Required levels of system performance were
established in order to satisfy traffic surveillance and
maritime safety requests. There is evidence that
effective AIS coverage depends on propagation
conditions due to weather and pressure. However,
anomalous propagation, which results in extended
VHF range, is relatively rare. There are days when
single station range increases from 35 to 200 miles
and the opposite side of Baltic is accessible. Major
traffic regions, such as VTS Gulf of Gdansk and
VTMS Pomeranian Bay, were designed to have extra
coverage redundancy in case of system outages or
poor propagation. For that purpose, there are
alternative base stations and additional
communication links. Stations names and respective
positions were listed in Table I:
Lat Long MMSI
Szczecin 54
26'N 14
35'E 2610700 22
Czołpino 54
33'N 17
13'E 2614300 75
23'N 17
27'E 2614100 53
Most of the network can be controlled from
Maritime Safety Centre in Gdynia (MSC) where also
a real-time database of AIS-PL has been created.
Data from the system is being distributed to
authorized institutions only such as Maritime
Administration, Polish Boarder Guard, Navy or SAR
Base stations are connected trough a wide area
network to three regional servers located in Maritime
Offices in Szczecin, Slupsk and Gdynia respectively
[Fig. 2]. Depending on local circumstances, they use
several transmission media: wired lines (copper,
fibre optics links) and/or wireless (GPRS,
microwave E1 links).
Fig. 2. AIS-PL data flow
Regional servers are connected to a national
server in MSC Gdynia where also an international
server of AIS-PL and database server are installed .
Ships AIS data transmissions, received by shore
stations after data processing in regional servers, are
sent to the national server – where they are
integrated into one AIS-PL data stream to be sent to
external authorities or local applications (e.g.
GateHouse Statistics, AIS Display, Adveto,
MarSSIES). AIS-PL data stream is down sampled in
international server before being sent to the
HELCOM server (Copenhagen, Denmark). There
data from Poland is integrated with other AIS
streams from Germany, Denmark, Russia, Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway.
Finally, the data stream is delivered back to all
HECOM members and Norway.
AIS-PL real time and HELCOM sampled data
packets are stored in database server for traffic
management, statistics, track plotting, post
processing studies or evidence proceedings. Stored
data is periodically backed up onto a tape storage
The whole system is protected by several
firewalls. Additionally – data transmission from/to
HELCOM server is encrypted for security reasons
by Secure Socket Layer protocol.
Radar was the most important and basic sensor in
VTS, but AIS introduction is a new tool used for the
Vessel Traffic Monitoring especially outside the
VTS Gulf of Gdansk area. System MarSSIES –
Maritime Safety and Security Information Exchange
System is used in Poland for the purpose of traffic
monitoring and exchange of safety and security
related information. The MarSSIES became also one
of display software of the AIS data, both from
National and HELCOM networks.