International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 2
June 2012
In order to provide active navigation, countries hav-
ing access to the Arctic seas elaborated systems of
hydrometeorological support (HMS). This term
means set of actions aimed at systematic support of
subjects carrying out activities in the Arctic with in-
formation on current and foreseeable ice and hydro-
meteorological conditions along the navigational
routes or in the regions of production activity.
Widening of the sea activities in the Arctic, the
implementation of comprehensive technical projects
and the need to ensure their safety made it necessary
to develop and introduce principally new infor-
mation and logistics system - a system aimed “at
managing ice conditions” or the so-called “Ice Man-
agement” (IM). “Ice Management” is the system of
specific actions for advance assessment and early
prevention of dangerous ice phenomena, including
as well active use of the technical means to effect
the ice formations in order to reduce their negative
impact on the offshore producing facilities
In contrast to HMS system, which is simply in-
formational system, IM could be referred to as a
group of comprehensive information and logistics
systems. The main purpose of these systems is to as-
sess risk of arising situation in advance and develop
recommendations on methods of active management
of the situation.
Arrangement of the ice management is based on ice
and informational systems, which by now have been
developed in the majority of national ice services.
Creation and development of these services is predi-
cated on their tasks on informational support of var-
ious activities in the freezing water areas. Any ice
informational system consists of three main blocks:
one of the collection of information, another of its
processing and analysis and the third of distribution
of information to consumers. As an example, con-
sider the experience of Russia (Фролов и др, 2003;
Smirnov et al. 2000).
Ice Management From the Concept to
I.Ye. Frolov, Ye.U. Mironov, G.K. Zubakin, Yu.P. Gudoshnikov, A.V. Yulin,
V.G. Smirnov & I.V. Buzin
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
ABSTRACT: In the present time in the Russian Arctic and freezing seas there's the growth of industrial activ-
ity. In addition to the traditional navigation in the ice-infested waters the development of the new offshore
hydrocarbon deposits is planned. New production and uploading platforms and high-tonnage tankers appear
in the Arctic. Widening of the sea activities in the Arctic, the implementation of comprehensive technical pro-
jects and the need to ensure their safety made it necessary to develop and introduce principally new infor-
mation and logistics system - a system aimed at “managing ice conditions” or the so-called “Ice Manage-
ment” (IM). The vast experience of the informational support of the ice navigation is accumulated in Russia,
many components of the IM are developed and implemented in the active practice. The paper presents the
summary of such experience. The concept of development the IM on the Shtokman Gas Condensate Field is
Let us to consider the experience of Russia
(Фролов и др, 2003; Smirnov et al. 2000).
Until the mid 1980's, common hydrometeorologi-
cal support for the Arctic region in Russia did not
exist. During navigational period, Arctic seas have
been divided into zones of responsibility between
the Headquarters of Marine Operations (HMO) that
included scientific and operational teams providing
hydrometeorological support of navigation. The
main source of information on the state of ice in the
Arctic seas and in the lines the Northern Sea Route
was visual aerial ice reconnaissance.
As satellite information on the ice cover state in
the Arctic seas had started to be used more widely,
the development of the unitary system of hydrome-
teorological support became a matter of time. Such a
system was established in the late 1980s. It was
mainly based on the “Automated Ice and Informa-
tional System for the Arctic” alternatively known as
“North” (Бушуев и др., 1977; Фролов и др. 2003).
Infrastructure of the “North” system is presented
by territorial hydrometeorological centers (Mur-
mansk, Arkhangelsk, Dikson, Tiksi, Pevek), regional
centers for receiving and processing satellite data
(Moscow, Yakutsk, Khabarovsk). AARI is the lead-
ing center of the “North” system.
Contemporary Russian system of monitoring of
the sea ice in the Arctic water areas provides collec-
tion, processing and distribution of the ice infor-
mation to customers practically in the real time and
has a unitary center of Ice and Hydrometeorological
Information (AARI).
