navigational purpose (Duplančić Leder et all, 2007).
The objects on harbour and berthing charts belong to
the same group.
SCAMIN value for the particular group was
calculated by the formula:
( )
9,0*__ factorSCAMINCSCALEvalueSCAMIN ∗=
CSCALE is compilation scale of ENC cell.
This formula was obtained by experimental
examination of percentage decrement of SCAMIN
value, ranged from 5% to 25%, by comparison and
result analogy with the Canadian method. It was
found that the SCAMIN value decreased by 10%
gives the optimal density display for an archipelagic
sea area (Duplančić Leder, 2006). So, formula (1) is
a modification of the Canadian formula, in such a
way that SCAMIN value is decreased by 10%. The
SCAMIN values resulting from formula (1) are in
agreement with the Croatian method of navigational
purposes assignment to scale range and compilation
scale proposal for Croatian part of the Eastern
Adriatic Sea (Table 2).
The method of real-time ENC content
generalization was presented in Duplančić Leder et
all (2007; Fig 3).
Fig. 3. Wider area of Telašćica Bay (scale 1:90 000) without
SCAMIN (left) and with SCAMIN (right)
During ENC production of the Croatian part of the
east coast of the Adriatic Sea area, which is a very
complex navigational area, considered as an
archipelagic sea, object density on the computer
screen was apparent. In order to reduce the clutter or
density of objects on the display, especially when
zooming out, a new usage band scale range for
archipelago sea area and compilation scale (twice the
chart scale) for all navigational purposes has been
proposed, according to IHO guidelines and IC-ENC
recommendation for “Improving ENC Consistency”.
In addition, a new method of multiscale ENC data
management by using method of SCAMIN attribute
coding was proposed. This method, as opposed to
previously known methods, used a new formula for
calculating SCAMIN attribute value and proposed a
new classification of Geo object groups, in
compliance with specific features of the Adriatic
Sea. This method was developed by modification of
the Canadian method. Since this method brought
some original solutions we named it the “Croatian
method of multiscale ENC data management”. The
method is in compliance with the traditional
production of charts at the Hydrographic Institute of
the Republic of Croatia and was demonstrated on a
coastal ENC of Šibenik Cannel and Telašćica Bay.
With slight modifications, this method could be
applied to other archipelagic sea areas.
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