International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 4
December 2012
The shipping industry has come a long way using
combustion engines in transporting goods between
continents, but in general the transportation sector
accounts for a large fraction of air pollutant
emissions. Health and environmental effects of air
pollutants such as NOx, CO, VOCs, and particulates
are leading to stricter tailpipe emissions regulations
worldwide. [1, 2]. Virtually all transportation fuels
today are derived from oil. Oil production is
projected to peak worldwide within a decade and
there no guarantee that oil will be enough for
worldwide increase in consumption.
New frontiers have opened in the application of
hydrogen as fuel for ships. A hybrid research ship
[3], this research ship turns silent when scientists
start recording whale songs. A 42-m long slick,
hydrogen yacht with sufficient power was reported
in [4].
This paper is a step toward resolving the
integration of three main components required to
design and discuss the concept of a large power
hydrogen powered ship; the hydrogen fuel cell, the
electronic drive and a uniquely designed motor. The
uniqueness of the design is in integration 100kW,
250kW and the latest 4MW solid oxide fuel cells [5]
to energize each pole of a sixty pole induction
motor, assuming the drive system provides sixty Hz.
There is no doubt that there is much work to be
done in order to establish a hydrogen based shipping
industry, but the technology to initiate the
transformation is in place.
The fact that the process and the technology is in
place will require a resolution on how the new
industry should be developed. The overall idea of a
shipping economy based on hydrogen is discussed in
Integrating Modular Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drives
for Ship Propulsion: Prospectus and Challenges
P. Upadhyay, Y. Amani & R. Burke
SUNY Maritime College, Bronx, NY, USA
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a new drive system for the ship propulsion. The drive power for propelling
ship varies from few MW in a small cruise ship to hundreds of MW for large cargo ships. A typical cruise
ship has a 6 MW drive whereas a cargo ship has 80 MW drive. Combustion drives are not sustainable and
environment friendly. An idea of electric drive system using hydrogen fuel cell and necessary storage has
been proposed. The hydrogen reformer develops hydrogen fuel cell using off-shore renewables like Wind,
Wave and Solar power but the power handling capability of this fuel cell system (100 kW) restricts the
application to the propulsion drives of several MW. The detail drive scheme describing; how multiple
modular hydrogen fuel cell drives are integrated to develop variable power. The different options available for
the propulsion system and factors affecting the choice are discussed in detail. Also, how such modular drives
are helpful in controlling torque and power requirements is discussed. Replacement of electric drive reduces
volume and weight of the ship and the available volume can be utilized for the storage and reform systems.
The proposed paper will give a remarkable concept to overcome the challenges of utilizing hydrogen fuel cell
to the larger scale and in future it can be extended to all other applications.
Energy can be stored in variety of forms, but clean
energy production from natural sources such as
wind, tidal, waves and sun are abundant, but need
storage to be utilized when needed. The electric
power produced by all means is used to split water
into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen could be
stored in high pressure tanks, these tanks are getting
smaller to a degree that it could be utilized in ship
design. The DOE hydrogen program reports, tube
trailer delivery capacity of 700kg by 2010 and
1,100kg by 2015 at 8300psi. Note that heating
energy in hydrogen is 33.33kWh/kg, for methane it
is 13.9-kWh/kg and for petroleum 12.4kWh/kg. To
travel 400km, a modern combustion vehicle needs
24-kg of gas, 8-kg of hydrogen in hydrogen
combustion engine and 4-kg of hydrogen in a fuel
cell, electric drive vehicle.
A hydrogen fuel cell is a device that converts
hydrogen to electricity. The device exhausts pure
water and heat in the process of this transformation.
Fuel cell technology has improved to a degree that
many car companies are introducing new models of
commercially available hydrogen cars. DOE
projection of hydrogen fuel cell prices have been
achieved, as this market expands the fuel cell prices
will be much lower than DOE projection. Figure 1
depicts price trends for hydrogen fuel cell.
Fig. 1 Price Trend for Hydrogen Fuel Cell
To completely demonstrate the feasibility of the
hydrogen based economy a model cargo ship,
sixteen to twenty two mega watts should be
constructed using hydrogen fuel cells with
possibility of on board hydrogen reforming,
production and storage.
