The main goal of this research was to validate a
nontechnical skill evaluation model, developed by
Conceição et al. (2017), prior to its adoption by the
Portuguese Naval Academy. Following the
recommendation made in previous work (Conceição
et al. 2017), the model was further developed,
proposing a revised model (MODACEN) that was
assessed by navigation instructors, with a series of
trials in bridge simulators. This revision includes a
comparative analysis between the MODACEN and
the Functional leadership model implemented at the
Portuguese Naval Academy (Bué et al. 2015; Pacheco
et al. 2015). The validation of the MODACEN model
was carried out through the implementation of bridge
simulator training sessions and questionnaires to
assess the quality of the model.
The MODACEN model contributes to the
education of the Portuguese naval cadets, enabling
more objective and structured evaluations of the
training in simulator sessions. This study also
approaches questions directed toward the efficient
use of the Bridge Navigation Simulator, concerning
the manning requirements.
1.1 Non-technical Skills
Non-technical skills (NTS) are define by Flin,
O'Connor and Crichton (2008, p.1) as the cognitive,
social and personal resource skills that complement
Validation of a Behavioral Marker System for Rating
Cadet’s Non-Technical Skills
V.P. da Conceição
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
CINAV, Portuguese Naval Academy, Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Dom Luiz, Faculdade de Ciências, Lisbon, Portugal
. B. Mendes
CINAV, Portuguese Naval Academy, Lisbon, Portugal
M. F. Teodoro
CINAV, Portuguese Naval Academy, Lisbon, Portugal
CEMAT, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
. Dahlman
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
VTI, Gothenburg, Sweden
ABSTRACT: Simulator-based training assumes a very important role in the maritime domain, particularly in
the education of Officers Of the Watch (OOW). In the Portuguese Navy, most of the cadet’s skills as future
OOW rely on the success of this training. Beyond theory and technical training, the development of non-
technical skills is a key factor for obtaining officers capable of identifying and solving problems. To optimize
the training and development of non-technical skills, using the Portuguese Naval Academy Simulator, a
previously designed Behavioral Marker System model was further assessed. The revised model, which
comprises new parameters such as the effectiveness of the task, was validated through a set of simulated
sessions, where 11 instructors and 48 students participated. After each session, data was collected with
questionnaires and focus group discussion, focusing on the quality and usability of the model and on the
design of the scenario. The results show that the revised model, positively addresses the limitations found on
the previous version, and it has received encouraging feedback from both instructors and cadets. This new
model is now under implementation in all the Naval Academy course programs, and future research aims to
digitalize the behavior markers.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.08
technical skills and contribute to safe and efficient
task performance. From another perspective, in the
context of vocational education and training (VET)
there is a focus on the development of transversal
competences (Ceitil 2016) or transferable generic
competences (Deist & Winterton 2005) that share
many of the characteristics of NTS. In Maritime
Education and Training (MET) domain, these
concepts represent an important complementary
approach of the NTS framework. Notwithstanding
the consolidation of Bridge Resource Management
(BRM) courses in MET programs, focused in the
development human behavioral and non-technical
skills, we still need to better validate the effectiveness
of such skills and training in safe maritime navigation
(Barnett et al. 2006, p.9; Oltedal & Lützhöft 2018, p.86;
Salas et al. 2006, p.410; O’Connor 2011, p.372). Still,
the association of NTS with safe and efficient
performance is widely discussed in the human-factor
literature (Grech et al. 2008; Oltedal & Lützhöft 2018;
Hetherington et al. 2006). On the other hand, the
reduction of navigation risks does not rely only on the
bridge team performance, since other organizational
issues must also be tackled (Manuel 2011, p.34;
Hetherington et al. 2006).
It is also relevant to note that both technical and
non-technical skills are inextricably intertwined, since
they cannot be separated (Flin et al. 2008; Barnett et al.
