but rather losing an dependent, safe worker who
knows, understands and obeys the regulation and
company policies on safety and operation of the
A 15-year of major claims (costing over US$
100,000) by the UK P&I Club (1987-2003) found
that the human element was contributory factor in
54% of these by number, or 62% by cost.
Extrapolating this across the worldwide industry
gives a direct attributable cost of US$ 2.6 billion
(UK P&I Club, 2004).
The key to eliminate the human error in a
company is employing well-qualified crew. However
these “well-qualified crews” are not easily found
which fits your company needs and can easily be
lost. Therefore shipping companies in Turkey prefer
to take new graduates and train them according to
their needs. But what if they “intent to quit”? All
those expensive trainings are lost and the company,
to keep the ship running, employees who ever
it finds, whether qualified or not. This kind of
scenarios generally ends with the name of the
insurances companies.
Therefore to ensure safe operation of the ship and
eliminate human error, companies should employ
qualified personal or rather employ and training
them according to their needs. But moreover they
should keep them within the company.
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