Benefits of AIS have encouraged more and more
non-SOLAS vessels, such as fishing boats and
pleasure crafts, to carry either class A transceivers,
class B transceivers [4] or simply AIS receivers. AIS
Aids to Navigations (ATON) or data buoys fitted
with AIS become common. Such widespread
installations have triggered even more innovative
AIS may use binary messages for transmission of
Application-Specific Messages (ASM), either
addressed to a specific AIS station or broadcasted.
The technical characteristic and the structure of the
AIS ASMs are specified in [1], while the content and
format are to be tailored to different applications. The
format of ASM can be defined for international or
regional use, and identified by a Function
Identification (FI) in the message. International ASMs
are defined by IMO. In 2010, IMO approved a
guidance on the use of AIS ASM, including 17
message formats recommended for international use
[5]. Table I lists the IMO defined AIS ASM with
potential application in marine meteorological
Table 1. Weather-related AIS ASMs defined by IMO
FI Message Name
21 Weather observation report from ship
22 Area notice – broadcast
23 Area notice – addressed
26 Environmental
29 Text description – broadcast
30 Text description – addressed
31 Meteorological and Hydrographic data
However, not only the generation and
transmission of ASMs but also the display of
transmitted information require dedicated software
and suitable equipment, which is not included in
standard AIS or other shipborne equipments such as
the Electronic Chart Display and Information System
(ECDIS). To propose specific presentation and
display standards for AIS ASMs was considered
premature, therefore IMO only provided some
examples, and states that the portrayal of AIS ASM
should conform to the concept of operation
envisioned for e-navigation [6]. It is expected that AIS
ASM "will become means to achieve many of the core
objectives of e-navigation."[6]
Based on the ASM mechanism of AIS, an
operational system of systems is developed for
service provision and crowd-sourcing of marine
meteorological information[7]. This is achieved in an
AIS-Weather project initiated by the Central Weather
Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan and carried out by the ENC
Center, Department of Communications, Navigation
and Control Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean
University (NTOU) from 2012 to 2015. Targeted
coverage include coastal Taiwan waters and the
routes of cross Taiwan Strait vessels.
Details of the system and services are described in
the following sections.
2.1 The Shore-side System and Network
AIS-Weather uses AIS data link to provide service,
therefore needs AIS shore stations to broadcast
weather information, receive weather reports from
ships and to remotely control operation parameters
such as reporting interval of installations onboard
cooperating vessels. The shore stations installed are
mainly Type 3 AIS ATONs conforming to IEC 62320-
2. Fig. 1 illustrates the system architecture on the
Figure 1. System architecture on the shore-side.
Each broadcast site (BS) consists of an AIS
transceiver, i.e. the AIS ATON, and a serial-to-
Ethernet device server, thus connected to a Regional
Control Monitor (RCM) located in CWB via internet
or intranet. For each connected BS, RCM collects the
messages received by the AIS transceiver, and
controls the transmission of AIS ASMs according to
the schedule and priority set by the Met/Hydro
Central Control (MHCC). RCM is also responsible for
monitoring the status and operations of each BS, and
handles the retransmission or reconnection
accordingly. The status of each RCM is in turn
checked by MHCC. Along with the MHCC software,
there is a web/application server for accessing the
system configuration, management and operation
monitoring functions with web browsers. Fig.2,
which is captured from the web page of the MHCC
web site, shows the broadcast sites established up to
2015. Coverage area of each site shown in red color is
the convex hull of AIS ship positions received within
latest 6 minutes (adjustable), as an indication of
possible service area at that moment. An online list of
status codes, with explanation and suggested actions,
is provided for users to recognize whether the point
of failure or anomaly is at the BS transceiver or the
network connection.