value of the environment in which the spill may oc-
cur, should be considered.
It may therefore be more feasible to study the rel-
ative risk reduction of the measures as such, and
comparing these to the costs of the risk control op-
tions. This will also lead to a decent risk-informed
decision, if a certain expertise is available to inter-
pret the results of the risk assessment.
It should be clear that the evaluation of the risks re-
lated to maritime traffic in the framework of a For-
mal Safety Assessment is a very wide and laborious
task, not in the least because of the multidisciplinary
nature of the studied system. Such fields as logistics,
maritime engineering, systems analysis, operations
research and environmental modeling should be
combined in an overall FSA-framework.
The maritime system simulation methodology
starts from the premise that the likelihood and con-
sequence of each relevant accident type can be cal-
culated based on situational information, as suggest-
ed by Kaplan (1997). The aim of determining each
of the modules building up the model for maritime
system risk in a scientifically sound manner is to be
seen as an attempt to rationalize the decision making
process in risk related matters.
It is clear that even though the scope of the cur-
rent model is rather limited (only the probability of
collision of ships in open waters and the conse-
quences in terms of oil spill size are included as yet),
and even within these models certain improvements
could be made (e.g. the collision scenario model
linking encounter scenario to actual impact condi-
tions), the modular nature of the model allows for
gradual improvement and extension of the models to
include additional hazards, risk analysis blocks or
risk control options.
Consequently, the remaining work is still very
significant before any proper conclusions can be
made. Firstly, other hazards (ship grounding, fire)
should be included. Secondly, a weather model
should be coupled to the accident scenario genera-
tion. Thirdly, for ship collisions, the consequences
for other ship types (chemical tankers, passenger
vessels), should be determined in terms of economic
loss due to structural damage or loss of human life.
There is also significant work to be done in the un-
derstanding of accident causation, and for various
accident types, there is a lack of consequence mod-
The authors appreciate the financial contribution of
the European Union and the city of Kotka. This re-
search is carried out within the EfficienSea project
and in association with the Kotka Maritime Research
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