The controller optimization however now allows
the motor’s operating point to be variable and hence
the additional weight of a gearbox can be avoided by
locating a different launching power value.
The results clearly indicated the trend towards an
energy dense solution. This involved Lithium-ion
batteries and permanent magnet machines. Lithium-
ion batteries offer the best specific energy capacity,
essential for a marine hybrid where energy
recuperation is largely absent. Though these involve
significant cost compared to traditional lead
batteries, their performance is highly superior (Lukic
et al. 2008).
Likewise, permanent magnet machines offer
greater power densities compared to conventional
machines. This is due to the field excitation being
provided by permanent magnets, removing the need
for external excitation, and therefore greater
efficiencies. This in turn implies a greater proportion
of stored energy being converted to usable power.
Permanent magnet machines are therefore more
compact and lighter compared to their conventional
cousins and are nowadays available off the shelf
from several manufacturers. Permanent magnet
machines also provide for more efficient generation
The final setup choice is made by the user based
on Figure 9 (visualizing the objective space) and
Table 1 (illustrating the search space). Engineering
experience and intuition now come into play, as well
as reflecting preferences towards objectives. Aiding
in the decision making, the user can visualize and
examine the power flows for the selected solutions,
such as Figure 10, by simulating a particular
solution’s behavior.
Objective design by simulation permits optimization
of hybrid vehicles such that attributes such as fuel
consumption can be aimed for and achieved by
correct design. Classical optimization techniques are
not able to successfully operate on complex models
such as hybrid vehicles, hence genetic algorithms
present a very powerful and robust way of arriving
at optima by mimicking natural evolution.
A model was developed to calculate the fuel
consumption of a hybrid motoryacht based on
steady-state parameters. In turn, an optimization
algorithm was developed to choose the best hybrid
components as well as optimal controller values.
This allows a hybrid vehicle to be virtually ‘bred’
from a computer.
Optimization is essential in marine hybrids, since
the absence of regeneration implies that any savings
must come about by improved component operating
points. Intuitive design satisfies performance
requirements, but does not guarantee fuel savings.
This is emphasized by design by simulation, coupled
with a robust optimization routine.
The work disclosed in this publication is based on
work carried out at the Marine Institute for Software
Engineering at Malta (MI-SE@MALTA) within the
MARSEC-XL Foundation based in Senglea, Malta.
The research work disclosed in this publication is
partially funded by the Strategic Educational
Pathways Scholarship Scheme (Malta). The
scholarship is part-financed by the European Union -
European Social Fund.
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