International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 3
September 2012
Human Resource Management is an innovative view
of the workplace management which is established
as useful method for analysing the strategic ap-
proach to the organizational management. This
method of management system has been defined
from different sources in a similar manner, for in-
stance, While Miler (1987) who stated that
".......those decisions and actions which concern the
management of employees at all levels in the busi-
ness and which are related to the implementation of
strategies directed towards creating and sustaining
competitive advantage". Miler emphasised on ac-
tions related to the management employee in order
to maintain competitive advantage. It should be not-
ed that after about a decade the definition of Human
Resource Management (HRM) is highlighted on its
responsibility for staffing people into the organiza-
tion. In this regard Cherrington (1995) expressed
that "Human resource management is responsible for
how people are treated in organizations. It is respon-
sible for bringing people into the organization, help-
ing them perform their work, compensating them for
their labours, and solving problems that arise".
The initiation of the advanced theory of manage-
ment caused that the term of describing the function
of workforce to be changed from “Personnel” to
“Industrial relations” to “employee relations” and fi-
nally to “Human Resource”. Although, all the above
mentioned terms are used nevertheless, the precise
and useful term is Human resource Management.
Some people believed that HRM is a part of HRD
(Human Resource Development) which includes the
great range of activities in order to develop person-
nel of organizations; in fact, the objective of HRM is
to increase the productivity of an organization by
improving the effectiveness of its employees. In the
last three decades, many changes have been applied
to the HRM function and HRD profession; in the
past, large organizations looked to the "Personnel
Crew Resource Management: The Role of
Human Factors and Bridge Resource
Management in Reducing Maritime Casualties
H. Yousefi
Khoramshahar Maritime University, Khoramshahar, Iran
R. Seyedjavadin
Business Management College, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the Crew Resource Management which has now been in the existence for
more than two decades as a foundation of maritime transport in order to improve the operational efficiency of
shipping. The impact of human errors on collisions and grounding of ocean going vessels have been taken
place due to the human or team errors which need to be analyzed by various maritime casualties in depth. The
first section of this article is devoted to investigate the role of Human Resource Management, Crew Resource
Management and Maritime Crew Resource Management; it is because of minimizing ship accidents at sea.
The next part of this paper is designated to evaluate the Bridge Resource Management, Bridge Team Man-
agement and Human factors in depth. It should be noted that the necessary techniques in bridge team man-
agement should be clarified based on the consideration of the issues that why bridge team management is ar-
ranged. The next segment of this paper is dedicated to consider the ways of minimizing ship accidents by
offering optimum training methods for the future seafarers. The last part of this paper is designated to assess
the qualification of maritime lecturers based on STCW95 Convention and the MARCON project for teaching
the Bridge Resource Management.
Department," nevertheless recently, organizations
consider the "HR Department" as playing an im-
portant role in staffing, training and helping to man-
age people. The link between human resource man-
agement and the strategic goals of an organization
has been investigated by Miller (1989) as "The goal
of human resource management is to help an organi-
zation to meet strategic goals by attracting, and
maintaining employees and also to manage them ef-
fectively". After World War II, more attentions
needed to be applied to the labours due to the short-
age of skilled workers of companies, therefore the
general concentrate of HRM modified from concen-
tration on labour efficiency and skills to employee
satisfaction. Then, as consequences of the Act of
1960 and Act of 1970, companies began putting
more accents on HRM in order to avoid of violating
this legislations. In 1980, the HRM grows up rapidly
due to the several reasons such as the organizations
required skills of HRM professionals in order to
adapt the organization structure with a new genera-
tion of labour attitudes and behaviours, improving
educational levels, growth of offering services,
white colour job and more women as workforce, etc.
Marine Accident Investigation Branch (1999) stated
that four factors or four “Cs” such as commitment,
competence, cost-effectiveness, and congruence
should be used in order to evaluate whether the
HRM programme is succeeded or not? The author of
this paper expand the above assessment to the fol-
lowing five factors by adding Customer as five item
in order to determine whether the HRM programme
is succeeded or not. It is because; the services of
Human resource in an organization are provided for
the customer satisfaction, therefore we should pay
careful attention to attract our customers by improv-
ing the efficiency of the organization. In 1990, the
new technologies such as IT, satellite communica-
tions, computers and networking systems, fax ma-
chines, and other new devices have forced to change
the field of HRM. The second important change in-
fluencing HRM was related to the recent organiza-
tional structures, which emerged during the 1980s as
a result of the operational expansions of many com-
panies or diversification of their products and ser-
vices that continued through the 1990s. The third or
last factor of forcing to change the HRM field is
market globalization through world trade which was
enhancing competition abroad; in order to compen-
sate with the international competition, companies
should consider their HRM professionals for im-
proving the quality of products, productivity, and in-
novation of the organization.