The main source of data on the state of the ice
cover in the Arctic and the freezing seas is a satellite
remote sensing (information comes from satellites
NOAA, Fengyun and EOS (Terra, Aqua), RADAR-
SAT1, Envisat). Surface-mounted receiving com-
plex of AARI in Saint Petersburg is equipped with
stations for receiving satellite information (Telonics,
USA and ScanEx, UniScan-36, Russia) and provides
satellite images in the real time.
Other sources of information about the environ-
mental state in the Arctic are the network of polar
hydrometeorological stations, expeditionary research
vessels; automatic meteorological buoys deployed
on the drifting ice in the Arctic Ocean; domestic and
foreign centers of hydrometeorological and ice in-
Center of Ice and Hydrometeorological In-
formation is in charge of:
Composing review and detailed ice charts;
Making long-term ice and weather forecasts;
Making medium- and short-term ice, meteorolog-
ical and hydrological forecasts;
Elaborating recommendations on navigation at
performance of the marine activities.
Transfer of the real-time information products
(charts, forecasts and other information) directly to
customers is carried out by means of conventional
and satellite communication channels. To transmit
information to large ships and icebreakers equipped
with INMARSAT communications systems and
electronic cartographic navigational and informa-
tional systems (ECNIS / ECDIS), special technology
developed at AARI is used.
The basic principle of the system is that all in-
formation products should be prepared in the unitary
center at special “automated work places” (AWP)
and then transferred directly to the Captain’s work-
place (i.e. conning bridge) to the “End User”
AWP. This system represents a technological com-
plex, which is called “Adaptable complex for moni-
toring and forecasting of the atmosphere and the hy-
drosphere state for support of marine activities in the
Arctic and in the freezing seas of Russia” (“AK-
MON”) (Миронов и др., 2009). “AKMON” allows
us to adjust the process of monitoring of the envi-
ronmental state to the specific physical and geo-
graphical characteristics of the work area and the
specific needs of the costumer. On the bridge, Cap-
tain of the vessel can obtain an image illustrating ice
conditions combined with a navigation map.
Experience of comprehensive marine operations in
ice demonstrated that informational support with da-
ta on the current and foreseeable hydrometeorologi-
cal and ice conditions is not enough for the efficient
and safe functioning of complex technical systems
(producing platforms, unloading terminals) and
transport systems (transportation of oil products by
tankers, the work of the tanker-platform system).
Considering the enormous maintenance cost of the
facilities and potential environmental consequences
(e.g., an accident in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010) as
well as the complexity of the environment condi-
tions of the Arctic region, it is necessary to perform
a set of mutually dependant informational and logis-
tical activities, that must be based upon the IM sys-
tem in order to come to an effective management
IM system includes permanent monitoring of the
ice conditions, forecasting, assessing the risk of any
possible ice conditions, preparing recommendations
on the most effective decisions. Final procedure in
the sequence of the IM system’s steps is the acti-
vates aimed at suspension of marine operations
(such as full stop of production-unload operations on
the platform), re-scheduling (e.g., choice of alterna-
tive route for tanker) or the use of various technical
means to influence the ice cover for eliminating
danger (e.g., towing bergy bit in a distance where it
doesn’t threat the platform).
“Ice management” system is not an absolutely
new invention. Currently, as the world practice and
Russian one in particular are concerned, a certain
experience has been obtained in navigation in the ice
by means of ice-breakers of different class and the
use of drilling platforms in the freezing seas. To re-
duce the risk of the activities and prevent of danger-
ous impact of ice and icebergs on the vessels, float-
ing and immovable platforms and terminals, it is
necessary to manage ice conditions (IM).
Different countries and organizations acting in
the Arctic started to implement various IM systems,
which at this stage of development were focused on
specific local operations and types of activities.
Following examples illustrate the most successful
cases in the IM system arrangement:
Ice management in the region of Great Banks of
Newfoundland, where drilling platforms and FPU
function, with use of different methods to change
the drift of icebergs (Comprehensive…, 2005).
Ice management to support high-latitudinal exper-
imental drilling in the drifting ice of the Central
Arctic Basin (“ACEX-2004" project) with a mo-
bile drilling platform (Юлин, 2007).
Ice management to support work in the ice of
special unloading equipment for loading oil tank-
ers near the port of Varandei (south-eastern Bar-
ents Sea).
