the closest
dolphin alternative allowed the implantation of a
mooring plan which assures docking safety for
practically all tidal amplitudes that occur in Sao
Marcos Bay. P3N9 plan (Figure 11) enabled an
increase of approximately 60% on the availability of
northern berth of Pier III, when compared to the
original condition
Moreover, since the dolphin structure is relatively
slender, it practically does not interfere in the local
current field and, thereafter, does not affect the
mooring conditions in the other PMP berths nor
causes any significant impact on sediment deposition
at the PMP and its adjacencies.
Small-scale hydraulic physical models are a powerful
tool for engineering studies. In the case of the
evaluation of the safety of mooring conditions at
ports, the experience of the work developed by CTH
has shown that the results obtained in these studies
accurately represent the reality. Several measures of
tensions on the mooring lines of real ships have been
compared over the years with the physical model
tests results, allowing confirmation of the
effectiveness of this tool.
In the case of the studies developed for the
Northern Berth of the Pier III of the PMP, presented in
this article, preliminary studies of alternatives in
computational modeling allowed to define the two
better layouts of a shelter wall structure, which
reduced the current speed near this berth and with
minimum interference on sediment transport. ,.
However, when these alternatives were tested in the
physical model, both proved to be inefficient in
decreasing the downtime of this berth, as well as their
implementation caused an increase on the mooring
line tensions for vessels docked at adjacent berths
Further investigations of alternatives in the
physical model concluded that the most promising
solution is the implantation of a dolphin near the
north end of Pier III. This solution allowed the use of
a new morring plan (P3N9), with a reinforcement of
the forward breast lines, that was able to keep the
vessel moored in safety for almost all environmental
conditions. Considering the implementation of this
alternative, the downtime of the Northern Berth of the
PIII was reduced significantly.
In addition, the alternative of the dolphin had no
effects on the mooring conditions of ships in other
PMP berths, as well as this solution showed no
significant change in the complex and intense
sediment dynamics of the region.
From the study developed for the Northern Berth
of PIII, future studies in the physical model will allow
the optimization of the mooring plans for this berth,
using the new structure of the dolphin and aiming to
suppress any operational restriction.
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