representation of actual free surface unknown
The numerical treatments of free-surface
problems involve the tracking of the moving free-
surface boundary during the flow transients. The
arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) coordinate
system [4] is used to track the free-surface position
on the moving free-surface and the interior
computational domain at each time step. It is
important to keep the computation of a free-surface
position in perspective. In this study, the nodal points
can be arbitrarily controlled in order to get finer
mesh distribution during computations.
The main difficulty for the solution of the
viscous, incompressible free-surface flows indicate
that the free-surface boundary conditions are not
known priori. In this study, we delivered an accurate
and effective scheme based on streamfunction-
vorticity formulation and its application to the
simulation of wave-wave and wave-structure
interaction. In the computational fluid dynamics, the
fractional step method is an accurate and efficient
scheme for the solution of Naver-Stokes eqations. In
the present study, the fractional step is used for
the discretization of the governing equations and
free-surface boundary conditions (FSKBC, FSDBC).
The above mentioned of governing flow equations,
those equations are coupled and nonlinear, hence an
iterative numerical scheme is adopted in order that
we could obtain a significant saving in computer
We present an inviscid-viscous free-surface
model using the finite element discretization for the
interior of the domain and finite difference
discretization for a free-surface. The detailed
contents were addressed in the following.
2.1 Incompressible viscous flow
The partial differential equations of the viscous
incompressible fluid are governed by the Navier-
Stokes equations. The corresponding non-
dimensional streamfunction-vorticity form of
Navier-Stokes equations in ALE form can be
expressed as follows
Streamfunction Poisson equation
Vorticity transport equation
ˆ ˆ
( )( )
ty x x y
∂∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
is the streamfunction,
is the vorticity,
is the Reynolds number,
is the mesh
velocity in the
direction, respectively.
Equations (1) and (2) are known as the Navier-
Stokes equations in streamfunction-vorticity form.
We seek a solution in the domain
, which satisfies
the initial conditions, with no-slip or slip velocity
boundary conditions depending on the need on the
solid boundary
2.2 Boundary conditions
Consider a two-dimensional, viscous and
incompressible fluid. In the present study, the free-
surface flow is considered as a two-phase flow. It is
assumed that the adjacent fluids are impermeable at
the interface with constant density and viscosity. The
main difficulty of the free-surface flow is that the
position of the free-surface boundary is not known a
priori. The boundary-fitted coordinates system is
used to solve the equations for the free-surface
boundary conditions in streamfunction-vorticity
form. The relationships among velocity,
streamfunction and vorticity can be defined as
. The arbitrary
physical space
can be general mapped to a
normalized computational domain
with the
help of the boundary-fitted coordinates system.
According to the statement of a material surface,
a particle on the surface must remain on the surface
itself. By satisfying the above kinematic condition in
an arbitrary frame of reference to be
In the above equation, the frame of reference
moves with a free surface in the vertical direction
is either zero or equal to
The free surface dynamic boundary condition
(FSDBC) represents the continuity of the stresses on
the free-surface and is obtained by force balance
equations. Neglecting the surface tension effect on
the free-surface, the FSDBC in an arbitrary frame of
reference can be obtained by combining momentum
equations to yield
ˆ ˆ
( ( ) ( ) ( ))
( ( ) ( ) ( )) 0
t x y xx yy
t x y xx yy
u u uu v vu u u x
v u uv v vv v v y
+− +− − + +
+− +− + − + =
As far as initial condition is concerned, an initial
solitary wave is imposed as present in Gtimshaw’s
third order formulas [5] in the free-surface profile
and streamfunction.