2006, p.5). Fjeld, Tved and Oltedal (2018) reviewed
how the NTS have been applied in the ship bridge
domain. After analyzing nineteen studies, they
identified five NTS: situation awareness (SA),
decision-making (DM), workload management,
communication, and leadership. However, they
suggest that bridge officers’ NTS are not sufficiently
explored, calling for a detailed taxonomy and better
understanding of the interconnections between the
cognitive and interpersonal skills.
1.2 Behavior markers
How can we verify that a given individual has the
required skills? Considering that competencies are in
the first instance behaviors (Ceitil 2016), in order to
classify a competency, we need a set of indicators or
Behavioral Markers. These Indicators are observable
nontechnical behaviors, in teams or individuals, that
contribute to superior or inferior performance within
a given working domain (Flin & Martin 2001;
Klampfer et al. 2001, p.10). Klampfer (2001) suggested
essential characteristics of good markers: only
behaviors operationalized through observable
indicators should be considered as the target of
evaluation; with causal relationship to performance
outcome; described in domain specific language;
using simple phraseology; and describing clear
concepts. Ceitil (2016) also raises the question of the
standardization of evaluation, to assure the objectivity
of the evaluation, implying that each competence
should have more than one verification element /
indicator. Formal assessment using behavioral rating
systems started with the assessment of the
effectiveness of Crew Recourse Management (CRM)
training of flight deck crew, and by the end of 90’s
they spread across several domains (Flin et al. 2008).
Apart from the prototype behavioral marker for naval
officers’ NTS designed by O’Connor and Long (2011)
and Conceição et al. (2017) for behavioral markers of
naval cadets training in simulator, few developments
are found with a firm employment of a marking
scheme for the Bridge Resource Management (BRM)
framework (Fjeld et al. 2018; Conceição et al. 2017).
1.3 Training in Simulators
Barnett et al. (2002) consider simulation a tool to solve
problems associated with risk and crisis management,
as well as for optimization of navigation team’s
resources. Elashkar (2016) claims that 58% of the skills
associated with resource management of a ship bridge
could be improved through simulation and training
in simulator. However, several issues need to be
addressed, such as the extension of skill transfer from
training environment to the working domain, the
effective assessment of the NTS, the association with
safe performance, the design of the simulator training
program (Ward, Hancock, & Williams in Ericsson et
al. 2006; Pekcan et al. 2005). Simulators are designed
in order to reproducing parts of a real situation
allowing its user to practice and demonstrate skills in
a controlled environment ensuring integration into
the physical context of the task (Hontvedt 2015, p.6).
Studies indicate that individual’s performance in a
simulation context is a viable source to predict the
performance of the same individual in a real context
(Mjeldea et al. 2016). However, Sellberg (2016) adds
that despite the recognized capabilities of simulators
in the learning process, the organization and
conduction of the training process is more important
than the capabilities of the simulator itself. The need
to develop and establish adequate training models to
enable and optimize the use of simulators is
fundamental to an effective training (Sellberg 2016).
From an educational perspective, using a
simulator entails teaching technical skills, developing
coordination and teamwork, and evaluating
individual and team performances (Hontvedt 2015,
p.5). Therefore, the simulator should be properly
adapted to the educational context, i.e. the level of
realism of the simulator must be weighted according
to the training objectives and being too close to reality
can prevent the identification and / or evaluation of a
specific component. According to Sellberg (2017), a
higher degree of realism requires more structured
training, enabling a close connection between training
goals and the particularities of the individuals'
performance during the sessions.
The implementation of a set of clear and coherent
evaluation criteria that allow the quantification of a
subject's performance, covering the whole range of
solutions that can be adopted to solve a problem, is a
serious challenge. In this sense, Sampson et al. (2011)
alerts to the problem that instructors in the area of
maritime navigation have little knowledge and
reveals great uncertainty in the area of assessment
skills in simulated environment. Salas et al. (2002) had
already discussed this misperception that subject
matter experts should drive the design of training,
suggesting that they should work in collaboration
with teaching/learning experts.
