bairdii), common minke whale (Balaenoptera
acutorostrata), Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni)
as possible causal species of the collision on the sea
route of the HF in Japanese water. Among these
species, we chose to sample the vocalization of
sperm whale and Bryde’s whale since relatively
easier to record their vocalizations in Japanese
water. Based on the recorded vocalization, we
assessed the audible range of these species.
1.3 Anatomical Predictions of the Audible range
Alternatively, a comparative anatomy approach is
the useful way to estimate the audible range because
anatomical structure of inner ear correlates to
frequency range in multiple mammalian species
(Echteler et al., 1994). In particular, the cochlear
configuration and thickness to width (T/W) ratios of
the basilar membrane in inner ear are consistent with
the maximal and minimum frequencies for each
cetacean species (Ketten and Wartzok, 1990). This
study estimates the audible range of common minke
whales and Baird's beaked whale by describing the
anatomy of their inner ears and applying the model
described by Ketten (2000).
2.1 Characteristics of the HF underwater noise
Underwater noise of the HF, SUISEI: 169gt.
LOA31.2m (Owned by Sado Kisen Co.,Ltd.), was
recorded during its cruise at service speed (38-39kn)
from a small vessel at a distance of 100m.
Recordings were made using a OKI SEATEC
model OST2130 (frequency response 10Hz to
100kHz) omnidirectional hydrophone has sensitivity
of approximately -174±3dB re 1V/μPa with 10m
cable. It was connected via pre-amplifiers
(frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz), on a
Sony PCM-D50 digital recorder (16bit 44.1 kHz)
and OKI SEATEC OST4100 Hydroacoustic
analyzer which was used to analyze the sound
source level. This recording chain had a flat
frequency response from 20Hz to 20 kHz. The HF
underwater noise was assessed by 1/3-octave bands
analysis using Avisoft SASLab Pro (Avisoft
Bioacoustics, Germany.Ver.4.1.) because noise
levels in 1/3-octave bands are useful in interpreting
noise effects on animals. The estimated source levels
of underwater noise (at 1m) of the HF were
calibrated by Transmission Loss and Absorption
Loss (Francois & Garrison1982).
2.2 Assessing audibility by measuring of
Bryde’s whale sounds were recorded in the waters of
Kochi on the south western coast of Japan (32º40' to
33º2'N, 133º00' to 133º13'E) for five days in mid-
October, 2008. The study area ranged from the south
coasts out to approximately 30km (16 nmi) of the
shore. We chartered a fishing-boat for recording.
When cetaceans were sighted, the boat approached
to confirm species and school size and to collect
other relevant information. When sighting Bryde’s
whale, the hydrophone was thrown in water and
started recording. Signals were recorded with a OKI
SEATEC model OST2130 omnidirectional
hydrophone with 15m cable, connected via pre-
amplifiers (frequency response 20Hz to 20kHz), on
a Sony PCM-D50 digital recorder(16bit 44.1 kHz).
This recording chain had a flat frequency response
from 20Hz to 20 kHz. The acoustic characteristics of
phrases were examined by using the analysis
software Avisoft SASLab Pro, with spectrogram
parameters of 512-point FFT size, 75.0% overlap,
and Hamming window. The vocalization was
analyzed based on the following parameters;
duration, peak frequency, and fundamental
frequency of element.
Sperm whale sounds were recorded off the
southeastern coast of Chichijima, the Bonin
(Ogasawara) Islands (26º55' to 27 º05 'N, 142º11' to
142º24'E) for eight days in September, 2009. We
chartered a fishing-boat for recording. When sperm
whales were sighted the boat approached to confirm
school size and to collect other relevant information.
When sighting sperm whale, the hydrophone was
thrown in water and their vocalization was recorded.
Signals were recorded with recording system
described above in Bryde’s whale sounds recording.
2.3 Anatomical Predictions of the audible range
Ear bones of 9 specimens of common minke whales
(9 individuals) and 6 of Baird's beaked whales (3
individuals) were collected (under cooperation with
The Institute of Cetacean Research, Tokyo Japan
and National Research Institute of FarSeas Fisheries,
Yokohama Japan) and analyzed. Ears were frozen
shortly after the collection and placed in a buffered
10% formalin solution. All ears were scanned by the
nuclear magnetic resonator (NMR) (Bruker Bio Spin
AVANCE 400WB) to measure the cochlear
configuration. The ears were decalcified in 5%
formic acid for three weeks and processed into slides
10-μm cryosections by the Kawamoto film-
sectioning method (Cryofilm transfer kit; Leica
Microsystems) (Kawamoto 2003). Every 10
was stained with hematoxylin and eosin and
mounted. Basilar membranes were shown by a laser
scanning microscope Olympus Model FV1000 at a