then combined. According to the results, a collision
involving at least one tanker would occur once in
approximately every six years. This might seem a ra-
ther high number, especially since tanker collisions
in the Gulf of Finland within open water season have
been quite rare (Hänninen & Ylitalo 2010). Never-
theless, it should be noted that the “average growth”
scenario, for example, is estimating a 60 % increase
in transportation tonnes compared to the traffic in
2007 (Kuronen et al 2009). Further, the increase is
mainly due to increase in oil transport. Therefore,
there should also be an increase in the probability of
tanker collisions.
The “hot spot” area with the largest estimated
number of tanker collisions would be the merging
area of St. Petersburg and Vysotsk traffic. This
seems realistic, since according to the accident sta-
tistics of the Gulf of Finland (Hänninen & Ylitalo
2010), all non-ice related collisions had occurred in
the eastern part of the Gulf.
The expected transportation tonnes in “strong
growth” scenario was approximately 57 % larger
than in “slow growth”. Consequently, the expected
value for number of collisions in the “strong” sce-
nario is 44 % larger than in the “slow growth” sce-
nario. In contrast, when comparing the results of 15-
50-35 and 35-50-15 degree of belief weightings of
the traffic scenarios, the difference is not as clear. If
a weight of 0.15 was assigned to the ”slow growth”
scenario and 0.35 to the “strong”, the expected value
for number of collisions is only 5 % larger than if
the weights were assigned the other way round. This
can be explained by the relatively large weight given
to the “average” scenario (50 %) in both cases.
The modeling of the 2015 traffic included many
simplifications: the only difference between the pre-
sent maritime traffic and the one in 2015 was as-
sumed to be the numbers of oil tankers and other
cargo vessels navigating in the waterways. The in-
crease of the number of passenger ships, other ships,
high speed crafts, and chemical and gas tankers nav-
igating in the Gulf of Finland was not considered.
Moreover, the change in tanker and cargo vessel
numbers was estimated based on the assumption of
no change in ship size. Also, the locations of the wa-
terways were assumed to remain unchanged from
the 2008 situation, and the impacts of winter on col-
lision probability were excluded from the analysis.
The changes in variables affecting the causation
probability, such as the rules, regulations, safety cul-
ture and the competence of the mariners, or in tech-
nical equipment and the ships themselves, were not
considered in this study and should be taken into ac-
count when building a more sophisticated model for
assessing the collision risks in the future.
In Kuronen et al. (2009), each of the three traffic
scenarios had been presented as probability distribu-
tions. In order to include the uncertainty in the sce-
narios themselves, instead of using only the ex-
pected values, the traffic multipliers could also be
expressed in a distribution form. Further, consider-
ing the large number of variables with complicated
interrelations behind accident causation, the quality
of AIS data utilized in the traffic image composition,
and selection of the models to be applied for the col-
lision candidate and causation probability estima-
tion, one should also address the uncertainty in the
number of collision candidates and causation proba-
bility as well.
The approach presented in the paper could be uti-
lized in a wider risk analysis and decision-making
context. This work has already been started, as in
Lehikoinen et al. (in prep.) the presented model was
utilized as a part of a probabilistic decision analysis
model of oil transportation risks, whose purpose is to
aid the decision makers in choosing the best risk
control options when considering the environmental
consequences of oil accidents.
The study was conducted as a part of SAFGOF and
CAFE projects, financed by the European Union -
European Regional Development Fund - Regional
Councils of Kymenlaakso and Päijät-Häme, the City
of Kotka, Kotka-Hamina regional development
company Cursor Ltd., Kotka Maritime Research As-
sociation Merikotka and the following members of
the Kotka Maritime Research Centre Corporate
Group: Port of Hamina, Port of Kotka and Arctia
Shipping Oy (formerly Finstaship). The authors wish
to express their gratitude to the funders.
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International Confer-