The decision tree can be used also for
determination of acceptable level of accident
probability if there are no regulations or
recommendations relating to it. If we assume that
accident cost is deterministic and simplified decision
model is applied (Fig. 4) then with assumption that
the maximum expected value criterion is used in
decision process, the probability p
can be set as a
limit value of probability where there is no
difference for the decision maker between given
action a
and a
. This value can be expressed as
where: u
– consequences of different decisions
expressed in monetary values.
Fig. 4. Simplified decision tree of ship entrance to the port
5.1 Costs of ships accident and delay
Usually during the investigation of ship grounding
accident on restricted waters it is not necessary to
take into consideration the possibility of human
fatalities nor injures. The cost of accident Ca could
be divided into following costs:
where: Cr – cost of ships repair, Cra – cost of rescue
action, Cos – cost of potential oil spill, Cpc – cost of
port closure.
The mean cost of grounding accident in these
researches was calculated for typical ship (bulk
carrier of 260m). The mean estimated cost of serious
ship accident is assumed as C
= 2.500.000 zl
(around 700.000 Euro) [MUS 2000]. The oil spill
cost is not considered. Following assumption has
been taken in calculations:
− number of tugs taking part in rescue action:
3 tugs,
− mean time of rescue action.: 1 day,
− trip to nearest shipyard: 0.5 day,
− discharging of ship: 4 days,
− repair on the dry dock: 2 days,
− totel of oil spilled: 0 tons.
Mean cost of loses due to unjustified ships delay
according to standard charter rate can be estimated
as 90.000 zl/day. It is assumed that after one day the
conditions will change scientifically and the decision
process will start from the beginning.
5.2 The decision making process
The maximization of mean expected value criterion
is used to support the decision of port captain.
Decision tree leads to only 4 solutions. Each
decision could be described in monetary values. The
expected results (losses) of given decisions are as
− u1 = 0 zl;
− u2 = - 2.500.000 zl;
− u3 = - 90.000 zl;
− u4 = 0 zl.
Taking into consideration the results of grounding
probability calculations of example ship entering to
Swinoujscie Port (Fig.2) the probability of ship
under keel clearance is less then zero equals p2=0.02
which is assumed as accident probability. No
accident probability in this case is estimated as
p1=1-p2=0.98. We can evaluate the mean expected
value of given decisions a1 and a2 as:
− a1 = 0 zl+(-0.02*2.500.000 zl)= -50.000 zl;
− a2 = -(-0.98*90.000 zl)+0zl= - 88.200 zl;
With use of mean expected value it can be
justified to prefer action a1 (to let the ship to enter
the port) because total mean expected loses are
smaller in compare to unjustified delay due to
decision a2.
The paper presents probabilistic method of ships
dynamic underkeel evaluation. Previously developed
Monte Carlo model was implemented as online
program. The program allows to calculate the
probability of grounding accident with consideration
of several uncertainties.
Simplified decision model based on mean
expected value was presented and applied in case
study of ships enter to Świnoujscie. Results were