1.2 AIS information [4]
Automatic Identification System (AIS) is the current
advanced ship-aided navigation equipment; the In-
ternational Maritime Organization has adopted the
mandatory installation of AIS requirements. AIS can
automatically send the ship a static continuous, dy-
namic and voyage information, security, short mes-
sage, but can also automatically receive the infor-
mation sent around the ship, and exchange
information with the coast station.
AIS information includes static information such
as name, call sign, MMSI, ship type, ship size and
other information, and dynamic information such as
vessel position, ground speed, navigational status,
draft, destination, estimated time of arrival and other
information, but also with the voyage information
and security-related text messages.
1.3 AIS information on data mining [5][6]
In this paper, using association rules such as FP-
TREE algorithms, we deal with the corresponding
vessels' dynamic information, such as estimated time
of arrival, port of destination and departure infor-
mation, acquired from the AIS, such as data collec-
tion, data statistics. On this basis, get the ship-port
relation and ship-ship relation after a certain level of
data analysis, processing, handing to build a mathe-
matical model on the ship-port and ship-ship relation
to acquire the strong association rules between ship-
port and ship-ship, and eventually mine the similari-
ty of the ship route.
At first, we used to provide users dynamic-related
information services with AIS ship data, such as re-
al-time latitude and longitude of the ship, speed, ar-
rival time, etc. Also including the port border query-
ing. But we are lack of a more intelligent data
mining reports service, for example, previous leaves
harbor of the ships, the ships’ similar route. These
are the users concerned, and it is very useful.
Therefore, in order to provide such services, we
need to mine existing data to find out the regular
pattern between ships and their anchored port and
also we need to find out ships’ similar routes(the
similar route among ships).The conclusion we mine
from AIS data can provide information on the effect
of enhanced information services . We collected
ships infomation through the www.manyships.com
dynamic data, and similarly, the Chinese port border
has also been part of we collect. It is easy for us to
find the ship's ports and similar routes and provide
us a lot of supports for data ming.
The most important task of this paper is: data min-
ing, to identify routes of ships similar to the (first
find was anchored in this port).
3.1 Data collection
This article uses real-time AIS data from
www.manyships.com. AIS database established a
table for each ships, with the AIS data updating con-
tinuously the database update this table as table 1.
The number of table is Real-time. So, the first
step we need to do is to scheduler an interval job to
collect data using database snapshots[4]. With this
methods,we can collect one week or one month even
more AIS data[5] . To say that, for accurcy re-
sults,job’s interval can not be too long.
3.2 Data processing and Summary
After collecting the data,we must immediately calcu-
late whether the ship is in the ports and also calcu-
late its last port .
Finally we proceed the AIS data for each ships. The-
se data included the ship's number(mmsi), name,
port of arrival, arrival times, the last port, the last
departure time, callsign, type, so as follow. These
data be prepared for data mining as table 2.
Each port has its own id, so ‘fid’ in the picture
means the port’s id , ’prevfid’ means the last port’s
id. With these data we can be ming AIS data.
Table 1. Original datasets snapshot