(in case of use propellers) to 8.6 hours (in case of
towing by two vessels) (Comprehensive ..., 2005).
From the works (Crocker et al., 1998; Compre-
hensive…, 2005; McClintock et al., 2007) we can
conclude that as a rule for each size gradation of the
iceberg, the most effective method is different. Thus,
the most effective way to change the course of
growlers and bergy bits is the deflection by the pro-
peller stream. Bergy bits and small icebergs can be
successfully deflected the by the water cannons.
Bergy bits, small icebergs and even medium-size
icebergs can be towed by special nets. Method for
towing medium and large icebergs, proved its relia-
bility, is the towing by one vessel wit use of synthet-
ic rope (AARI has such an experience, described in
Stepanov et al., 2005). Towing large and giant ice-
bergs requires two vessels (icebreakers).
In the area of SGCF it is possible to detect drift-
ing hummocked ice floes, which can be broken into
smaller parts not threatening the process of hydro-
carbons production by technical means if necessary.
If icebergs or bergy bits enter the area, there can be a
situation when it’s impossible influence the trajecto-
ry of their drift effectively and there is a high proba-
bility of collision with the facility. In this case, if the
criteria are specified, there is a need to implement
measures to stop production, disconnect the produc-
ing vessel and remove it into a safe distance.
The ultimate measure to eliminate the ice threat,
letting to avoid damage of producing vessel, is its
disconnection and removal to a safe distance. At the
same time, it should be admitted that this measure is
highly undesirable due to interruption of the produc-
ing cycle (the decrease in the amount of raw) and the
subsequent resuming of production (which may re-
quire considerable time).
Development of the marine and economic activities
in the Arctic and other freezing water areas, the
complex character of environmental conditions, aris-
ing technological and environmental risks strongly
require new forms of information service for these
comprehensive industrial and transport systems,
which include exploration, production, loading and
transportation of raw materials.
The most promising way in our point of view is
the development and implementation of innovative
information and logistics systems, “Ice Manage-
ment” systems
Russia and other countries, acting in the Arctic,
have accumulated wide experience in development
and use of the individual elements of these systems.
By now, the concept of IM system was elaborated
in Russia for regional conditions of Shtokman GCF.
Individual elements of the system already have been
successfully working in a number of projects. Anal-
ogous systems can be adjusted to other objects of ac-
tivity in the Arctic region. Use of the IM systems for
activities in the Arctic will allow to reduce risks
caused by environmental conditions and to make op-
eration of technological systems safer and more ef-
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