Finally, it should be mentioned that mere invest-
ment in transport is not enough to stimulate econom-
ic growth in the regions. There is a need for rational
strategies and regional programmes to include infra-
structure investments in a wider context (Parteka,
The support for regional development via EU in-
struments brings about improved territorial cohesion
of some areas, like Pomorskie region. At the same
time, there are also negative results of allocating the
European funds for the implementation of the objec-
tives set out by these policies, especially as regards
peripheral areas, which leads to neglecting certain
aspects, e.g. transport connections between metro-
politan areas, towns and villages.
1 Sustainable transport planning and development
is a great challenge for the EU, national and re-
gional authorities. Neglecting the development of
regional and local transport networks (e.g. via the
extension of trans-European networks) can be an
example of such a dilemma. Another problem is
excessive concentration of expenditure on infra-
structural objectives which are not properly
linked to other development measures or, for in-
stance, at the expense of innovation measures.
2 Two main dimensions of the EU transport policy,
i.e. reduced environmental pressures and sustain-
able mobility of human resources are significant
for other EU policies, e.g. with regard to im-
proved transport in cities and metropolitan areas
or support for the development of polycentric
3 Despite the declared willingness to pursue sus-
tainable development at the level of operational
documents drawn-up by the government admin-
istration, in Poland the most funds are allocated to
road infrastructure (national roads: 33.3%, mo-
torways: 16.6%). This is also the case in the Po-
morskie voivodship, although environment-
friendly projects are given more attention due to
the coastal location of the region. However, the
co-financing rate for infrastructure projects still
represents a significant obstacle. The EU contri-
bution of up to 75% (and in the case of some in-
vestments only 50%) may pose a major problem
to many potential beneficiaries within the region.
4 The case of Pomorskie coastal region proves that
it is necessary to diversify transport investments
in order to ensure sustainable development, which
could be fostered, inter alia, by integrated re-
gional public transport systems. Partnership based
on an extended and efficient institutional coop-
eration network, coordinated by voivodship gov-
ernments and covering local and regional authori-
ties, socio-economic partners, universities, busi-
ness organisations, non-governmental organisa-
tions, government institutions, as well as other
Polish and foreign regions and institutions, might
also prove helpful in the sustainable transport
planning and development implementation.
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