Crew Resource Management has come to light for
more than two decades, nevertheless a misunder-
standing still exists within aviation and shipping in-
dustry for what the term entails. Crew Resource
Management (CRM) is a reliable management sys-
tem which makes the best use of all available means
such as equipment, people in order to improve safety
and increase operational activities within the ship-
ping industry. CRM includes a broad variety of
knowledge and skills encompassing cognitive skills
and interpersonal skills. ….very often extremely tra-
ditional education forms and context are very de-
motivating of our young generations, Stephen
J.Cross (2010). The cognitive skills are regarded as
the psychological procedures used for acquiring sit-
uational awareness, for solving problems, and for
taking decision and the interpersonal skills consist of
communications and teamwork. Crew Resource
Management is a management system which creates
the best possible use of all available means such as
equipment, communication, process and people in
order to improve safety of ship operations.
For the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of
crew members on board ships, a special training
course of the technical knowledge not only is essen-
tial for crew members; but also they require to im-
plement the requirement of CRM which are develop-
ing and understanding of the cognitive and
interpersonal skills.
Training of CRM skills are related to the theory
and practice of group behaviours which are properly
developed through a method called experiential
learning. It should be noted that CRM skills have
been taught individually as technical knowledge and
skills, nevertheless the considerable area of overlap
between the above two methods proposes that the
training would be more effective if it was included
from the basic of the Maritime Crew training meth-
od. Dominic Cardozo (1993) defined that Crew Re-
source Management is an active and interactive pro-
cess including all crew members, which helps to
detect, communicate and avoid or handle significant
threats to an operation, action or task by developing
and applying efficient countermeasures to minimize
the safety risk. Hackman (1986) describes the crew
as being frontline operators and safety to be a line
function by which the entire company culture and
company structure is defined. For the purpose of as-
sessing CRM in the maritime industries, it is neces-
sary to have a look at the growth of CRM in avia-
tion. In 1980, the first CRM training course was
implemented by the United Airlines which was
about the evaluation of crew members of their own
and their team members’ performance. Nowadays,
CRM is an essential training course not only for all
airlines and aviation schools, but also is mandatory
for maritime colleges in order to reduce human er-
rors and to avoid any incident, accident or /and colli-
sion. Since the main reasons of the majority of ship
accidents can be found in human errors, therefore,
CRM plays a vital role in reducing their negative re-
sult. CRM training course is necessary for operators
in every work field especially for ship’s crew based
on the latest revision of the STCW in June 2010. In
a sense, the overall integration of each responsibility
on board ship as a complicated teamwork is called
designing CRM training and application for the mar-
itime industry. It means that deck and engine offic-
ers, OS, AB, cooks and stewards with different na-
tionalities working closely together as a team. As a
result of the technological improvement in shipping,
the implementation of CRM strategies has been tak-
en more than three decades which is not offer a
completely agreeable result; therefore the old
schemes of designing CRM training need to be up-
dated. It should be noted that since the situation in
aviation is completely different with shipping busi-
ness, therefore it is not possible to copy or transfer
CRM from aviation to maritime field. It is because a
ship is a work place which cannot be left by the crew
for months; navigators are working on board ship for
24 hours on seven days a week in order to keep the
sea watch as duty officers who are not allow to sleep
more than six hours.