Elashkar (2016) proposes that evaluation in
simulators should comprise the following elements:
Collection of evidence that the student has out-
lined a plan for solving the problem;
Observation of how the student uses the resources
at his disposal;
Monitoring how the objectives of the exercise are
transmitted to the other participants of the session;
Identification of how tasks are delegated;
Determine the quality of compliance with the pro-
posed plan;
Despite the challenges linked with the evaluation
in simulated environments, the process presents some
clear advantages over traditional written tests,
providing greater evidence of the student's
understanding of the contents evaluated, eliminating
factors such as the possibility of plagiarism, copying
or memorization of content, that are common failures
in traditional processes.
1.4 The use of simulator in the Portuguese Navy
The Portuguese Navy has a network of simulators
that allows it to manage and guide training in
simulator sessions in different training facilities. The
Naval Tactical Training Center (NTTC) is the fleet
training and evaluation organization and runs a set of
simulators that cover both tactical and navigation
domains, concurrently or not. The bridge simulator is
a KONGSBERG, POLARIS certified Full Mission
Bridge Simulator, class A, according to the
requirements of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO). It comprises seven bridges, four
located at the Naval Academy and three at the NTTC,
all working in the same network.
1.5 MODACEN Model
This model is a revision of the model presented by
Conceição et al. (2017). NTS framework has five
categories: Leadership, Situational Awareness,
Communications, Team work and Decision Making.
Each category is assessed by three behavioral
markers. The main difference is the inclusion of a
measure of effectiveness. Other differences fall within
the scope of presentation, clarity and usefulness of the
form used by the evaluator. The form is subdivided
into 3 distinct parts:
Header: identifies the evaluator, the trainee(s), the
place where the evaluation is carried out and the
scope in which it is evaluated;
NTS framework: the core of the evaluation model,
it encompasses the different NTS and respective
behavioral markers. It contains a section for com-
ments and a section for the evaluation of each in-
dicator between 1 and 5 or not observable.
Efficiency level: to measure the success achieved
by the trainee in the context of the exercise;
1.6 The Functional Leadership Model
The Naval Academy runs a skill development
program based on the functional leadership
framework. Functional leadership is a process of
leadership centered on monitoring and intervention
in the execution of a task by a team, in which the
competencies performed by the leader are the link
between the task execution, teamwork, and the
associated performance (Santos et al. 2008). The
leader assumes a fundamental role in the functional
context, being responsible for diagnosing problems,
generating / planning solutions and implementing
those solutions in the context of the task.
The Functional Leadership Model is
operationalized several times over the 5 years of the
cadets training program. The symbiosis between the
Functional Leadership Model and the one proposed is
clearly noticeable, since it is evident that both: 1)
privilege the behavior of the leader as a factor of
success and main influence in team`s performance, at
the same time encouraging the distribution of
activities and the autonomy of the team members; 2)
establish a close link between the quality of
leadership skills and the effectiveness associated with
the task; 3) implement cycles of information
processing and decision making; 4) promote an
environment of inter-assistance, cooperation and
communication between the whole team.
The main differences are at the level of
operationalization of the use of the model.
MODACEN seeks to respond to a set of requirements
aimed at the Officer of the Watch’s (OOW)
performance. On the other hand, the Functional
Leadership Model is applied in a wider domain and
directed to less complex and structured tasks. The
Functional Leadership Model collects elements for
evaluation from three moments: briefing, action and
debriefing. On the other hand, the MODACEN model
is only designed for, and teste during the action itself.
It does not collect information from the briefing and
Data was collected by questionnaires presented to
simulator instructors, to assess the prototype model
after a practical use in test sessions. Given the
reduced number of the participants, the statistical
confidence level was set to 90% or α = 0.1 for the tests
The MODACEN tests were conducted at Naval
Academy Bridge simulator, over a set of 6 sessions,
between February and April 2018, involving:
1 11 participants with instructor duties;
2 48 trainees assessed with MODACEN model;
3 3 staff elements to support the operation and con-
trol of the Simulator;
4 2 researchers involved in supervision and conduc-
tion of the sessions;
The participation of instructors and trainees was
voluntary, after invitation by e-mail. All received an
information leaflet describing the goal and
procedures for the trails.
