One major international issue is the low number
of Filipino junior officers promoted to senior officer
level (International Shipping Federation (in Warsash
Maritime Center, 2002). This could be due to lack of
morale-boosting motivation from the seafarers’
senior officers and their low career aspirations. One
other reason is the ceiling for promotion imposed by
some shipping companies.
The seafarers’ lack of motivation must have
stemmed from lack of self-confidence which could
have been caused by poorly-founded basic education
or vocational training. It could also be attributed to
the non-transparency and cultural biases of company
assessment schemes (International Shipping Federa-
tion, in Warsash Maritime Center, 2002).
The seafarers appeared to be very dedicated,
committed, and conscientious in complying with the
requirements of the STCW 1995 Convention. They
showed high regard for and commitment to quality
standards, performing in accordance with the criteria
set for assessing performance vis-à-vis international
standards required of a seafarer.
In addition, the seafarers seemed to be willing to
undergo temporary sacrifices to attain possible long-
term rewards. They appeared to be determined,
motivated, compliant, persistent, positive, committed,
and self sacrificing.
Following are the recommendations based on the
Development of an “academic ramp” in the form
of a model course covering basic math, physics and
other subjects relevant to maritime training in
accordance with STCW standards and for possible
adoption by the International Maritime Organization.
Development of a standard test of basic knowledge
requirements necessary for maritime training in
accordance with STCW standards.
Research to further identify knowledge gaps and
differences between high-school educational
standards in the Philippines and in other countries.
A replication of this study to validate the present
findings is suggested. Other areas of concern should
focus on manpower quality and competitiveness,
managerial and/or leadership competence, and career
paths for seafarers.
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