It is a training course in order to manage ship bridge
activities by Master, Pilot, Watchman, Wheelman
and officer on watch. Many collisions occurred as a
result of misunderstanding of the parties doing dif-
ferent activities on the bridge for instance pilots with
watch keepers. It is possible to imitate the expected
situations by using ship handling simulators in order
to improve the skill and communication between the
responsible persons on the bridge. For instance, in
1974, Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) called “Metulla”
grounded in the Magellan Straits with two pilots and
watch keepers who were present on the bridge; it
means that bridge teams were not working efficient-
ly in order to support each other. In fact, there are
two different comments on using simulator as train-
ing course, first Gyles and Salmon (1978) who stat-
ed that “Simulator-based training courses were in-
troduced primarily to train the skills of passage
planning and the importance of the Master/Pilot rela-
tionship”. This training initiative developed into the
Bridge Team Management (BTM) courses that are
conducted today on many simulators world-wide
and contain many of the elements to be found in
CRM courses in other industries. The role of simula-
tor as a tool for training CRM has been stated by
Barnet (2060) as follows “Bridge Resource Man-
agement (BRM) courses are a more recent initiative,
adapted directly from the aviation model, and are not
always based on the use of simulators”. Nowadays,
Maritime Universities offer a training course called
Bridge Team Management (BTM) or Bridge Re-
source Management (BRM) which is about the dis-
cussion of ship handling and navigational skills, un-
fortunately not emphasis on human factor. Micheal
Barnnet (2060) quoted from Flin et al regarding the
significance of the bridge resource management
course in the following paragraph as follows “With-
in other safety critical industries, and the military,
the training and assessment of resource management
skills is taking on a high level of importance as a
way of ensuring that errors are effectively detected
and managed (Flin & Martin, 2001; Flin et al.,
2000). It should be noted that CRM training course
is not important by many ship owner, it is because
no strong rule or regulation issued by IMO in order
to support it such as SOLAS, ISPS Code or even the
STCW. We hope that through the revision of STCW
according to the 2010 amendment it will adjust
CRM training as mandatory course for future seafar-
ers. In addition to the above explanation, the limita-
tion of bridge resources or bridge equipments should
be considered by seafarers. Bridge watch-keepers
should be aware of the dangers of being over-reliant
on these devices and:
· understand the types of errors that are possible and
recognise the operational warnings that appear on
the display;
· understand the limitations of the devices;
· regularly test the devices using the built-in opera-
tional test facilities.
Maritime Resource Management and Bridge Team
Management Course are offered by maritime Uni-
versities in all over the world in order to concentrate
on optimum approach of seafarers to reduce man-
agement error. MCRM is an essential training course
for crew members of ships which approved by IMO.
This training program deals with management in
highly operational situations on board ship’s bridges,
in engine rooms etc. It defined by (Poop, 2009) as
“MCRM is a course that aims to provide knowledge
and a practical understanding of operative manage-
ment skills”. As we know majority of ship accidents
or incidents are being caused by human errors, there-
fore the main part of the MCRM course is to review
several case studies of accident and incident at sea.
The following table illustrates the number of Iranian
and foreign maritime accidents that rapidly raised in
2009 and reduced quickly in 2010, which was be-
cause of the standard training courses such as
MCRM, BRM, BTM, etc.
At this part, there are two more or less similar
ideas about the non-technical or resource manage-
ment which have been stated in order to improve the
required skill in crisis management.
Table 1 (Source: Iranian Port and Maritime Organization)
Maritime Accidents 2007 2008 2009
Total number of accidents 93 88 116 22
Number of Iranian accidents 85 82 113 19
Number of Iranian sunken ships 36 37 52 7
number of person survived 720 656 834 226
Medical care offered to seafarers 108 119 158 47
Michael Barnett, et al (2002) stated that although
there is now a general acceptance of the core con-
cepts for the non-technical or resource management
skills required for competence in crisis management,
there is also an acceptance that the behaviours asso-
ciated with these skills are context specific. In addi-
tion, Helmreich et al. (1998) suggest that the optimal
implementation of resource management skills is
dependent upon the cultural context in which they
are applied. It should be noted that in order to evalu-
ate the application of resource management skills,
the assessment should be carried out within a cultur-
al context. The International Maritime Organiza-
tion’s Seafarer’s Training, Certification and Watch
keeping Code (International Maritime Organization,
1995) are the essential resource management skills.
Table A-V/2 of this code indicates the minimum
standard requires in crisis management and human
behaviour skills for senior officers who are in charge
of passengers in emergency situations. Majority of
Maritime Universities run the Resource Manage-
ment training courses which are combined as both
deck and engine field. The most part of the courses
are taken place by using simulator technique in order
to teach the lessons by sequence casualties.
