This research methodology will increase the
general cost of the OPTIMPORT project, but we
expect to have voluntary collaboration from the
Constantza Port pilots and tugs captains. At the end
of the project, in exchange for the consulting done
by the pilots, we will organize a series of short
simulation training courses, free of charge, courses
that will meet the requirements of paragraph 5.5 of
the IMO Resolution A.960(23)/2003 regarding
Recommendations on training and certification for
maritime pilots other than deep-sea pilots. These
courses will include simulation in the featured depth
conditions and with the very large ships that will
berth at the new cargo terminals.
In the project risk management procedures we
will also estimated costs of the dredging works
required for deepening and enlarging the entrance
fairway at the dimensions specified above. If these
costs are too high, and the advantages offered for
increasing the safety of navigation and ship handling
are not relevant, we will undertake a new series of
simulations working with the actual 300 meters
width of the fairway, and the new 21 meters depth.
Maintaining the actual with of the fairway will
amplify the existing traffic problems and also the
already identified risks, related to the use of the
actual fairway as a two way passage available for
large ships. In accordance with actual piloting
procedures, when a large oil tanker is entering or
leaving the port, all other traffic in the fairway area
is closed. Same restriction applies for loaded bulk
carriers entering the port. For crude oil and bulk
cargo, Constantza port is a discharging port, so we
have to handle deep draught loaded vessels only for
arrival. Because oil and bulk terminals are located in
the southern part of the port North Area, these
vessels had to transit the entire entrance fairway,
blocking the passage for the two way traffic flow.
The actual budget of OPTIMPORT does not
allow design of a new 3D database model for the
Constantza Port, with the featured new quays
locations in areas 4 and 5 (figure 2). The simulations
that will be run in order to test the implications of
the new berths will aim only at the passage and
maneuvering of ships in and near the fairway and
near the new quays, without effective berthing
We intend to keep the simulator instructors’
community informed about our findings and to share
the experience that we will gain in the next year,
regarding the use of simulation for testing deep
water fairway design and optimization of port
maneuvering procedures.
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