Ice management to support work in the ice of
special unloading equipment for loading oil tank-
ers in De-Kastri (“Sakhalin-1” Project) (Herbert,
Mironov, 2007).
Ice management to support loading of oil tankers
near the complex “Vityaz” (“Sakhalin-2” Project,
phase 1).
All of the abovementioned examples of the IM sys-
tem’s arrangement had the same disadvantage as
they were designed for the particular marine opera-
tion or a specific local area and consequently con-
sidered and were limited by the needs of this opera-
tion. Nevertheless, widening of activities range in
the Arctic imposes the need to develop a universal
IM system. In this particular case, universality
means the possibility to adjust the system, based on
common arrangement principles, to any operation
and any region of the Arctic.
It is the main objective of the “Ice Management"
system to provide safety of the vessels and offshore
facilities whilst functioning in the presence of the
sea ice and icebergs in difficult meteorological con-
ditions of freezing seas.
The main common principles of the arranging ice
management system are:
The system should be structured in such a way
that to provide high reliability level under any
environmental conditions and any conditions of
IM system should decrease frequency of interac-
tion of offshore objects with ice formations
The system should be able to reduce ice loads on
the objects when it is impossible to avoid them;
Activities connected with the ice management
should ensure safety of the facility, cut down fa-
cility idle time, provide safe and effective discon-
nection of the facility, accelerate its removal and
the safe re-connection.
According to the international standard ISO
19906 (2009), the ice management system should
consist of the following subsystems:
1 Subsystem for monitoring and forecasting the ice
cover state and distribution of icebergs;
2 Subsystem for evaluation of potentially danger-
ous ice phenomena and ice formations;
3 Subsystem, using various technical means for ef-
fecting the ice cover and icebergs;
4 Subsystem for preparing the facility to a hazard-
ous situation and ensuring its disconnection and
The suggested IM system (Shtokman Gas Conden-
sate Field (SGCF) region as an example) should
consist of four listed sub-systems, each developed
and involved to a different degree of development,
taking into account the regional and functional re-
quirements for marine operations. Structural and
functional scheme consists of 4 subsystems:
Subsystem for monitoring provides a regional
monitoring of icebergs and the ice cover in the
Barents Sea and includes modules for collecting
and processing of global and regional data, mod-
ules for analysis and forecasting, for control of
technological processes and transfer of infor-
mation products.
Subsystem for the threat evaluation provides local
monitoring within a specified radius around the
producing vessel (platform) and the estimate of
probability of dangerous ice phenomena appear-
ance, taking into account the specified radius of
Subsystem for influence on ice lets to develop
recommendations for active influence on the ice
by means of icebreakers and vessels (tugboats) of
various ice class taking into account characteris-
tics of ice regime and helps to make the decision
on which technical means to use.
Subsystem for preparing helps to develop rec-
ommendations on procedures to begin disconnec-
tion and removal of the facility and then, recon-
6.1 Regional and local monitoring.
Region of SGCF is located in the margin zone of the
Barents Sea, where the sea ice and icebergs aren’t
recorded every year. If ice enters the field area, av-
erage duration of the ice period comprises about 2
months and the maximum 5.5 months (Наумов и
др., 2003). In addition, SGCF area is situated in ber-
gy waters, i.e. there’s no sea ice but the probability
of encountering icebergs exists.
Fig. 1. Arrangement structure of the Ice Management System
Taking into account the multiyear and seasonal
characteristics of the sea ice and icebergs variability,
as well as the high maintenance costs of local moni-
toring of the ice cover on board the vessel (plat-
form), it seems reasonable to use dual scheme ar-
rangement (fig 1):
1 Regional monitoring of the ice cover and icebergs
is carried out on the base of the coastal center of
the automated ice and informational system of
AARI (Saint-Petersburg).
2 Local monitoring in the Shtokman GCF region is
performed from the platform. In the case there’s
probability of appearance of ice and icebergs in
the field region, immediate response group is di-
rected to the platform to carry out additional ob-
servations and analyze the potential risk for ice
formations to come in the immediate vicinity of
the platform.