Considering the scope of the evaluator functions
(instructors), the selection criteria were:
Naval Officers, specialized in navigation: choice
based on the whole set of experience obtained
throughout their career, associated with the duties
of a navigator, usually responsible for the training
of the bridge team and for the certification of
OOW onboard naval vessels;
Naval officers having carried out training using
bridge simulators: selection based on the skills ac-
quired and put into practice in the use of naviga-
tion simulators for training purposes, preparation
of exercises and understanding of the dynamic fac-
tors involved;
Naval officers with specific training in organiza-
tional behavior, leadership and teamwork: the
competencies gained by these elements, particular-
ly at the level of non-technical skills, plays a key
role in their choice to participate in the tests. Their
understanding of the theoretical framework of
non-technical knowledge leads to a more effective
and reasonable evaluation;
Instructors from the Nautical School leading
STCW Pilot Master courses and conducting train-
ing in simulators. Their perspectives do not con-
sider any specific naval doctrine applied in naviga-
tion onboard naval vessels. In addition, their
academic and professional curriculum in the mari-
time field and training enriches the evaluation,
clarifying the adaptability of the conceptual model
outside the scope of Naval education.
Trainees were recruited from the Naval Academy
cadet’s corps, for each session, organized as described
in Table 1.
Table 1. Duty distribution among cadets.
Duty Cadets grade graduation
year Line Officer
ECDIS operator 4
and 3
year Line Officer
ARPA operator 4
and 3
year Line Officer
Chart work 2
year any
Helm and telegraphs 1
year any
Lookout 1
year any
The duty arrangement considers the courses’
programs and levels of skills expected for each course
and year. The aim in structuring teams with cadets
from different years is to eliminate factors such as
comfort and familiarization between individuals. The
fact that a team is composed of elements with
different knowledge, requires a constant
readjustment, by the team leader, which highlights
the management capacity of the team.
Before each trial session, a briefing was held for
the participating trainees, to explain the procedure,
requirements, and the goals and scenario that were
set for the session. Afterwards, a presentation of
about 25 minutes was given to the instructors to:
clarify the scope of the research, present the
developed model, briefly explain the test scenario and
the functions inherent to the role of evaluator. At the
same time, during this period, the cadets were
adapting to the environment of the ship's bridge and
organizing themselves. During this period the cadets
would revise the information sheet, where general
instructions for the series would be presented.
After completing the test series, cadets and
evaluators, went to the bridge simulator briefing
room for debriefing, collecting contributions and
other comments. The evaluators then responded to
the evaluation questionnaires.
The series began with cadets and evaluators in
their respective bridge, bridge simulator operators
and the session supervisor in the control room. The
start signal was given by the supervisor to all bridges.
At this time the cadet with OOW functions had access
to the 1st block of instructions. The series had a
duration of 60 minutes, during which the cadets had
to deal with 5 specific cases, without any interference
of evaluators.
Despite some prior validation tests of the scenario,
the conduction of the session underwent successive
changes based on the comments and
recommendations gathered during the briefings and
debriefing of the first sessions. These changes focused
particularly on how the supervisor interacted with the
evaluated participants (cadets), corrections and
improvements in the presentation of the briefing, and
adjustment in the times for insertion of the cases
played in the series.
A total of eleven instructors, male (n = 8) and female
(n = 3), took part in the test, aged between 30 and 54
years, 8 from the Portuguese Navy and 3 from the
Nautical School (all STCW qualified masters and
lecturers). The majority hold a MSc degree (n = 7), two
with a PhD degree and other two with a bachelor’s
degree. All have experience in evaluating sessions in
simulated environment and at least 7 have more than
3 years of experience in the field of training. Courses
and training in the domain of NTS and instruction in
simulated environment are sparse. However, in
general, respondents feel they have a good or very
good preparation for observer functions (n = 9 /
81,8%). One of the most salient factors in the sample,
is the evidence that the level of training obtained by
the respondents for teaching and assessment
functions is clearly limited in the areas of non-
technical skills and interaction with simulation
systems. Thus, for the purposes of statistical analysis,
the experience associated with each individual was
considered as the main correlation factor.
