specialists. subject knowledge and ways of their integration.
7.5. Specification of the training programs for Training programs are corrected according to the
specialists for the postgame period. results of the game experiment if participants
7.6. Consulting assistance to the participants continue training in play groups.
of the game in development of their programs Players receive consulting assistance, including
of self-development/self-designing. assistance in development of the program of
7.7. Development by the game organizers of the self-training and self-development if they
postgame activity program concerning the continue studies independently.
game and preparation of the report on the
game simulation experiment
8. Postgame activity 8.1. Processing the results of the game simulation Results of the experiment are processed taking
concerning the game. experiment with a goal to determine into account the earlier obtained data from other
dependences, rational methods of formation experiments of the same direction, that allows to
of the professional personality, knowledge accumulate the empirical material.
integration and configurators building, etc. Comparing the results, establishing dependences,
8.2. Conducting methodological seminars for confirmation of the previous results is
teachers and experts. considerable contribution to the development of
8.3. Development the complex of purpose-oriented our theoretical representations about the subject
programs of vocational development of marine of the study.
specialists and ways to adapt these programs
to a person.
The game provides simulating six directly linked to
the game plots.
Participants get instructions and learn the game
rules as a part of the first plot. At that time the head
of the game, formulating goals of the game simula-
tion experiment and analyzing the situation, notes
existing substantial contradictions between the de-
sirable and realizable, and thereby “running” prob-
lematization processes, goals setting and self-
The second plot provides preliminary estimates of
participants’ readiness to the game. In case of unsat-
isfactory test results it is assumed that such a result
helps to intensify the process of motivation of spe-
cialists for developing professionalism. “Gaps” in
knowledge and skills found as the test results are
eliminated by the head of the game decision. Thus,
the compensatory function of education is realized,
i.e. advices can be given to participants of the game
and special literature for self-study may be recom-
The third, fourth and sixth plots are extremely
important because at these stages in reality many of
the major issues of navigation safety ensuring and
sea cargo transportation are solved. It is assumed
that not only typical real situations are fulfilled at
these stages, but complex non-standard situations
that happen rarely in real activity are simulated too,
because serious negative consequences can entail, in
cases of such situations appearance, if adequate so-
lutions will not be found by responsible specialists.
Thus, the task of the game head and experts play-
ing roles of officials, who under certain conditions,
can counteract the captain of the ship and other per-
sons involved in the process of sea cargo transporta-
tion is to generate episodes and situations “provok-
ing” a conflict and thereby substantially complicat-
ing making a solution of professional tasks. At the
same time, as “home prepared” tasks, as actions ac-
cording to a present situation can be performed for
generating game situations. It allows to implement
the game variation into the real game situation,
i.e. the structure of the game has many degrees of
freedom. Thus, the game adapts depending on the
goals and specific problems requiring the solution.
Game participants fix results of the analysis, cal-
culations, decisions and the effect of these decisions.
They take into account the specific conditions, pro-
fessional experience of all participants of the game
group. The experts record the work of groups and
individuals in the each episode and plot. Their duties
include clear fixating of errors, “gaps” in
knowledge, abilities and skills of specialists and
their ability to integrate with various kinds of
knowledge for solving complex professional prob-
lems. In addition experts observe the behavior of
game participants in difficult situations.
During the game experts and the head of the
game analyze the activities of participants and esti-
mate their performance, identify areas of knowledge
and skills in which it is useful to hold substantive
and methodological consultations. For example, our
experience in business games shows that practically
always there is a need for methodological consulta-
tions in a systematic approach methodology, a sys-
tem analysis, designing without prototypes
, etc.
Decisions obtained for each plot are discussed by
all participants of the game. Representatives of the
play groups make reports, where the idea of the de-
sign decision is revealed, as well its motivation and
implementation methods with evaluation of possible
consequences of the decision implementation.
Speakers answer questions from experts and other
participants of the game, fixing critical remarks and