Regional monitoring of icebergs and the ice cover
in the Barents Sea should be carried out throughout
the year. Data of the regional monitoring data should
be used to make long-term forecast of the ice edge
position, and the medium-term forecast of ice distri-
bution and drift of icebergs which later will help to
make a decision on the beginning of the group’s
work on the platform.
In the coastal center of the regional monitoring,
module for the collection and processing of infor-
mation including station receiving satellite images
and telecommunication center should function in the
24-hours mode. Module for creating informational
products as well as the one for managing technolog-
ical processes operates in the mode agreed on with
the Customer.
Local monitoring is the main source of infor-
mation of the subsystem for the threat evaluation
and is performed by the technical means installed
immediately on the platform or near the producing
To achieve objectives of the local monitoring on
the platform, and near it, it is necessary to use vari-
ous equipment: ice radar, helicopter, set of un-
manned aerial vehicles (UAVs); camcorders, spot-
lights, meteorological complex; buoy-markers (for
GPS-tracking); Doppler profiler and current meters.
Center of local monitoring should function all
year round in the 24-hours mode. On the platform, it
is necessary to receive information from the regional
center, perform 24 hour ice observations, to analyze
general and local information (both current and
prognostic), to estimate the possibility of the ice
threats. If necessary, helicopter is used to identify
potentially dangerous objects.
Ice conditions can be divided into two groups by the
way of manifestation, formation, period of existence
and an impact on the technical structure:
1 Dangerous ice phenomena.
2 Dangerous ice formations.
Dangerous ice phenomena (DIP) result from the
influence of the atmosphere and the drifting sea ice,
usually formed by dynamic factors, appear suddenly,
active in the limited area and for a limited period of
time. The main way to avoid them is the short-term
forecasts with and advance time from several hours
to 3 days
Dangerous ice formations (DIF) are solid objects,
floating on the surface of the sea area, which physi-
cally affects the technical structure of its mass. The
main way to avoid their influence is early detection,
long- and short-term forecasts of the ice formation’s
motion and, if necessary, affect them by technical
For the SGCF region the following DIP can be
distinguished: intense ice drift, compacting, icing
(aerial and spray). Dangerous ice formations for the
SGCF are, in our opinion, giant, vast, and big floes
(breccia) of the first-year ice, any floes and medium
floes of the significantly deformed first-year ice,
floebergs, icebergs, bergy bits and growlers.
Table 1. Evaluation of the level of threat of a dangerous situa-
tion and recommendations on the ice management
Threat level
Time re-
Colour IM actions
No threat
Not lim-
than 5
Vessel/ Plat-
form works
Regular ice moni-
From 3
to 5 days
Vessel/ Plat-
form works
Regular ice moni-
from the fa-
cility is more
than 50 km
From 2
to 3 days
Vessel/ Plat-
form works
Regular ice moni-
Preparation to the
possible use of
technical means
Real threat
from the fa-
cility is 10-
50 km
From 1
to 2 days
Vessel/ Plat-
form works
possible technical
means to elimi-
nate the threat
Decision to use
additional tech.
High level of
from the fa-
cility is 4-10
to 1 day
Vessel/ Plat-
form works
Readiness to
available and ad-
ditional technical
means to elimi-
nate the threat
Decision to dis-
connect the ves-
from the fa-
cility is less
than 4 km
than Т
of the vessel/
connection of
vessel/platform at
the same time
with active influ-
ence on the threat
by the all tech-
Taking into account possible threats, the time
they were discovered, the time various technical
means were applied to them, different detection ra-
dius and the time required for analysis, coming to
decision and implementation of certain actions, table
of levels and thresholds of allowable risks can be
composed (Table 1). This table presents levels of
threat, time needed for necessary measures and rec-
ommendations for IM activities.
In order to illustrate the threat level easier, range
of colors (from black to green), a widely used in the
ice management practice, is associated with descrip-
Protection of the marine facilities against the pres-
sure, piling and the stress caused by drifting ice and
icebergs is rather complicated and expensive prob-
lem, but technically it can be solved. The task is to
destruct large forms and monoliths of ice to the parts
of smaller sizes, that freely moves around the struc-
ture without creating a critical pressure and stress.