By considering the following reports, we would be
able to understand the role of human on maritime
accidents: Data from research undertaken by the UK
Protection and Indemnity Club (UK P&I, 1997) in-
dicates that human error directly accounted for 58%
of all shipping incidents that led to major insurance
claims. The United States Coastguard (1995) stated
that the human element was a root causal factor in
70% of all shipping incidents. Although not all of
these incidents led to a crisis situation, all had that
potential. Accepting that human error is inevitable,
there is a need to understand the behaviours of effec-
tive error detection and management in order to en-
sure safe and efficient operations (Helmreich et al.,
1998). The items related to the human factors are as
follows: firstly, fitness which is related to the ab-
sence of factors cause negative effect on human per-
formance such as regular sport and exercise or even
mental factor. Secondly, use of non-prescription
drugs, alcohol and extreme amounts of caffeine, etc.
Thirdly, seafarers communication difficulty which is
because of different languages, cultures, customs
and behaviours. Fourthly, fatigue of crew and the
qualification with optimum training of seafarers
based on the latest STCW requirements. The defini-
tion of human factor with the relevant items has
been stated by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) as fol-
lows: We believe that a central result of this analysis
is the paramount importance of the human factor. In
fact, in the majority of cases reviewed, the incident
was due to one or more of the following: Poor crew
competence, lack of communication, lack of proper
maintenance, lack of application of safety or other
procedures, inadequate training, poor judgment of
the situation, and so forth. This general conclusion
also means that many of the serious accidents re-
viewed might have been averted if some of the
above deficiencies did not exist. It should be noted
that the causes of accidents are grouped in different
codes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G, the codes defined by
(DNV) as “DAMA” database structure which is used
for both statistical and fault tree analysis. The fol-
lowing comments extracted from different opinion
of the five authors about the cases such as “what was
the cause of an accident” or “what possible measure
could have prevented it” in quantitative terms. The
five more important DAMA causes were:
F04 (8.2%): Existing routines for safety control
known, but not followed.
G02 (7.9%): Insufficient real competence (prac-
tice from occupation, waters, with equipment or
A01 (6.6%): Very heavy weather, natural disas-
ter, etc.
G07 (5.0%): Not adequate observation of own
position/not plotted on charts.
G09 (4.0%): Misjudgement of own vessel’s
movements (current, wind etc.).
Within each group, the most important causes
were: Group A: Circumstances not related to the
ship: cause A01-Very heavy weather, natural disas-
ter etc (49.5% of the total), followed by cause A07-
Operational fault with other ship (wrong manoeu-
vre/poor seamanship etc) (16.2% of the total) and
A02-Current, wind etc led to strong drift or other
manoeuvre difficulties (7.1% of the total), covering
together a percentage of 72.8% of Group A cases.
Group B: Construction of the ship and location of
equipment on board: cause B01-The ship’s structural
strength not sufficient (49.1% of the total) and cause
B02-The structural strength weakened by later weld-
ing jobs, corrosion etc (30.9% of the total), together
coming to an 80% of Group B cases. Group C:
Technical conditions concerning equipment on
board: cause C09- Technical fault with equipment
(34% of the total) only.
Fig.1 (Source of data: R.Ziaretie, 2010)
Group D: Conditions concerning use and design
of equipment: there is no statistically significant
cause. Group E: Cargo, safeguarding and treatment
of cargo and bunkers: cause E01-Self-ignition in
cargo/bunker, also by “sloshing” in tanks (50% of
the total) only. Group F: Communication, organiza-
tion, procedures and routines: cause F04-Existing
routines for safety control known, but not followed
(31.4% of the total), followed by cause F10-Failure
of routines for inspection and maintenance on board
(11.3% of the total).
Group G: Individual on board, situation, judg-
ment, reactions: cause G02-Insufficient real compe-
tence (practice from occupation, waters, with
equipment or suchlike) (22% of the total), followed
by cause G07-Not adequate observation of own po-
sition/not plotted on charts (13.8% of the total), and
cause G09-Misjudgment of own vessel’s movements
(current, wind etc) (11.2% of the total). Figure.1
shows the cause of maritime accidents and human
errors as common factors at sea; it should be noted
that the maximum factor is related to the bad deci-
sion making of officer on watch and the next is poor
lookout of watchman, both by human errors.
By reviewing the above mentioned groups, there
was a serious statistical attention which has been
emphasized on groups F and G. In fact, it is not
amazing; because the two groups include mostly to
the maritime accidents which were due to the human
error. Figure.2 shows the causes of on board ships
with the main reason of bad decision and the next is
poor lookout.
