agreements by the former Soviet Union after their
regained independence. Examples of the latter are
the agreements concluded between Estonia and Fin-
land of 1996 and between Estonia and Sweden of
1998. In principle these agreements did not explicit-
ly rely on the agreements previously concluded by
the former Soviet Union, a non-negotiable demand
of Estonia, but the delimitation line itself did not
change, a policy strictly adhered to by the other
countries involved. Finally, during this period two
more tri-point agreements were concluded: One be-
tween Estonia, Latvia and Sweden in 1997 and one
between Estonia, Finland and Sweden in 2001.
Before concluding this last period, brief mention
can be made of the only remaining maritime bound-
ary agreement of the first category of this fourth pe-
riod awaiting conclusion, namely the one between
Estonia and Russia. A treaty was concluded on 18
May 2005, but because of an introductory declara-
tion attached to it by the Estonian parliament during
the internal ratification process, the Russian side
withdrew its signature to this document.
Like on the eve of the dissolution of the former So-
viet Union, one could argue that the situation as it
existed at that time has almost been restored at pre-
sent, despite the fundamental changes which oc-
curred in the wake of this event, namely the disap-
pearance of one coastal state, the reemergence of
three others, and the lessening of the fundamental
divide between East and West. Indeed, today all
countries surrounding the Baltic Sea are members of
the European Union, with the exception of Russia
which now only retains the control over the Kalinin-
grad region and the eastern part of the Gulf of Fin-
land. The maritime zones generated by these coast-
lines are not very enviable for the former is concave
in nature while the latter constitutes a cul de sac.
Even though a few more tri-points have been agreed
upon, the situation is still that the area south and
southeast of Bornholm remains to be divided, be it
that one has to add now that one maritime boundary
is still awaiting (a second) agreement, namely be-
tween Estonia and Russia, and another one entry into
force, namely between Latvia and Lithuania.
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tic', in The Baltic Sea: New Developments in National Pol-
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Liber amicorum Günther Jaenicke: zum 85. Geburtstag,