composition of ship’s appearance and traffic volume
as shown in Fig.2 Process simulation.
The width of a route was considered as three pat-
terns (300m, 500m, and 700m) by referring to main
ports of Korea. The compositions of ship which
form a traffic flow set up for small size, medium size
and large size patterned to be a percentage of 7:2:1
and 4:5:1. Traffic volumes could be 10, 20 and 30
ships per an hour.
The size of a ship was classified into the small
ship (48.26m±20m), middle ship (104.08m±20m)
and the large ship (240.00m±50m) based on the ac-
tual data of an entrance to Mokpo in Korea. The
ship’s speed was used as the small ship
(9.7kts±2.2kts) and middle ship (14.5kts±3.2kts) and
the large ship (15.4kts±3.0kts).
Simulation time is recommended that the time be
longer in order to obtain a reliable evaluation result.
However, a simulation by increasing time recklessly
will be wasted. So this simulation could be up to 100
In addition, the interval time generating ships
(making traffic volume) asks for the average time in-
terval according to the number of target ships. The
ships were generated using exponential distribution
with such an average value.
Fig.2 Process of Simulation.
4.1 Index of evaluation
In this research, the environmental stress value by an
ES model was adopted as an evaluation index show-
ing the navigation difficulty under traffic congestion.
A description is simply added to below about the ES
4.1.1 Environmental Stress model, ES model
The elements of the environmental conditions
that can be taken into account in the model are as
1 Topographical conditions such as land, shoals,
shore protection, breakwaters, buoys, fishing nets,
moored ships and other fixed or floating obsta-
2 Traffic conditions such as the density of other
ships and traffic flow.
3 External disturbances such as winds and currents.
The proposed model, which expresses in quantita-
tive terms the degree of stress imposed by topo-
graphical and traffic environments on the mariner, is
called the Environmental Stress Model (ES-model).
The ES-model is composed of the following three
1 Evaluation of ship-handling difficulty arising
from restrictions to the water area available for
maneuvering. A quantitative index expressing the
degree of stress forced on the mariner by topo-
graphical restrictions (ESL value) is calculated on
the basis of the time to collision (TTC) with any
2 Evaluation of ship-handling difficulty arising
from restrictions on the freedom to make colli-
sion-avoidance maneuvers. A quantitative index
expressing the degree of stress forced on the mar-
iner by traffic congestion (ESs value) is calculated
on the basis of the time to collision (TTC) with
other ships.
3 Aggregate evaluation of ship-handling difficulty
forced by both the topographical and traffic envi-
ronments, in which the stress value(ESA value) is
derived by superimposing the value ESL and the
value ESs.
The model is a practical method for evaluating
the ship-handling difficulty of navigation in topo-
graphically restricted and congested waterways, and
in ports and harbors. The strength of the model lays
in its ability to evaluate simultaneously or individu-
ally the difficulties of ship-handling arising from
topographical restrictions and encounters with other
ships and because it includes acceptance criteria
based on a mariner’s perception of safety.
Star t, Simulation T ime
Occur r ence of Shi p
1. Ship speed : 6 kts ± 3kts
2. Length : S M L = 70% 20% 10%
3. Volume traffic = 10 ~ 20
T raffic of Ship
1. Manuever ing : K T model
2. Cour se : N or t hbound, V ar iabl e 1
3. Avoidance collision : V ariable 2
Invasion Domain_j udgement
by T ar get_ship and N eed of
Collision_judgement ?
K eep up Cour se & Speed
Pr int, Depiction of Flow
Change 2,3
Star t, Simulation T ime
Occur r ence of Shi p
1. Ship speed : 6 kts ± 3kts
2. Length : S M L = 70% 20% 10%
3. Volume traffic = 10 ~ 20
T raffic of Ship
1. Manuever ing : K T model
2. Cour se : N or t hbound, V ar iabl e 1
3. Avoidance collision : V ariable 2
Invasion Domain_j udgement
by T ar get_ship and N eed of
Collision_judgement ?
K eep up Cour se & Speed
Pr int, Depiction of Flow
Change 2,3