The information analyzed in this study derives
from the fifteen questionnaires filled out by the eleven
elements of the sample. Three of the eleven elements
participated in more than one session and, therefore,
given that they had the possibility of having contact
with the model again, they were submitted to a new
questionnaire in order to measure how their opinion
varied according to the corrections made to the model
and the conduction of the session.
3.1 The scenario
Sections II and IV of the questionnaires assess the
respondents' opinion on how a simulated
environment assessment session should be conducted
and their views on the scenario played during the test
sessions. All the respondents gave a very high level of
important to the existence of briefing and debriefing.
The recommended number of trainees per session,
according to the respondents, can be seen in Table 2.
The ideal number of trainees, on average, is around
five elements, with a minimum of three and a
maximum of seven.
Table 2. Number of trainees per session (Q 16).
N Min Max x̅ s
Ideal number of trainees 12 2 6 5,08 1,084
Min. number of trainees 14 1 5 3,36 1,082
Max. number of trainees 14 4 8 6,79 1,311
To inquire for any correlation between the number
of trainees and the respondents’ experience, the
following non-parametric tests were made: Mann-
Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Spearman's
correlation. The results show that the data are not
relatable (p> 0,1) so there is nothing to conclude about
the relationship between the number of trainees per
session and the experience of the respondents.
In the context of the place where the respondent
would be to evaluate a training session, the majority
(66,7%) prefers to be in the cubicle where the action
takes place, whereas 26,7% prefer to be in the control
room with access to audio and video.
Figure 1. Evaluation of the session duration, Sig=0,072 (qui-
Based on the played scenario, when asked about
the duration of each session, 53% of the respondents
recognize that it was adequate for the ongoing
evaluation and the remaining 47% think that the
sessions should be longer. However, after the first
three sessions, the duration was extended to 60
minutes based on the input's given by the participants
at the debriefing. The implications of this change in
the opinion of the respondents is illustrated in Figure
When questioned about the exercise technical
difficulty, the respondents believed that it was
adequate to the objectives of the session. 93.3%
consider that increasing the number of students of
different years might bring the exercise closer to a real
The third section of the questionnaire assess not only
the validity of the model according to the criteria
under evaluation, but also the quality of the medium
used (forms and information leaflet). We verify
(Figure 2) that the respondents characterized the
model as a good functionality tool.
Figure 2. Evaluation of the functionality of the form.
One of the core questions in the questionnaire is to
assess respondents' opinion on the benefit of
implementing the model to provide more objective
assessments of non-technical competencies. The
results are clearly satisfactory, since the totality of
respondents recognizes the model as an added value.
When asked about the degree of importance of
non-technical skills presented in the context of OOW
training, the average of the degree of importance
associated with each competency is around 4.5, on a
scale between one and five, revealing that
respondents feel that these competencies are indeed
important (summary results presented in Table 3).
Table 3. Statistical results on the NTS’s importance (Q 25).
NTS N x̅ s Min Max
Leadership 15 4,53 ,516 4 5
SA 15 4,47 ,640 3 5
Communication 15 4,53 ,516 4 5
Team work 15 4,67 ,488 4 5
Decision making 15 4,53 ,516 4 5
When asked about the ability of the model to
evaluate the NTS required for OWW, looking at
Figure 3 we see that the respondents attribute a
positive balance to the model, being clear that it
leaves room for improvements given the number of
respondents who assess the model only as median.
Figure 3. Classification of MODACEN as a tool (Q 26).