Technological solution of the problem is to break-
ing down large ice formations (floes, medium floes,
small floes) to the smaller part in front of the pro-
tected structure. In general, allowable sizes of the ice
formations are those with sizes of less than 20 m in
diameter. Gained experience in the ice management
shows that there’re one or several icebreakers re-
quired (depending on ice condition) in order to in-
fluence the ice on the ice if you want a few ice-
breakers, depending on ice conditions (Юлин,
Various methods to influence icebergs were ap-
plied to provide safe production of hydrocarbons in
the Great Bank of Newfoundland and in the Labra-
dor Sea. Under the influence of strong Labrador
Current, carrying icebergs on to the producing plat-
form, a sufficient security measure is to change the
trajectory of the iceberg by a few degrees deflection
from its initial courses.
The most commonly used techniques are towing
with help of synthetic cable (72% of all of the opera-
tions), the deflection by propeller stream (9%), tow-
ing by net (7%) and the deflection by water cannons
(6%). In the rest cases of deflection of icebergs were
performed by less common means (towing by two
vessels etc.). (McClintock et al., 2007). Main factors
limiting the use of different means to change the
iceberg drift are their weight and the wave height.
Depending on the wave height, towing of icebergs
can be carried out successfully in from 69% to 85%
of cases; however, if the wave height is more than 5
meters, the success rate drops to 60%.
Icebergs of almost all the sizes (except for small
icebergs and bergy bits) can be towed with efficien-
cy of 76-80%. The average time of influencing the
iceberg for a various methods ranges from 4 hours
(in case of use propellers) to 8.6 hours (in case of
towing by two vessels) (Comprehensive ..., 2005).
From the works (Crocker et al., 1998; Compre-
hensive…, 2005; McClintock et al., 2007) we can
conclude that as a rule for each size gradation of the
iceberg, the most effective method is different. Thus,
the most effective way to change the course of
growlers and bergy bits is the deflection by the pro-
peller stream. Bergy bits and small icebergs can be
successfully deflected the by the water cannons.
Bergy bits, small icebergs and even medium-size
icebergs can be towed by special nets. Method for
towing medium and large icebergs, proved its relia-
bility, is the towing by one vessel wit use of synthet-
ic rope (AARI has such an experience, described in
Stepanov et al., 2005). Towing large and giant ice-
bergs requires two vessels (icebreakers).
In the area of SGCF it is possible to detect drift-
ing hummocked ice floes, which can be broken into
smaller parts not threatening the process of hydro-
carbons production by technical means if necessary.
If icebergs or bergy bits enter the area, there can be a
situation when it’s impossible influence the trajecto-
ry of their drift effectively and there is a high proba-
bility of collision with the facility. In this case, if the
criteria are specified, there is a need to implement
measures to stop production, disconnect the produc-
ing vessel and remove it into a safe distance.
The ultimate measure to eliminate the ice threat,
letting to avoid damage of producing vessel, is its
disconnection and removal to a safe distance. At the
same time, it should be admitted that this measure is
highly undesirable due to interruption of the produc-
ing cycle (the decrease in the amount of raw) and the
subsequent resuming of production (which may re-
quire considerable time).
Development of the marine and economic activities
in the Arctic and other freezing water areas, the
complex character of environmental conditions, aris-
ing technological and environmental risks strongly
require new forms of information service for these
comprehensive industrial and transport systems,
which include exploration, production, loading and
transportation of raw materials.
The most promising way in our point of view is
the development and implementation of innovative
information and logistics systems, “Ice Manage-
ment” systems
Russia and other countries, acting in the Arctic,
have accumulated wide experience in development
and use of the individual elements of these systems.
By now, the concept of IM system was elaborated
in Russia for regional conditions of Shtokman GCF.
Individual elements of the system already have been
successfully working in a number of projects. Anal-
ogous systems can be adjusted to other objects of ac-
tivity in the Arctic region. Use of the IM systems for
activities in the Arctic will allow to reduce risks
caused by environmental conditions and to make op-
eration of technological systems safer and more ef-
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