To supplement hydrogen, we propose an
aerodynamic cargo model ship with retrieving solar
panels and small onboard wind turbines to produce
power needed for in house hydrogen reformers.
Hydrogen production and dispensing is done by
creating small scale hydrogen producing platforms,
containing solar, wind, and wave energy conversion
mechanisms. The electric energy produced is used to
split water into hydrogen and oxygen. These
platforms also house a fueling station and limited
storage for hydrogen. A typical MERP- Marine
Energy and Refueling Ports is depicted in fig.2.
Using technology developed for automobile
hydrogen refueling stations and applying it to
Marine Energy and Refueling Port (MERP) is
feasible, however, more studies need to be
conducted to relate the two systems. Here are a few
proposed models:
1 The first model is suitable to coastal areas where
a hydrogen pipeline is part of an existing infra-
structure to bring energy to urban and coastal are-
as. The MERP’s can be integrated into this sys-
tem and could simply contain small storage and
fueling stations.
2 The second model is based on a distributed, small
scale local supply for hydrogen shipping. This
model encourages complete reliance on renewa-
ble energy resources such as tidal, wind, solar
and, where available, wave energy.
3 Designing and utilizing mobile hydrogen produc-
ing ships equipped with wind turbines and hydro-
gen reformers. These mobile vessels could catch
high winds and produce hydrogen and could also
serve as on the way mobile refueling stations.
Marine Energy & Refueling Ports are envisioned
as non-intrusive, small islands attached to coasts or
in off-coastal areas where maximum energy yields
can be harvested from wind, wave and tidal currents.
Such an MERP will house a compatible hydrogen
reformer, low pressure hydrogen storage and a
fueling station. In addition, these structures should
house a vertical axis wind turbine, a vertical axis
tidal turbine, photo voltaic panels and the
appropriate electronics necessary for the control and
Fig. 2 Marine Energy & Refueling Port
Electric drives for ships are well developed and
require little change when coupled to hydrogen fuel
cells. The design proposed in this paper is an attempt
to show how the technology developed for cars
could be transferred to ship design.
Combustion drives will not be sustainable over the
future and are not environmentally friendly. The
electric drive system for the ship propulsion
proposed in this paper has the advantages of [8]:
Efficient and Improved life cycle cost
High Power/volume and Power/weight ratio i.e.
high payload of vessel
Less propulsion noise and vibrations
Ease of speed control
Flexibility in thruster device locations
All-electric ships using fossil fuels are a present
day reality. This concept leads to designs which can
use on-board electric power for effective and
efficient propulsion, while auxiliary systems usually
powered by steam, hydraulic, or pneumatic energy
are converted to electrical power. This “single bus
ship can thus allocate power as needed according to
the mission profile of the vessel. Electric propulsion
has been applied to different types of ships, such as
cruise vessels, ferries, dynamically-positioned drilling
vessels, thruster assisted moored floating production
facilities, shuttle tankers, cable layers, pipe layers,
icebreakers, supply vessels, and naval vessels.
are many different configurations available for the
propulsion systems.
In conventional all-electric ship design
configurations, sets of engine-generators produce
electric power that is distributed for all auxiliary and
main propulsion systems as shown in fig. 3. The
system is approximately about as efficient as
conventional non-electric drives, but the costs of
generators, motors and static drives can make this
solution expensive [9]. The operational benefits and
the advantages of design flexibility justify such
additional costs.
Fig.3 On-ship Power generation distribution and Propulsion
Motor Controls
Fig.4 Different Propulsion drive configurations
In these configurations, the power developed by
all generators is supplied to a common bus. Then the
ship propeller is supplied power through
transformers and converters as shown in fig.3.
Typically, for twin-screw ships, each propeller is
controlled by a single motor drive as shown in fig.
4(a). Other common schemes used for E-Ship
propulsion are shown in fig.4. A two winding motor
with redundant converters is shown in fig. 4(b), in
which the redundant winding is supplied through
another power electronic converter. Fig.4 (c) shows
Tandem motor with redundant converters, and fig.4
(d) shows a geared dual shaft propulsion drives in
which, two motors are coupled to the propeller
through a gear [10]. The application of these
configurations depends on size and type of the ship.