By subjecting the variable (ability of the model to
evaluate the NTS- Q 26) to the Wilcoxon test
according to the importance of NTS (Q 25), assuming
H0: there is no relation between the use of
MODACEN as an evaluation tool and the importance
of the evaluated NTS, it is verified that there is a
relationship between the variables (p <0.1), taking into
account that the importance given to each NTS tends
to be greater than MODACEN's capacity to evaluate
Regarding the importance assigned to each of the
indicators for the NTS evaluation, the results show
that respondents attribute on average, on a scale of
importance from one to five, a score of four for all
indicators. It should also be noted that, several
respondents consider that the different indicators of
NTS should be differently weighted, as shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Different weights for the NTS’ indicators
For the Leadership indicators, the respondents who
defend the allocation of different weights for each
variable (26.7%), consider that the indicator “Set
intentions and goals” should be twice as important as
the others. Regarding Teamwork, 26.7% of the
respondents emphasized that there is a close
dependence between the behavioral markers,
proposing that the indicator “Coordinates the tasks of
the team should” should overweight the others.
Decision-making is marked by the opinion of some
respondents who state that the weights given to each
marker lacks the specificity of the situation and a
more detailed characterization of the problem. The
skills Situational Awareness and Communication, since
they represent values lower than 20% of the sample
were not considered.
As for the difficulty experienced by the
respondents in observing the different indicators,
results show that on average the most difficult
indicators to observe are: “Assess the capabilities and
corrects procedures” (3,20), “Promotes a constructive
environment for Communications” (3,47) and “Assess and
verifies the consequences of the decisions and actions”
(3,47). The most difficult NTS to observe is Decision
Making (3.69) and on average the respondents feel a
difficulty in the order of 3,86 which corresponds to a
positive weighted average.
3.3 Coherence of the evaluations
Each session was evaluated by at least two evaluators.
Thus, the relationship between the evaluations
assigned by each evaluator to the session leader was
analyzed to assess whether the use of the model
reflects the desired coherence. All the six session we
analyzed on a case-by-case basis, based on the
assessment made to the 15 behavioral markers.
Table 4 summarizes the average variation of the
different behavioral markers. The results show that in
the set of six sessions (seven evaluation series) the
most distinct indicators among the evaluators are:
Establish and control standards;
Keeps a continuous, clear and effective flow of in-
Assess the capabilities and corrects procedures.
Table 4. Average variation of the different behavioural
NTS Associated
Behavioural marker s variation
Takes the initiative ,606 <1
Set intentions and goals ,707 1
Establish and control standards ,825 ] 1, 2 [
Situational Awareness
Monitor and reports changes of situations ,354 <1
Collects external information ,424 <1
Identifies potential danger or problems ,589 <1
Shares information ,505 <1
Keeps a continuous, clear and effective ,943 ] 1, 2 [
flow of information
Promotes a constructive environment for ,471 <1
Considers all the elements of the team ,707 1
Coordinates the tasks of the team ,303 <1
Assess the capabilities and corrects
procedures ,825 ] 1, 2 [
Decision Making
Establishes alternative lines of action ,707 1
Assess and verifies the consequences of
the decisions and actions ,471 <1
Considers and shares with the others,
the risks of the different lines of action ,589 <1
Efficiency assessment ,404 <1
The others reveal an acceptably low level of
variation for an assessment characterized by
subjectivity and the difficulty of quantifying non-
technical skills. This consistency in behavioral
markers also extends to the evaluation attributed by
the evaluators to the effectiveness of the team.
A set of hypotheses were drawn to demystify the
subjectivity of the evaluation and to perceive which
indicators contribute to an evaluation that does not
depend only on the evaluator.
