5 shackles of riding cable and one shackle of the
secondary short-scope anchor under the same condi-
tions. In this case, the lateral movement range of the
center of gravity with a secondary short-scope an-
chor is 50 % smaller than that without a short-scope
anchor. As these experiment results agree with those
of model tests qualitatively, it seems that the use of a
secondary short-scope anchor is very effective and
useful to reduce horsing.
2.3 Standards of the anchoring and anchor watch
Table 1 shows the standard procedure of the anchor-
ing and anchor watch for the test ship when an-
chored at 15 m depth of water. Usually, the cable
length that should be veered out at the first stage of
anchoring is calculated by the following formula;
(3D + 90) m, D means the depth. This empirical
formula is widely used among the Japanese seafar-
ers. After anchoring, the test ship veers out her cable
and drops a secondary short-scope anchor according
to the increase of wind velocity. When wind exceeds
the designated velocity, an officer’s anchor watch is
started for earlier detection of the risk of dragging
anchor, and her main engine, rudder and other nec-
essary machinery are prepared.
Figure 5. Estimated length of holding part during anchor watch
by the standard procedure
Figure 5 shows the estimated length of cable that
remains on the sea bed (L
; holding part length of
the cable) when the test ship performs her anchor
watch in accordance with the above standard proce-
dure. The holding part length (L
) is estimated using
the following equations and the horizontal force of
shock load (T) shown in Figure 3.
where L = total scope; and
= weight of chain per
unit in the sea water.
A certain length of the holding part should be
kept for the safe anchoring because it acts as a
spring in preventing the anchor from being jerked
when the ship is yawing from side to side. In the
case of the test ship, her cable is veered out in ac-
cordance with the increase of wind velocity in order
to keep the holding part length at least two shackles.
To include the above method in the standard proce-
dure of anchor watch is considered to be useful and
helpful for small domestic merchant ships.
Figure 6. Trajectory of a ship during dragging anchor
3.1 Detection of a risk of dragging anchor
Figure 6 shows the trajectory when the test ship
drags her anchor under 15 m/s of wind. The hull is
drifted at a very slow speed of 0.54 m/s to the lee-
ward by the beam wind. Her heading is about 7
points to the left of the wind axis during dragging
anchor. As the above experiment results agree with
the simulation results (Inoue 1988), we can con-
clude, when the regular horsing movement is
stopped and ship’s weather side becomes fixed, that
the ship is likely to be dragging anchor.