In 1991 ITS America was established as a not-
for-profit organization to foster the use of advanced
technologies in surface transportation systems.
Members include private corporations, public agen-
cies, academic institutions and research centres. The
common goal is to improve the safety, security and
efficiency of the U.S. transportation system via ITS.
Traffic accidents and congestion take a heavy toll in
lives, lost productivity, and wasted energy. ITS ena-
bles people and goods to move more safely and effi-
ciently through a state-of-the-art, multi-modal trans-
portation system. ITS America has sister
organizations in Europe and Japan, as well as affili-
ates in Canada, Brazil, and elsewhere.
The third phase began in 1994, when the practical
applications of earlier programs were seen, under-
stood, and intelligent transportation systems were
being thought of in intermodal terms rather than
simply in terms of automobile traffic. ITS have
started to gain recognition as critical elements in the
national and international overall information tech-
nology hierarchy.
In 1994 the IVHS program (USA) was renamed
the ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) indicat-
ing that besides car traffic also other modes of trans-
portation receive attention and during the first world
congress in Paris, the term - Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS) was accepted.
Development of the transport telematics and ITS
applications was envisaged in the IV EU Framework
Program (1994-1998). The 4th Framework Program
adopted by the Council and Parliament in April 1994
includes telematics as a major topic of research. It
invites the Commission to draw up Telematics Ap-
plications for Transport in Europe Program (4 No-
vember 1994) for the measures required at Commu-
nity level for the implementation of Telematics in
the Transport Sector (action plan); and to support the
work of standardization in traffic management by
means of all suitable measures including research
and development.
ITS Japan established in 1994 promotes research,
development and implementation of ITS in coopera-
tion with five related national ministries in Japan
and serves as the primary contact for ITS-related ac-
tivities throughout the Asia Pacific region. ITS Ja-
pan is Part of a Global Advanced Information and
Telecommunications Society. The policies of ITS
include development of system architecture, re-
search and development (R&D), standardization and
international cooperation, and so on. The Interminis-
terial Council works in cooperation with the national
and international organizations - such as the Vehicle,
Road, and Traffic Intelligence Society (VERTIS) -
and supports a variety of activities. VICS (Vehicle
Information and Communication System) and ATIS
(Advanced Traffic Information System) have been
recently in operation in Japan. VICS started from
April 1996 in Tokyo and Osaka by VICS Centre
supported by Ministry of Construction, Ministry of
Telecommunications and National Police Agency
and expanding the service area. VICS Centre re-
ceives real time traffic information from Highway
Traffic Information Centre which gathers the infor-
mation from each of the highway authorities. And
VICS Centre provides the information through road-
side beacons as well as FM broadcasting.
In Australia in 1998, the TRAC and South East
Freeway’s systems merged to create STREAMS
Version 1. Since 2007 STREAMS Version 3 was
implemented. It is Integrated Intelligent Transport
System that provides traffic signal management, in-
cident management, motorway management, vehicle
priority, traveller information and parking guidance.
ITSS (Intelligent Transportation Systems Society)
is governed in accordance with the Constitution and
Bylaws of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE), the basis of ITSS (Press Release
announcing the new ITS Council) were implemented
in 1999. The purposes of the Society are to bring to-
gether the community of scientists and engineers
who are involved in the field of interest stated here-
in, and to advance the professional standing of the
Members and Affiliates.
New development of the Intelligent Transport
Systems is opened by the program of an EU com-
mon transport policy for the years 2001–2010. Addi-
tionally, the European Commission has begun the
negotiations, in order to achieve consensus on the in-
troduction in 2010 of an e-Call emergency system in
all new cars (the new deadline is 2014).
The matter of transport telematics appeared in
Polish publications in the middle of the nineties. In
1997 the attempt was made to define conceptual
scope and the area of transport telematics applica-
tions (Wawrzyński 2003), which were finally de-
scribed as a branch of knowledge and technical ac-
tivities integrating information technology with
telecommunication in the applications for the needs
of the transport systems.
On the 19 of March 2007 in the district court of
Katowice, the registration took place of the Polish
Association of Transport Telematics (PATT). It is a
newly called gathering, which members dwelling
from various environments such like colleges, re-
search institutes, national and private companies of
transport business, put themselves for target, through
activity in Association, propagating transport
telematics and its applications into possible diverse
circles of recipients.
31 May 2007 was signed the agreement between
PATT and Intelligent Transportation Systems Slo-
vakia, concerning the realization of bilateral contacts