The most typical feature of the computed oil
discharge rate is its unstable character in terms of
time. The hint to the explanation of this observation
might be the flow pattern presented in Figure 8. The
visualization reveals bubble-like character of the oil
outflow resulting in variable value of the oil
discharge rate.
All the results of performed CFD computations
are rather coarse due to the adopted assumptions at
the preliminary stage of the research. Thus, the
upper limit of the Courant number was accepted
relatively high and the computational mesh was
generated not very dense. Such assumptions are
justified for a feasibility study and obviously they
will be modified for the planned main research
purposes to obtain the expected satisfactory level of
The study presented in the paper is a preliminary
stage of the planned research and should be rather
found as a practical approach to the feasibility study
not the final result. However, a number of remarks
and conclusions may be drawn.
First of all the realistic possibility of an
application of CFD method to the bunker oil spill
problem is revealed. The accuracy of computation
may be improved by generation of larger size of
meshes and lowering the limit of accepted Courant
From the point of view of shipping stakeholders
the key point of the study is a remark, that CFD
application enables estimation of bunker spill
characteristics at the design stage of a ship. A
variety of scenarios (different layouts of bunker
tanks) can be examined and compared against the
expected size of an oil spill.
Contrary to contemporary utilized methods, the
method presented in this paper provides a number of
advantages like time dependent characteristics of
spilled oil volume and a rate of discharge. Such data
might be useful also in the course of planning and
conducting an oil combating action.
The flexibility of presented CFD-based approach
benefits with strictly desirable proactive character of
the method which is a good prospective for future
research in the field of oil spills protection in the
marine industry.
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