on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 1
Number 4
December 2007
Availability of the Certain Value of Position
Error in the Navigational Systems – Model
C. Specht
Polish Naval Academy of Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The distributions and parameters of the random variable (density functions, distribution
functions, expected values, variances, moments etc.), which in navigation is represented by position error, are
well defined. This approach is similar like in geodesy, where passing time hasn’t any impact on statistical
solution. Presented paper evaluates alternative approach to position error analyses, where the random values
are: working and failures times of the system. Arbitrary accepted certain value of position error was assumed
as a decision criterion of the system for working state definition. The general mathematical model of the
availability of certain value of position error is presented and the special case – exponential distributions of
lifetimes and failure times model – was also analysed. The model was adopted for positioning based on
EGNOS system measurements and some results are present.
The parametric assessment of navigation systems
during the last decade has been the most common
way of their classification with regard to their
quality. Within the scope of this evaluation critical
space is provided. This space is very closely related
to the navigation requirements set for its various
forms. The comparable criteria of navigation
systems were often discussed in world literature as
well as in Polish publications. The analysis of the
criteria allows distinguishing three main groups,
which are identical with particular phases of
positioning systems development over the years and
they are as follows: positioning, reliability and the
safety of exploitation criteria.
1 Positioning criteria - system characteristics in
quality of position fixing. They have in their
scope 3 types of accuracy (predictable, repeatable,
relative) as well as fix rate and dimension,
system: capacity, ambiguity, and coverage.
2 Reliability criteria – they form a separate group of
indicators with reference to characteristics of
systems exploitation. Reliability, availability and
continuity are among them.
3 The safety of exploitation criteria – their function
is to give the user current information about the
quality (status) of operating system allowing for
the proper level of their utility. So far, integrity,
the only criterion belonging to this group, has
been characterised by a wide range of variables
such as: time to alarm, the probability of false
alarm etc. [Ober P. B., 1999].
So far perceiving of those two groups
(positioning and reliability) has differentiated them
due to the methods of statistical and probabilistic
inference. The classic approach to analogous
estimation of a system is characterized by the
following assumptions: the determining error is a
random variable, it does not respect playtimes of the
system work and also the lack of estimation of the
reliability of the system. In this case the new