Though, this method requires significant operat-
ing effort for adherence of radiation protection a
spatial separation of inspection area is required.
Hence no further work can be simultaneously con-
ducted in the neighborhood. This can lead to signifi-
cant decrease in manufacturing productivity.
Ultrasonic testing of welded joints is a significant
alternative to x-ray testing that can be applied, which
in general has the following advantages and disad-
vantages [2].
Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic testing
Advantages Disadvantages
Testing of thick-walled Acoustic coupling (surface
components is possible contact) is required.
without limitations Limitations due to surface
Evaluation of flaw size, type, roughness are possible
orientation can be obtained. High requirements on
Fast, cost-effective testing with inspection staff due to
immediate conclusion about rather complex calibration
indication of UT instrument
Automated or half-automated Limitations on flaw
inspection and evaluation can detectability due to
be implemented suboptimal insonification
NEW!: Imaging techniques like position or flaw
phased array allow orientation
documentation and
quantitative evaluation of
inspection results
For being able to replace x-ray by ultrasonic test-
ing the following tasks must be solved:
− Equal or better flaw detectability of relevant
flaws compared to x-ray
− Fast representation and evaluation of inspection
− Cost-efficient implementation of inspection sys-
tem and inspection procedure
− Mobile inspection system for in-situ applications
The novel ultrasonic inspection technique rapidly
coming into industrial application is phased array [3,
4]. Phased array testing offers significant advantages
for ultrasonic testing (UT) of welded joints due to its
extended information content provided by beam
steering capability. Hence the combination of me-
chanical scanning and electronic beam steering in-
creases flaw detectability, since it is being insonified
from various angles of incidence.
Phased array techniques may also have their limi-
tations in certain applications with respect to spatial
resolution in the far field of phased array transducers
or inspection speed while beam steering over a big
angle range and finite signal-to-noise ratio of the
system can be seen as an advantage.
Sampling Phased Array (SPA) technology devel-
oped by Fraunhofer IZFP is a next step in Phased
Array technology. On the one side the technique is
capable of fast synthesis of phased array ultrasonic
signals for arbitrary angles of incidence with focus-
ing in all the depths within the probe near field. On
the other hand the back projection and overlapping
in the volume the elementary wavelets obtained by
SPA according to synthetic aperture focusing tech-
nique (SAFT) principles offers the best possible im-
age reconstruction quality.
The SPA technique offers the following practical
1 Ultra-fast virtual beam sweep for arbitrary angle
2 Improved sensitivity and resolution in the near
field of the transducer
3 Fast 2D / 3D imaging
Unlike conventional Phased Array technique in-
sonifying the inspection volume by directed sound
fields under different angles of incidence, Sampling
Phased Array performs data acquisition by exciting
cylindrical or spherical waves that propagate in all
directions. This can be implemented by firing single
array elements or applying defocusing delay laws
(Figure 1). Hence a very wide angle range can be
covered after a single shot.
Figure 1: Defocused transmission and sector image reconstruc-
tion by SPA
The ultrasonic signals acquired and saved in each
probe position for every single array element serve
as an input data for image reconstruction. The recon-
struction occurred according to the SAFT algorithm
[5]. Since the sound field of array elements is very
divergent, every time signal (A-scan) received con-
tains overlapped echo-signals from available reflec-
tors in different volume positions. The reconstructed
image in one position of linear array visualizes a cut
plane perpendicular to insonification surface, the so
called sector-scan. For every point within this plane
the propagation times from the transmitting elements
and back to the receiving elements are calculated.
The amplitude values from all A-scans with match-
ing propagation times are added up in each image
point [6].