A detailed analysis of evolvents of "the Safety
Cube" allows detecting individual features of
navigational simulators which are used in training
centers for training navigators. Knowledge the
differences and shortcomings of navigational
simulators from different manufacturers may help
decision makers (managers of shipping companies,
leaders of basins, etc.) to plan effective teaching
and/or retraining of crew for the operation vessels
in specific inland water basins.
In particular, using the above evolvents can be
convincingly argued that in modern navigational
simulators the transport infrastructure facilities
such as vessels and hydrotechnical constructions
(waterworks) are presented to a limited amount
and does not fully reflect the real diversity of
existing types of vessels and waterworks of the
Russian Federation inland waterways. Also, a
number of simulators, which was originally
designed to prepare the skippers of marine vessels
are absent or are not modeled in full amount
typical parts of inland waterways (rifts, canals,
Table 4. Percentages of implementation the transport
infrastructure facilities of RF inland waterways in
navigational simulators with standard kit
simulators for
RF training
Percentage of implementation the transport
infrastructure facilities in navigational
e parts of
the inland
In total
«NTPro» 55.5% 20% 64.3% 53.6%
«MARLOT» 22.2% 20% 50% 35.7%
«MASTER» 44.4% 0% 57.1% 42.8%
«RNM» 22.2% 60% 35.7% 35.7%
«Riv.Sim. 2.5» 22.2% 0% 35.7% 25%
Except qualitative assessments, using evolvents
of "the Safety Cube", there is possibility to obtain
quantitative expert estimates. For example, in
Table 4 shows the percentages of implementation
the transport infrastructure facilities of RF inland
waterways in navigational simulators with
standard kit, obtained from the results of statistical
processing the information from the evolvent XZ.
For clarity, the data of Table 4 can be
represented graphically by plotting values of the
calculated parameters on the axes of the polar
coordinate, as shown in Figure 2.
The data in Table 4 allow confirming with
quantitatively mentioned above qualitative
conclusion about the absence of a complete list of
transport infrastructure facilities in modern
navigational simulators which are used for training
and retraining shipmasters and navigators for
inland waterways
On average over all navigational simulators in
Russian training centers, are able to simulate only
38.6% of objects from inland water transport
infrastructure! In turn, officials of shipping
companies which are responsible for the safety of
navigation can make a reasoned conclusion about
the low efficiency of use of modern marine
navigational simulators for training river
shipmasters, intended for testing skipper’s skills in
different shipping conditions on inland waterways.
Figure 2. Percentage of implementation the basic groups of
the transport infrastructure facilities in navigational
simulators with standard complectation
Thus, the SC-method as a variation of methodical
apparatus "the Safety Cube" really allows
implementing a way of evaluating the effectiveness
of the navigational simulators for training
shipmasters to control vessels on inland waterways
in Russian Federation. Thus, the introduction of
SC-method will contribute costs optimization to
simulators, will increase the quality of training
navigators by rules for necessary adaptation and
eventually will decrease the number of accidents
and crashes on the inland waterways.