determine correlation. The results are seen in Figure
3, where the angle to the first landmark seems to be
very consistent across trials and at an angle of 90° it
is preferable since it is indifferent to cross track
deviations (the last landmark is in close proximity,
and shows a very similar distribution). If the first
landmark is taken as the significant maneuvering
landmark used, then we can find a statistical
description of the variability of the wheel-over-point
in relation to the angle to the landmark. We see a
skewed distribution around a median of about 90°
for the first landmark, with a few outlier cases, again
from a different approach path.
Another result from the simulator experiments
was the relation between the Wheel-over-point, Pull-
out-point and the local extreme values of the track
curvature. The wheel-over point was always located
near a local minimum while the pull-out point was
located near a local maximum. An example time
series is seen in Fig. 4 where the relevant points are
indicated. The nonzero curvature for zero rudder
angles shows the tendency of single-screw ships to
turn at zero rudder angles due to propeller inertia and
asymmetric flow around the stern
Fig. 4. Rudder angle and curvature in relation to wheel-over
and pull-out points
In the simulator studies the difference in time
between the Wheel-over-point and the local
minimum was computed and is shown in Fig 5. This
proximity can be used to make a qualified guess
about the location of these points based on rate-of-
turn and speed data. The local extreme value
behavior will be used later to find good candidates
for wheel-over and pull-out points in the AIS data
for the same area.
Fig. 5. Wheel-over-point deviation from local extreme value of
the track line curvature
The Norwegian Costal Administration provided AIS
data in form of position reports for April, May and
June 2006 for the presented area. The position
reports where then restricted to the immediate area
around Risavika before it was grouped according to
each ships unique MMSI number (IMO, 1974).
Requiring the track line to start to the south and end
in the harbor was used to restrict the AIS data
further. The data for each MMSI number was then
further sorted by time and grouped in space to form
datasets of track lines continuous in these
dimensions. This procedure was necessary due to the
presence of misconfigured AIS transponders making
identification solely based on MMSI number
difficult. The AIS data received contained time,
position, speed over ground, rate of turn and course
over ground. The sample rate of the AIS data
depends on the ships speed and state of the vessel
and will during transit and turning maneuvers for
moderate speed be in the area of 0.3 – 0.5 Hz (IMO,
The AIS data does not contain information that
makes it possible to pinpoint the transitions between
the different maneuvers, such as the instantaneous
position of the rudder. We can however find features
from the maneuvering techniques used in the data in
form of the speed, rate-of-turn and position in the
AIS data with an accuracy of about 5 seconds as
presented in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The AIS data does not
contain rate-of-turn information for all vessels, but
calculation of the curvature of the track line of the
vessel will accurately identify the value of the
speed/rate-of-turn relationship. The ratio between
the vessels rate-of-turn and the speed relationship
corresponds to the curvature of the ship track.
Calculation of the curvature will work regardless of
the absence of rate-of-turn information in the signal.
The total number of AIS track lines was 429, which
was further subdivided into 308 single turn
maneuvers, 107 two turn maneuvers and 14
maneuvers with 3 or more turns which were
discarded due to accuracy of the procedure and
implied poor accuracy in the position reports.
3.1.1 Calculating curvature from position data
The curvature κ of the ships track can be
calculated from the position and time data. This can
done by filtering the position data to remove noise
and then use a numerical expression for the
curvature calculated by solving the equation for a
circle passing through the three consecutive points. κ
can also be directly from the time domain signals for
the position x=x(t) and y=y(t). The curvature of
these two signals in Cartesian coordinates with
the tangential angle of the signal.