In order to understand how new technology
affects navigational performance in fairways, it is
essential to gain more knowledge of how the ship is
Taking a ship to and from a berth always involves
some safety risk. According to Boisson maritime
safety is both the material state resulting from the
absence of exposure to danger, and the organization
of factors intended to create or perpetuate such a
situation” (Boisson, 1999, p. 31).
The Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and
Communications wishes to know how new
technology can be used to facilitate piloting and
make it more efficient. The ministry also wants to
know what the prerequisites for developing “shore-
based pilotage” are.
In order to know more about how new technology
can be used in the future, our aim is to learn more
about how work is performed at present and what the
prerequisites for carrying out the task are. One way
to gain more knowledge is to compare two sets of
equipments that are presently available on a ship
bridge which reflect differences due to the changes
in technology that have already taken place.
Questions raised include: How is the work
experienced on the ship bridges with existing
technology? Are there any differences in experience
and performance due to differences in equipment
standard? More specifically, we want to:
1 Measure the experience of workload related to
two different sets of equipment.
2 Compare the experienced feelings related to the
work situation.
3 Compare the performance in the task of
navigation in fairways related to sea safety.
We are also interested in analyzing the
performance on the bridge to find if there are any
salient navigation strategies that are manifested in
one or both of the tested work environments.
We suggest that learning more about the work on a
ship bridge can be obtained through studies of work
in a full mission bridge simulator. “Full mission”
means that the environment where the navigation
task is simulated is authentic in comparison to
equipment that could be found on an operating ship.
3.1 The value of simulator studies
As long as the tasks are realistic and the performance
can be analyzed so that it is possible to separate its
determinants, simulator studies are valuable. Funke
(1988), who used simulations to study complex
problem solving, stressed that “it should be analyzed
how participation in simulation affects problem
solving in ‘real’ life problem situations” (p. 297).
For instance, many cruise companies stress that the
use of navigation simulators in training is a way to
enhance performance. Navigating a ship is basically
a dynamic decision making task. According to
Brehmer (1999, p 10) such tasks have three
important characteristics:”
− They require a series of interdependent decisions;
− The state of the task changes, both autonomously
and as a consequence of the decision makers
− The decisions have to be made in real time.”
These characteristics of ship navigation can be re-
created and evaluated in a full-mission simulator by
having participants solving tasks that are realistic,
representative and carefully designed.
3.2 Tasks
The task of navigation can differ depending on the
ship, e.g., factors like size and propulsion capacity,
and the area, e.g., the water to be navigated.
Normally out in the open sea there is no need for
piloting. When modeling the pilot task, Norros
(2004) divided piloting into two different types of
piloting called sea piloting and harbor piloting. Sea
piloting refers to the navigation through the
archipelago and/or fairways, and harbour piloting
refers to the “maneuvering of the ship in the harbour
area” (p. 186). Based on the special interest in
piloting from the Swedish Government, the focus of
this research will be navigating in fairways,
comparable to the one Norros refers to as sea
piloting. In the simulator participants will be asked
to solve navigation tasks in confined waters.
3.3 Understanding and creating the task
In order to create an understanding of the task to be
studied and lay a foundation for the creation of the
scenarios, a Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) was
conducted. The HTA was based on interviews with
four experts, fully authorized marine pilots, lasting
approximately 2 hours each. Of the four experts
interviewed three are still working as pilots. The
interviews were conducted at two different locations
at various times of the day. Pilots were chosen for
this part of the interview because they naturally and
frequently change ships in their work. This gives