On 6
January 2002, the Dover Strait, one of the
busiest waterways in the world, was shrouded in
thick fog. Visibility was less than 200 meters in
places. Two ferries were crossing the Dover Strait
at 0900 that day. The “Diamant” was coming from
Oostende heading for Dover. The “Northern Mer-
chant” was heading to Dunkerque from Dover. Both
vessels were travelling at close to normal cruising
speed: “Diamant” a high-speed craft was travelling
at 29 knots, and the “Northern Merchant”, a Ro-Ro
ferry, was travelling at 21 knots. Were they to have
continued their course and speed, the vessels’ paths
would have taken them to within half a mile of one
another. As it was, at just over a mile apart, the
bridge teams started to question the assumptions
they had made about each other’s probable course of
action and started to implement course changes, but
not speed changes, that would, they believed, put a
greater distance between themselves. At 0952 they
Seafarers Mistake: it was because of failure to
maintain adequate distance; It means that ‘violation
of procedures’ (it was too late for assuming about
the actions of the other vessel in thick fog).
Seafarers Mistake: it was because of failure to re-
duce speed; it means that ‘violation of procedures
(as a result of the speed of the craft in poor visibility,
thus they had no time to take action to avoid the col-
Seafarers Mistake: it was because of poor profes-
sional judgment; it means thatviolation of collision
regulations’ (As the Rule stated that, when a vessel
can only ‘see’ another vessel on its radar and a risk
of collision exists, she shall take avoiding action in
ample time. Altering course at one mile or three
minutes before the collision, with 21 knots speed
was not in ample time).
As consequence of the report, fault of the colli-
sion was due to the Crew Resource Management or
Bridge Team Management errors. Through the offi-
cial report and investigation which had been carried
out by the Department of Transport regarding the in-
cident, the cause of accident was because of the op-
erator errors (the bridge team or the Master errors)
by the eighteen reasons as the official report (MAIB,
2003; pp. 43-44).
The Manila amendments are the result of nearly five
years of intensive debates and discussions on various
accessions also at the annual IMLA Conferences and
at IMEC gatherings. Although the outcome is not the
optimum, it is, however, an acceptable and practica-
ble instrument suited to further develop Maritime
English as an essential but relatively new knowledge
area in order to satisfy the new provisions and thus
the complex requirements of maritime industry. As
Poor use of…
Radar failure
Index perience
Over working
Poor training
poor lookout
Bad decision…
Broke rules
Poor manning…
Prof.Trenkner (2010) emphasized on the outcome of
the Manila Conference which was not an optimum
result, further Prof.Ziaretie (2010) had more or less
similar idea in this field. It should be noted that sev-
eral attempts carried out in order to revise STCW95
convention through the Manila Conference 2010.
Nevertheless, the implementation of the revised
Convention will take time and a number of deficien-
cies kept in the Convention until the proposed
changes to be taken place.
In addition to the above explanation, regarding
the role of optimum training of MET based on
STCW Convention Prof.R.Prasad (2010) stated that
seafarers need to acquire comprehensive understand-
ing of technical facts through active learning pro-
cesses that enhances deep understanding of scientific
as well as social concepts and help develop tech-
nical, cognitive and social skills. Skills for
group/team work, good communications and resolv-
ing issues are as essential because they have to work
in such environment.
The MARCON is an improvement of maritime lec-
turers’ competencies project which is based on Lis-
bon European strategies fortune in order to maintain
the European maritime university system as world-
wide framework. It should be noted that the eEurope
has been launched as e-learning in 2001, therefore
communication and computerized technology be-
came the main component of maritime training. The
objective of this project has been stated by
Prof.R.Hanzu-pazara et al (2009) as follows: The
general objective of the MARCON project is repre-
sented by multidisciplinary research concerning ini-
tial and continuous formative of the lecturers from
maritime universities and providing of advancement
programs according with the maritime industry re-
Although, around 40% of the present teaching
staff of Constanta Maritime University has pursued
this program, therefore the author believes that if all
maritime lecturers become familiar with the latest
technologies, advance computerized system and
simulation procedure, than their competencies in
maritime training will be improved in a great extent.
Many maritime accidents have been reported in the
last couple of decades, there were because of the
shortage of seafarers’ skill to supervise both re-
sources and crises. CRM training has been seen
gradually more as a fundamental part of the human
error management viewpoint. The International Mar-
itime Organization gave the impression of the re-
quire for resource management skills on board ships,
nevertheless the standards of competence and their
evaluation criteria are not fully formed similar to the
civil aviation. CRM training is a technique that has
been formulated for organizing people to arrange
maritime/bridge resources in order to avoid collision
at sea.
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