As discussed in section-1, the limitation of hydrogen
fuel cell is to supply power at the level of 100 kW.
For conventional diesel-generators and fuel based
generators, one of the configurations discussed in
section 3 can be used. Also, for boats and small
ships, it is easier to handle propulsion power through
one of the schemes shown in fig. 4. For cargo ships
having power requirements much greater than 5
MW, it is difficult to address the challenge of
making the ship all electric-ship utilizing hydrogen
fuel cells. Two configurations are proposed in this
paper namely (a) distributed modular generators, and
(b) modular drive operation. Following section
discusses each of the schemes in detail.
4.1 Distributed modular generators
A distributed modular generation configuration is
shown in fig. 5. It is possible to mount the hydrogen
fuel cell (FC) modules in a distributed form in the
ship. An AC bus can run through the ship and all
power is generated by fuel cells (FC) and controlled
by a power electronic (PE) converter is supplied to
this bus. A transformer provides the higher voltage
required for the propulsion motor. The auxiliary
supply can be met by either the similar fuel cell or
using diesel-generator set. This configuration is
advantageous when the fuel cells are located as
distributed form. Control of each individual fuel cell
power generator module is a challenge if they are
located as distributed manner.
Fig. 5 Distributed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power generations and
Propulsion Motor Controls
4.2 Modular drive operation.
Fig. 6 100 kW Hydrogen FC power module
Another scheme is to place all hydrogen fuel cells
centrally. Each of FC produces power in order of
100 kW. The PE module designed to work at low
power rating of 100 kW, can control power flowing
to the stator of the main motor as shown in fig. 6.
The sensors measure speed, position, load current
and all necessary control parameters. The controller
senses all these signals and send signals to centrally
located control station for monitoring and control
action. The controller also develops control pulses
for the FCs, PE converters, and inverters. All these
modules are synchronized with motor parameters.
Due to low power and voltage ratings, the cost of
this module is low as compared to developing large
rating PE converters discussed in section 4.a, and a
transformer is not required to boost the ac voltage.
A typical small ship may have a 6 MW drive
whereas a large cargo ship has an 80 MW drive [5].
To control 6 MW propulsion power, sixty such
modules are placed as shown in fig.5. All these
modules are integrated through a centralized
distributed control system. For higher power
applications, Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Motors (PM SMs) could be employed. The
advantages of PMSMs include high efficiency, ease
of control, and high torque/weight ratio. Due to
reductions in the cost of rare-earth magnets, these
machines have lower payback periods. Thus,
designers may select among alternative
configurations depending upon the size and type of
application for ship propulsion.
Fig. 6 Integrating Modular Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drives for ship
The output equation for the radial-flux PM BLDC
motor is derived based on the expressions for the
torque and back emf [11];
By substituting the values of induced emf in the
above equation, the torque is given as;
The rated power output is the product of
efficiency, phase voltage, phase current and the
number of coil conducting simultaneously. The
output is also given by the product of developed
torque and the motor speed in rad/sec. Comparing
the two and simplifying the equation the output
equation for the radial-flux PM BLDC motor can be
obtained. A specific slot loading I
can be considered
for the output equation. The LD
product depends
on the torque developed by the motor, specific
magnetic loading, specific slot loading, and the
efficiency as shown below;
Output equation relates the physical dimensions
of the radial-flux PM BLDC motor with the power
output, speed, assumed efficiency, number of phases
conducting simultaneously, number of magnet poles,
slots per pole per phase, winding factor, assumed
magnetic loading and assumed electric loading [11].
For the rated power of 6 MW, 100 rpm, 1000 V
per drive module, 60 poles, 3 slots/poles/phase and
Average airgap flux density of 0.6 T, following
overall machine dimensions are obtained;
Core Length of machine = 0.95 m
Rotor inner diameter = 0.95 m
Outer diameter of stator = 1.57 m
Efficiency of the machine = 0.96
Usually, the shaft diameter for 6 MW propeller is
0.9 m. This parameter matches with the rotor inner
diameter. The machine can accommodate 60 coils
for each power electronics module. An idea of
electric drive system using hydrogen fuel cell and
necessary storage has been proposed [2]. The
hydrogen reformer develops Hydrogen fuel cell
using off-shore renewables like Wind, Wave and
Solar power but the power handling capability of
this fuel cell system (100 kW) restricts the
application to the propulsion drives of several MW.