Table 5. Spearman correlation between the synthetic index
of preparation of the trainees and the behavioral markers
NTS correlation
Behavioural marker value p
Takes the initiative -,097 ,741
Set intentions and goals ,398 ,159
Establish and control standards ,231 ,448
Situational Awareness
Monitor and reports changes of situations ,319 ,288
Collects external information ,197 ,540
Identifies potential danger or problems ,162 ,596
Shares information - 1
Keeps a continuous, clear and effective ,199 ,514
flow of information
Promotes a constructive environment for ,380 ,200
Team work
Considers all the elements of the team ,149 ,610
Coordinates the tasks of the team ,093 ,753
Assess the capabilities and corrects
procedures ,232 ,445
Decision making
Establishes alternative lines of action ,313 ,298
Assess and verifies the consequences of the ,441 ,132
decisions and actions
Considers and shares with the others, ,679 ,011
the risks of the different lines of action
The first hypothesis tries to determine the
relationship between the training of the trainees in the
domains of Collision Regulation, language and
operation of the bridge equipment and the evaluation
obtained for each one of the indicators. To facilitate
the process a synthetic index was created that
encompasses the three domains of the preparation of
the trainees and the variables were then submitted to
the Spearman non-parametric correlation test. The
results are presented in Table 5 (H0: there is no
relation between the variables). We may see that only
one of the indicators (Considers and shares with the
others, the risks of the different lines of action) has the
required level of significance (the null hypothesis
does not hold, p <0.1), resulting in a correlation of
approximately 68% with growth in the same
Another hypothesis reflects the relationship
between the difficulty of observing the indicators and
the difficulty of evaluating NTS with the trainee
assessment made by the evaluators. Similarly, to the
previous hypothesis, a synthetic index was created
that associates, through the mean, the difficulty felt by
the respondents to observe the different NTS followed
by the non-parametric Spearman correlation test (H0:
there is no relation between the variables). It is
verified that only one data group corresponds has the
required degree of confidence (Establishes alternative
lines of action), with a correlation factor in the order of
Proceeding in the same way, we tried to verify the
relationship between the evaluation of the trainees in
the different indicators and the difficulty of
observation associated with each. From Spearman's
correlation results, two groups of data respond
positively to the level of desired significance, Collects
external information and Assess the capabilities and
corrects procedures, with correlation levels of 50%, the
second with opposite directions of growth.
Table 6. Relationship between indicators evaluation and
team effectiveness, for p<0.1
NTS correlation
Behavioral marker value p
Takes the initiative ,635 ,011
Set intentions and goals ,622 ,013
Establish and control standards ,755 ,001
Situational Awareness
Identifies potential danger or problems ,552 ,056
Shares information ,683 ,005
Keeps a continuous, clear and effective ,794 ,001
flow of information
Promotes a constructive environment for ,888 ,000
Team work
Coordinates the tasks of the team ,688 ,006
Assess the capabilities and corrects ,643 ,013
Decision making
Considers and shares with the others, ,624 ,017
the risks of the different lines of action
The relationship between the evaluations
attributed to each indicator and the evaluation
resulting from the effectiveness of the team was also
verified. Spearman's non-parametric correlation test
(H0: no relation between variables) was used once
again with 10 of the 15 indicators within the required
level of significance. From the results presented in
Table 6, we see that all the indicators present a
correlation level higher than 50%, with the indicator
Promotes a constructive environment for Communications
with the highest level of correlation (88%). and the
mean of the indicators shows a correlation of 81%.
We found that despite the limitations of the model, it
is relevant and performs well. In terms of the use of
MODACEN, the positive results of the questionnaires
and comments of the respondents on the benefit,
applicability and importance of the model for the
training are significant.
As an evaluation tool, we identify some gaps in
the clarification of the behavioral markers, namely
their interconnection making the individualization of
competencies unworkable. Adding the evaluation of
effectiveness also allows to establish a link between
the non-technical and technical component,
considered particularly beneficial by the respondents
and by the Functional Leadership Model.
We must account not only for the subjective nature
of this type of evaluation, but also for the design of
the exercise that must be structured so as not to
compromise the adaptation of the cadets to the
complexity of the exercise. The model relies on the
presence of evaluators close to the action. This
assumption implies that there is always at least one
evaluator for each bridge and at least one operator in
the control room. Respondents clearly prefer to be in
direct contact with the action. This entails more
personnel and time for the training in simulator.
Given the subjectivity and complexity of the
evaluation, the exercise must have at least one hour.
Thus, using this model for individual assessments
requires significant rise in the staff / student ratio. At
the end, we consider that the model has a great
potential to respond to the educational needs of the
Naval Academy, particularly at the level of OOW
training, with a concrete targeted process for cadets'
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