The detail drive scheme describing; how multiple
modular hydrogen fuel cell drives are integrated to
develop variable power is shown in fig. 6.
The economic advantages of hydrogen-based ship
propulsion remain uncertain at present, but may
become more apparent as hydrogen production and
consumption becomes widespread. The factors that
must be considered for an economic analysis of
hydrogen ship propulsion include:
The weight, volume, and cost of shipboard hy-
drogen fuel storage compared to traditional stor-
age of fuel oil.
The weight, volume, and cost of electric generat-
ing equipment and main propulsion motors com-
pared with traditional diesel or steam main pro-
pulsion machinery and associated ship’s service
The cost of obtaining hydrogen fuel as compared
to obtaining hydrocarbon fuels that will satisfy
environmental requirements in the future, on an
energy-equivalence basis.
The cost of periodic maintenance of hydrogen-
electric machinery compared to traditional marine
power plants.
This assumes that the availability and reliability
of hydrogen-electric machinery will be equivalent to
traditional plants. This is a fair assumption with
respect to the electrical machinery, but remains to be
proven for fuels cells and related equipment. Also,
one must assume that adequate supplies of hydrogen
will be available.
Given a twenty year life for a ship, an
incremental analysis of equivalent ships having
alternative propulsion modes would rely upon a net
present value expression such as:
+ Cost
+ (P|A,i%,20) [AnnCost
+ AnnCost
] (6)
where the change in costs of machinery and fuel
systems are capital expenditures in the present, and
the sum of annual differences in the costs of fuel and
maintenance are reduced to a single present value by
the application of the Series Present Worth Factor
over the life of the ship at a cost of capital of i%.
For a cargo ship, the Minimum Required Freight
rate (MRFR) is often used as a figure of merit is
assessing a ship design. This is simply a ratio of the
annualized cost of the acquisition and operation of
the ship over the life of the ship, divided by the
annual tonnage of cargo carried (i.e., the ATC), and
the owner seeks to have a vessel with the minimal
MRFR to be more competitive. Assuming that the
cargo carrying capacity of a hydrogen-powered
vessel is the same as a conventionally powered ship,
the change in Minimum required Freight rate would
A singular advantage that could accrue to a
hydrogen-powered vessel could be a reduction in
weight and volume of the machinery and fuel
storage, which would allow for additional cargo to
be carried in a ship of equivalent displacement.
Replacement of electric drive reduces volume and
weight of the ship and the available volume can be
utilized for the storage and reform systems. The
proposed modular drive scheme will give a
remarkable concept to overcome the challenges of
utilizing hydrogen fuel cell to the larger scale and in
future it can be extended to all other type of marine
[1] Jennifer Guevin-Global shipping pollution ain‘t pretty
Green Tech. Feb.26, 2009
[2] John Vidal, Environment editor ,
[3] Jerry Stanfield, “Moving Ahead” Yatch International ID
Magazine, Winter 2010, pp 22-28
[4] Greg Trauthwein, “Back to the Arctic” Marine Technology,
October 2009, pp 24-26.
[5] American Bureau of Shipping, ACTIVITIES, August 2010
[6] Yaqub M. Amani “Hydrogen Based Shipping
Industry”AG11 Presentation, Pusan South Korea Oct. 2010
[7] Yaqub M. Amani “A pioneering Hydrogen Fueled Ship”
[8] The Institute of Marine Engineers, All Electric Ship,
developing benefits for maritime applications, Conference
Proceedings, UK, 29-30, September 1998
[9] The First Global Conference on Innovation in Marine
Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation
[10] Hackman, T. “Electric propulsion systems for ships” ABB
Review, No.3 pp. 3-12, 1992
[11] Parag R. Upadhyay and K. R. Rajagopal, “FE Analysis
and CAD of Radial-Flux Surface Mounted Permanent
Magnet Brushless DC Motors”, IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics Vol. 41, No. 10, October 2005, pp 3952-3954.